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  1. To understand – that in our days. Historical (70 y back) that happened gives us perspective. To know that Branham has spoken about this event years earlier (he knew this from vision). - It can give us trust. Yes. That such a thing – can happen to our Messia – J E S U S. Oh yes! Exactly this – is at the verry heart of every theology. To never doubt this crucial fact. Sientifically: Now we truely can say. Such incredible things do take place in history. [there were theologians that did still doubt that – in those verry decads. Why had they not read, heard or seen? They followed their no-no / can not bee ideas.] Now what do you decide. Dearest reader dare trust. This is my reason writing this.
  2. S E E him. He himself is the message in person, resurected and long before manifested pure love.
  3. In his 'Reconsiliation act' HE offers cross and resurection of Christ Jesus. These people in our gospel book have lived through – his walk towards this cross. Seeing him resurected. From this perspective they all were wellcome: 'Peace be with you !' (None of these first once had not left him.) These dicipels that than shared [/ as we now share] bread/ and his blood...
  4. W h a t helps?? I would like to discuss „medical things“: -there is a tendency towoards „alkaline“ Health. (I like that. To me this is one of the fundamental principals of health.) -Here is an interesting approach that uses genom knoledge. I call it understanding methylation principals. (NO. II* see this www resource). -I found an interresting way – intensive breathing. This supports my well being. Somebody here wants to join. Lets start this discussion *II http://www.heartfixer.com/AMRI-Nutrigenomics.htm
  5. Yes branches of HIM. This fermenting - one – is nutritional CHEMistry. „Let – only the most healthy – (and positive) gut like “ bacteria grow. That means this i all [carefully keeped] under water (and with a low anearob processes ) of chemistry. // no other bacteria - can come.
  6. [I have (read/) heard – of so many outstanding – miricals... from africa lately...] 70 y back: It was this Branham's storie – of the resurection (& than a second boy was later rescued - ) after a most serious car accident. These 2 young boys plaing – on finlands country road. One boy got killed before Branham prayed - in Puijo ( This all happened 1950 verry near to the russian border).
  7. Dearest neighbor, sower, an branches ofHim.. my best gretings - I like that! My fermenting: Principal no- II is) A charcole leave (to seperate) – put all under (a little) water. And everything is covered. (exept a few corners of this charcole leaf) For me: This thing is the utmost important "under-water-principle" in my fermentation. After this carefull measures ['all under water'] processes can than happen - totally without any oxigen. That means there will be the other types – of the verry slow growing bacterias be active (/ the others cant live long). Plus / you had already added - this minor quantity (of 2%) salt to your vegetabls. How [little/ or] much is just 20 gr / per kg? = 2 %. To keep things 'fresh' and healthy – this is quite a dirffrent way of handeling food - / warm in autum for 3- 6 weeks. Before storing jars away. Than wait this 6 weeks for this verry fermenting process. As in german -'fresh-Sour Crout' - It is most precious ´VEGetable material – not stored in a frige.. I like that. For the start - no I is this) I would cut and than wet my vegetable. I poor verry littel salt on top. I like to do this in slices- than spread 'them out' on a larger plate. I wait 10- 15 minutes. Some fluid comes out. Than put one by one slice on top of each other. Let the pile of slices do their first – part of 'the work' (put in a jar). Some more of this moist cell water comes out. Already after this time – I could stuff the howl vegetable realy tight into its final jar / with giving pressure by hand or with a wood.. there will come more fluid out. And it soon covers with its own water. // or I do add verry little 2% salty water.. Everything is valued (how much 'veg' did I have) – for roughly 20 gr per kilo vegetable. Later that can be without measuring. At first do the calculations. When more harvest comes – you could well start. It is always good to now gain – some experiance. Use this time. Find 5- 7 jars and do your own test-runs. (It can be small jam/ marmelad jars - to start with). & less of the 2% salt. Like 5 salt gr – for the 250 gr of 'vege'. (Go back – to II:) And close the jar – well. And the best seperations [see II – above]- is acheaved with a larger leaf. Now I clean verry carfully – the sides (and upper prat) – of the full jar. Plus a little overflow – of the salty water – just on top of that vegetable charcole leaf. That closing is the most important part of it all. Verry precise work – keeps awai later problems. .. I do let some air / room – on top. There is some mixtures where extra-fluid water – will develop from this fermenting process. // In other jars – there can come a loss – and a lack of this water. We never know before. All this is meant with my gaining experience. But this fermenting is a rather simple technique, It will be easy to store. Sometimes smells a little. And for a period – you do controll what we have prepared. It will be healthy for .. [more dificult times]. It does keep/ contains – all the vitamins... I like that. Some say it is cruical to let your fermenting work with high quality water – also. It is not a lot of water that we need. Much of this is veg-cell water. I like to go into the jar- and find places with larger air bubbles. Bring all of this air out – in the begining of its process... again: Oxigen is not wanted. It would produce the other kind of (not wanted) bacterias. It would be verry good to have more of this first experiance. Than to realy start on this fermenting – lets say in- september/ oktober.. when the kittchen gets warm (for the radiators-winter period). Than more optimal condition can come with regular > 30 C degrees (how much is that in farenheit??) comes -for the good fermenting.
  8. Go out for prayer (maybe meat with 2 by 2) – we have more access into the inner citys. There is now much more places of those 'red light' districts. That with some boldness - you can find. They will verry slowly start functioning again .. also. Keep praing into that. You can choose places where the poor live. Let your spirit find what you pray for. Maybe Organise- and form groops / do the social giving? How knows- There is tracts – hand outs. Pray for the guidance... and flow with the coming changes. Expect God to show y miricales – and the doors that open up than.
  9. No – dearest Neighbor. I do have the other spiritual themes here. Please search my next contend. There is other topics where I write. This was not a good work- This thread is for the once that know and share intrest – 'Fermentation'. You can show brotherly love. I invite you dearest Neighbor for fellowship with othes that write. Google what y find. Listen carefully what is said for your body also. So (stop preaching/ live the peace life) show christian walk in good neighbors attitude. F E R M E N T add only little salt. (this is not cooking) Thanks
  10. Fermenting is easy: but than there is a few easy to learn things. This is to make realy good and healthy veg-food. This is the first. to add the– 2% salt. So let us go into: What is fermented food. (Please- do not post - videos. This should be a written thread.) Anyone heard of so calles "fresh sour-Kraut" (verry german). On colyflower the additional bacteria can grow. [that is all there is to it.] These good guys do somehow manage to live (during there passage of our gut). Although nearly nothing can pass our stomach without beeing under serious presior to degenerate by the sher toxiqu of HCL in the ph 1.0 (cloric acid)/ verry verry sour that is. That way these healthy bacteria travel through smal intestine – and reach the verry dark and deep (near appendicx) big gut (colon). Everything what than happens is 'under water' so without air.. (to some extend). That means that slow changing processes take place and up to another 1 / 3 (30% ) of good stuff and energy - is still taken out of all our food. Some changes towards buturate or other short fatty acids are formed. Ant to add to this these extra bacteria – that have startet to multiply just the same way – are now verry helpfull and support all the vital functions of properly digesting food. But this – later shal be about the making: of that simpel to creat – verry best quality food.
  11. P James. All this formative discussions came well after the 50 th. You do know that the verry prophesy (that I mentioned here, that it)– showed a terrible terrible distruction (let's say 'tabula rasa/ terra combusta' as a coming picture), are y with me pJ, No?? Look into this one... it is just 6 weeks back (15.5 ) we had this aniversary – after 70y. As a man of good history readings y do know what happend on one of Branhams tripps. This was in April 1950 in Finlands (border to russia). …
  12. What can be your choice: My intention is here to talk about DUST and later understand about seeds also. Temperature (in mai '20) is rising, Spring is gone. Now how of y did what is written: There is the tuff cleaning of the inner house. It says they theach young boys to find the hidden corners of „dust“ (hamets). Than after having prayed much, consecrate every corner of y beeing also. And walk this comming planting and grownig season with all y learn (and teach) from our Lord. Learn to be verry close to him allways. [What is it about this topic dust? Tell me the origin... ] / later I want to look out for seeds.
  13. This is 70 y back– on 6. April – 1950 here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puijo_tower Is there sombody, that heard what had happend? After a verry serious car accident... See Stories of Branham (with G Lindsay). It was just one day off – in a series of verry large healing crusades programs. They all saw from a plattform what had happed on a smal country road...
  14. Branham.. the verry precise healer and early prophet. My question of intrest bends to this 'sign'. I look out for ... No 6 (and 7) in a verry early prophetic Branham descriptions (the book where I read about it is not with me. sorry): A Lady was in charge (6) to rule the nation – than after... he described the next (7) vision: terrified of destruction/ tabula rasa, burned soil – like after a war or so. That Branham text began with a lokal flood (as No 1). And in that he lost a lot.. Than following a couple of (No 2, 3, ..5) political things.. Anyone has acess here to that profet Branhams text? We had Mrs Thatcher, Now our chancellor Mrs angela merkel with far reaching EU authorities. She is in politics for the Germans. How did Branham write this (No. 7) part of his prophecy? My understanding is – he *fore-'saw' a women in US politics...? prophetic foresight* / invisioned
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