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Everything posted by Imamom

  1. I go to the theatre only one to two times a year when it's movie night with the elementry school. Allways a G movie. It costs $1.00 to go then. Otherwise I just can't afford to go.
  2. Imamom


    Much happier now that we seem to be getting along again. I sure was getting sad yesterday when reading through here. I was told by someone special to me that as long as one is comfortable in their giving and can stand before God with a clean conscience knowing that they gave what they could, then they have given what they should. Isn't it much better to give with a joyfull heart than to give with ill feelings? I can answer that Yes.
  3. What I see Sooorowdy as stating is that if you were to try to introduce a pagan to Christ that it should be done gentle. Jesus came across as gentle, kind, loving, warm, friendly. I think that if we were to share the love of Jesus and the awesomeness of God with a pagan then we need to come across in that same way. And they'll know we are christians by our love, not our hate.
  4. Keith, once again another post that makes me ponder and look at myself and the world around me. In our society there is to much pressure for the worldly treasures. Many people I know have a tendency to compete with their neighbor as to who has the most and best posessions. In some communities there are expectations as to the material status of persons who live there. In many communities persons who can not afford to luxuries themself are looked down upon. It's all so sad. None of these posessions will go with us when we die, they won't save us. And guilty, I have looked upon these posession based persons without checking to see the status of their soul. Where would I even begin as non-spoken as I am? I have had a tendeny to trust that my actions will serve the purpose, be in place of, the vocalizing words I should use.... Are you saved? Do you know Christ? Let me tell you..... Would I even be taken seriously since I am low status when it comes to societies perception of wealth? Is the saying, 'actions speak louder than words', true? Oh, I just don't know.
  5. Really laughing. co-worker came by and asked me what's up. Had to grab a tissue before I could even answer. Laughter the best medicine on a slow day. Don't feel bad my cookie pans BOING to.
  6. laughing so hard I have tears coming to my eyes.
  7. Thanks for the laugh. What a great thread. Got any cookies left for me?
  8. Yes, I agree that Alisha should pray for the healing of the boyfriend's perversion. You should also pray that you see how God will lead you in your situation. I also agree that you should seek after Jesus and His Love. But remember Don't accept less than what you're worth.
  9. I want one of those. What kind of car is that? Can you fit 3 kids in it? Sure you're not riding a motorcycle? I've considered it.
  10. So shouldn't she tell him now rather than waiting until he's an old man and his physical body can no longer take it. Pray to God, I still think the sooner it gets out the better. How would you feel if he came in to confront you about it having found out from elsewhere?
  11. Went up to $2.43 per gallon yesterday. I live in the country and the car pool thing just doesn't work. I live 35 miles from where I work, It takes me about 2.5 gallons each day just to work. I work 35 miles from home for the extra $1.00 to $1.50 hr. that I would not get near home. Seems with gas prices and wear and tear on my vehicle it's almost not worth it anymore. I'd look for something that pays less and is closer to home if it weren't for the fact that I will have low cost insurance (Medical and Dental) soon.
  12. Previous husband? I don't recall anything about a previous husband.
  13. God Loves me. He cares for me to ensure I have what is needed to live. Just like he does the birds of the sky. He gave up his only son that I may join him in heaven one day. He comforts me when I feel down and holds me when I need held. He listens when I need someone to talk to. He shares in my joy when things go right. God / Jesus.... a best friend.
  14. Does smoking kill.....YES! Is smoking a sin ..... YES! Will we still get into heaven if we smoke....YES! Our sins are forgiven through Christ. Still trying to quit.
  15. Glad your back with us and feeling better.
  16. Imamom


    Praying for you. Hope your feeling better quickly.
  17. With you all the way. I can use all the help I can get to win this one.
  18. Can a Gay be a believer and be saved? To is smoking a sin. Hmmmmmm... However feeling a bit irritated here. Sorrry Sin kills, not smoking. As a smoker I pray every day that I find the faith in Gods power to quit this nasty, temple killing habit. The bible doesn't specifically mention illegal drug use as sin. I suppose destroying the temple with drugs is not a sin either. Don't buy it no I don't.
  19. Biology 101. If you were to imagine 3 cells with semipermiable membranes that are overlapped it is possible for 3 to be one at all times sharing. At the same time seperate. I wouldn't know how to do a drawing here to better explain. Trinity is an abstract concept. Hard to explain.
  20. And what about the terrible event of the spouse finding out anyway and then being that much more hurt over the LIE?
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