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  1. Thanks! This makes a lot of sense. I can see how God is just showing me enough to make me aware of the darkness to guide me towards the light. thanks for your question, if you are interested please read my reply to Billiards Bill thanks for your question! i answered this in my reply to Billiards Bill (I'm in a state of physical pain I think I have a lyme disease co-infection that I have to get a blood test for and begin treating asap, so this is not well organized but its the best I can do) I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, what is the most historically accurate name to call him by anyway? However I have gripes with a few common Christian doctrines and have not yet studied the Torah. I haven't even yet found my favorite bible translation. I think I'm the type of person who would like to interpret the closest unedited translation. I have a long road of research and discernment and prayer and journey to walk before I have a better understanding of my own faith, For now I believe satan is real, and Jesus is my personal salvation, my connection to the Light, I believe I am separated from God, I recognize myself as a sinner and someone who needs Jesus at every turn. That knowing his love and message of forgiveness is my only true peace and is the main thing that allows me to grow in grace and love and other qualities he wants us to embody with one another and with myself. I don't have the same views as many Christians I have been exposed to, interpreting that many will be sent to hell just for not comprehending Jesus' life and message. I don't understand why God would let us have free will to go to hell if he created us and already knows the future. Its impossible for me to comprehend right now.
  2. thank you for mentioning the story about David ! I just recently found a Christian harp player , it happened so naturally. And I have began to find some Christian music that is a style that I enjoy, something relevant to my generation (I'm 23 next month)
  3. i had a really really really bad dream, and i'm disturbed that there aren't any bible verses about the enemy using our dreams against us. i wish i could tell myself it was satan attacking me trying to discourage me. perhaps i can see it as God testing me asking me to cling more to Him, pray more for my self. i am in the process of deciding to become born again and thought this could be easily explained as the enemy trying to put more disbelief into me and uncertainty about my future, as i am really unhappy with the place i live right now and feel a bit hopeless at times in finding a new home, friends, a church, a marriage...
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