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  1. This is a very interesting discussion! There are differing was to approach this subject, ad will give the man ones Christians would hold with per the scriptures. Calvinist like myself would see it as being that while we still have limited free wills as sinners, we are not nor able/willing to receive Jesus as lord until and unless God Himself chooses to have the Holy Spirit enable us to be able to respond to Jesus to get saved. Classic Arminian theology like john Wesley and free will Baptists would hold that despite being marred by the Fall of Adam, God still has given enough saving grace towards all of us to give us enough free will to make a real choice to accept Jesus as Lord and get saved. In the end, it comes down to just how much you see the fall of Adam affecting us, and if God intended to have Jesus death on His Cross to be saving all sinners, or just His own elect in Christ.
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