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Everything posted by believeinHim

  1. Speaking of Depression, Geez, I don't know, How could anyone possibly be depressed living under Israel law?
  2. According to njjewishnews times of Israel etc, esau was depressed. Esau was depressed according to njjewishnews times of Israel etc. Depression is a real medical illness that stems from the brain and I believe it goes back further than any of you realize.
  3. Exactly how many Jewish people will be saved out of the 6 million or so that I have read that have last?
  4. your link says, 'christinprophecy'. is this the correct way to pronounce Christin, or is it missing an a?
  5. I find it unwise to pray for an atheist man. I prayed for an atheist man for a long time, and it did not bode well for me. Even a Christian man can break your heart. But, at least he's a Christian man. Women don't think clearly when they like someone. Even less so when they fall for them in love. It is not wise to have most women praying for a man. Let the men do that.
  6. American mom vs Eastern mom, I mean, come on.
  7. Women should not get tattoos. Men should not get tattoos. This is not up for discussion,men nor women should get tattoos.
  8. I have found what looks like a purity ring or a promise ring in the sand at a park before, I think it was real, it made me sad thinking someone either lost it or rejected someone lol, I kept it and wore it myself for awhile, I think it had a heart and a little diamond, I don't have it anymore, But, my wonderful, albeit, very imperfect parents, my mom took me shopping at a jewelry store once and bought me this white gold diamond necklace as a gift when my childhood dog died, sobs, I still wear it, it's one of the only necklaces I have and wear still! *Sobs* ;(; ;(;
  9. I am a little concerned murdering someone would be on the forefront of somebody's mind, but I know it's different for everyone, and an especially unpopular opinion, as well. 😳
  10. I was perusing my Facebook, and realizing the problem I am having with my girl friends. Obviously, all of them would rather spend time with their boyfriends other than me. My best friend included. Or, whatever our title is now. They would rather hang out with their boyfriend's, and shack up, and split the check, and do things out of marriage, and all that, than talk to me. I have been ridiculed and said things to me like, 'he gotta love the cross', in a derogatory way towards me, implying a guy would never like a girl with a cross necklace around her wearing, and etc. I am a Christian, and I stand with the Gentiles. As a Christian, I also have to stand with Israel. I'm in America, and I have to stand with Israel. I have read what the Palestinians believe, and it's basically terrorism. They might be smart, they might have beautiful buildings for all that I know, whatever it is I am hearing, and etc, But, as a Christian, and as a Gentile, I have to stand with Israel. I have to stand with Israel, and I have to stand by Jesus. He is my Friend. I am a Friend of Jesus.
  11. His advice cost me less money, Less time, Less stress, Less human interactions and less human connections to have to deal with that I don't even want in the first place, most of the time, anyway, less time transportation and wear and tear on a car I don't even have anymore, And did I mention it cost me less money? His life advice cost me way less money. And saved my heart in the long wrong, with the exception of him. It brought me back to being homeschooling which is where I long to be anyway.
  12. Does anyone know if it's safe to shop at Kosher Casual right now? I very much wish to honor God in my appearance, and I have shopped at Kosher Casual. Is it safe to shop at Kosher Casual right now?
  13. The first thing we should be doing in this leftist culture is discouraging this, not promoting. Especially for the gender you are describing. This sounds like body mutilation being pushed for the fairer gender. That is what this sounds like.
  14. The pastor at the Calvary church this morning, My mom had the live stream on, He said that Amazon is the cause of putting all of the Christian bookstores out of business. And Amazon bans religious books and religious authors sometimes. When I was in a Christian book store for the last time, The lady working there said that people will come in to the shop, shop around the store, Then go home and find it for less money online and order it there. So, Amazon is one of the reasons why there is no more Christian bookstores. Barnes n Nobles selection of Bibles is limited. Like, there are virtually none there. For a first time Christian, or someone who has no faith, By looking at the country and what you see driving around yourself, There are no Christian bookstores. There are no Bibles virtually little to no Bibles in the only bookstore left in America. This is Christians also doing this to this country. Shop local. And support small business. Never use a company like that, to browse their merchandise and find it cheaper online.
  15. Some of the best advice given to me by a man being a jerk to me otherwise, Have also given me some of the best life advice ever. Now if they would follow their own best life advice, And get married before hand. And also develop some faith.
  16. Oddly enough, Some of the best life advice has been given to me by a man being a jerk to me otherwise. I liked him, And he told me to get a theory book and stay home. Quite possibly one of the best life advice to get from a guy being a jerk to you otherwise. I'm quoting myself. I did buy Music Theory for Dummies. I didn't finish it. I have two songs that I wrote myself, and a third that I hum under my breath sometimes. That's enough.
  17. They don't make me pay rent. If it's not reported how much I pay, the government will take it out themselves. It's better to just tell them how much I pay them.
  18. I mean, Concerts. I don't go to concerts. Entertainment. I don't pay for entertainment. Clubs. I haven't been to one. Bars. I loathe them except for food. Shopping. Worthless and pointless, unless it is natural fibers. Dating. Not Christian, Unless it is a courtship.
  19. I pay rent because the government require s me to pay rent. Not because they make me. If they go to church, my mom has said which church she will go to. Right now I think my home church is a church of Calvary. She said she will go to a church that has air purifiers for COVID. There is a church that has said they installed air purifiers for COVID. That's the one she wants to go to. I will go, if she or they goes. Whenever they go. If I can get up and be ready on time. My home church has, and has always been a church of Calvary. That is the church I grew up in. We live around old fashioned fundamentalist churches. I volunteered at a church of Calvary.
  20. In the new house I will be more secluded and away from the main part of the house and more away from things and more privacy, etc. The new house will help with this. I am waiting for the sun to come back out while we live here, And the new house will offer me some more privacy back and away in the back part of the house. Kind of feeling like I am living in solitary confinement, But, This world is offering me less and less activities I can involved myself in.
  21. Update; I'm sad. Twice now, I think some women have lied to her. I try and warn her, and twice now I think she has been lied to. I stay away from my female 'friends', and twice now I think she has been lied to. I prefer the men. Lol. Twice now, I think she has been lied to. Or embellished on the truth. It breaks my heart, But twice now I think she has been lied to.
  22. Because neither of us like the new one. I do not like riding it, and neither does she. It's a three wheeler, and we thought we'd be more comfortable on it. It is harder on both of us for us to drive it. She has already bought two in the past, and I used them for errands until they wore out. She does not plan on replacing this new one again. We are trying moving in to a smaller place, and if I want one I need to buy my own this time. I will probably also need to store it myself in the new bigger room, which will make me lose the extra space I am gaining. I thought about getting a bike. I thought about just getting a bike. I already have. Several times. They know already. Yes, they do. Yes, they are. But, Only because of my illness. Nothing else. They do not see it as an immediate need that I can't get to church easily. No, They will not. They think that is fine not to go. We are not of the same religion's and even if we were, They do not think it is that important to go. If they do, Then they just don't go. If they are going to church I can go with them, But they don't go. In the new house if my dad has less yard work and they want to go, They might go. I can't guarantee, though. I do not know what church life will look like. My parents don't have much of one. Since the pandemic, They are convinced that church is a breeding ground for germs. They never went before then, Either. My dad works really really hard, And he watches movies for recreational. My mom watches tv. They do not go to church. They are not much of church people. They run errands on the weekends, and shopping and stuff. I could say that a good portion of my Disability income is invested in the likes of places like Sears, And Macy's and etc. That is the majority of what my Disability income is invested in to. Church has become a non thing since my illness. Now I don't have a car. I am trying to re direct my finances towards natural fibers and have less, As opposed to more. My Disability income is invested in to places like Sears. I don't have a savings, But I don't have any debt, either. I have bills, and rent, That I have a hard time keeping up with. Even if I didn't, the government requires it. I am trying to have less, and have more quality as opposed to quantity. I am trying to save all that I can right now, Since I don't have one. Then maybe I can buy a scooter. There is a church by the new place, but it is up the roads a ways. So, again, it's the same thing. I will need to walk, or have a scooter. I am waiting until if we get in to the new place right now, And I am also waiting until it starts getting lighter out at night for here. I do not like the morning services. It is too much activity for me. When it starts getting brighter out at night, I am going to try and walk up to the church that I keep forgetting about. I already walked up there once to see their service times. I am currently waiting for it to not be so dark out at night while we still live here. That is what I am waiting for. I am waiting for it to start getting brighter out at night again while we still live here. I am trying to save all that I can right now, While invested in to quality, as opposed to quantity, And just resting in prayer and just resting in general, and trying to keep up with chores and stuff around the house and etc. I am waiting for the sun to come back out while we live here. I am Disabled, and on Disability, And the medications are brutal, But while I live here, And while I am on Disability Income, I am trying to invest in to quality, as opposed to quantity, and focus my behavior on savings, and rejecting any advice that does not align with the Bible. It's difficult, Since my mom is more left leaning than me. My mom is more left leaning than in the house. She always has been. She aligns more with libertarian ideals. She is the most libertarian in the house. I am trying to invest in to quality, as opposed to quantity, and focus my behavior on savings, and rejecting any advice that does not align with the Bible, Despite living with them because of disability, and the differences in doctrine and political alignments. That is what I am focusing on. It's all I can do with a Disability. The temptation of the television and the entertainment is high, The temptation of the shopping is high, and I am trying to remain focused and invest in to quality, and not quantity. That is what I am focused on. The temptation is high. But, now that I am ware of it, I am trying to remain focused. The new house will help with it. If we get in to it.
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