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Everything posted by Alex1066

  1. Is God safe? Is He not your father, brother, guardian, helper, Savior etc. etc. etc.?
  2. shalom. Strongs. ==>Includes completeness, wholeness, health, welfare,safety, soundness, tranquility,, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, & calmness.
  3. Judaic-Christian studies. No.3 Kesher. The Hebrew connnection.
  4. What are the biblical roots of it. Many have the armour of God a blessing from Him. Also many are the army of God. If this is true as far as you know why bother if we are going to be raptured?
  5. Anyone a negative view of Dallas Jenkins film?
  6. Was he buried as Akhenaten. .?? Just seen the the mummy hunter on TV
  7. Just a query. Has anyone here done an in-depth study of the depth, breadth of that so often use blessing of Shalom??? if you have what did you come up with???
  8. Knowledge should lead us past pre. to justice in our hearts & minds. Us all!!!
  9. Stepping out. On the water here. Weee====>>>>>>> The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, sex, or disability. Recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another. Prejudice=> preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. Ignorance of any of those things we fear because they are unfamiliar to us, destings us to Prejudice. An understanding of those unfamiliar things or peoples, is needful of reviewing in these times i.e. C19 & racial tension. A measure of knowledge of a subject; if deeply interested or studied, i.e. culture, disability, character, social backgrounds will help to alleviate any gapes we might have in that topic or subject. Ref- ‘’I Am Not Your Negro’’ James Edwin. (youtube?) Leviticus 19:15 'Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or favouritism to the great, but judge your neighbour fairly. An early encounter with my own lack of understanding was when a 8-10yr. Downs syndrome girl in the laundrette came over to me & looked up & said ‘’Kish me’’ I had never had opportunity or experience of disability then in the ‘60’s. I froze & had no understanding of how I might react to her expression of love. I have had International exposure with caterers for 30+yrs. in work, 48yrs. with students; from English language schools,that we hosted & our fellowshipping with those at Pestalozzi community school. Cultures differ but basic needs stay the same, understanding & a meaningful relationship. The friends I had at work included a Swede, a German & an African. The various countries represented in the kitchen were=> French, Swiss, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Chinese Russian, Dutch, Scots, Turkish, African & Greek . There were three French Foreign legionaries, one Italian submariner, another who ran guns across the Mediterranean, one Frenchman had a metal plate in his skull & would sometimes lose control under pressure of work. . A number fascinated mewith their very varied background stories; that you might imagine them to have, 5-8yrs. after WW11 One German that I had had conversations with; in the 50’s,had been in the Hitler Youth we got on very well. Some of his fellow countrymen would spine-chillingly click their heels & shake hands each morning. An Englishman & Afrikaans were the worst examples of racism in work. When there were world crises, the refugees from those countries; under various pressures, were employed as kitchen porters. Africans when in charge of their fellow countrymen were very prone to overstepping their overseeing. We also had Malayans, Hungarians, and Czechs in need of work in that lowly position. When in F.E. Education; a Christian Nigerian girl, gave me the privilege of ‘Giving her away’ when she married a black American. The music at Olufemilao’s reception was so loud we didn’t know it was Christian till we were told so. The only other English person was another student from the same college as she. When getting really into checking on the family name, one place I found was Mecklenburg. New England there were many Alexander’s both black & white from the 1700’s. !!! The Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence was published on April 30, 1819 in an article written by Dr. Joseph McKnittAlexander. Who calls themselves English (Or Celt), can trace their family history to a time before the Celts where dispersed to the Westen edge of this country to the areas now know as Scotland, Nomandy & Scandinavia & stronger peoples took over the country.? My family tree contains German jews, Irish, Scots, & Chinese & more than likely other nationals. I have contact with friends in China, Denmark, Indonesia, Australia, many in Africa, others in Japan. Mexico, Denmark, Canada, U.S.A., Spain, France, South Korea. I still can’t a stone to throw at others points of view. My prejudices have included those whom I deem to be overweight, people who have hair growing on their noses, the O.T.T. pet lovers who might eat them if their, owner were near starvation!! Loud self- assured people from across the pond & most of the street people, who act in a way I might never be driven to act. Etc, etc. I have prejudices that I hope with God’s help to acknowledge, clarify & wisdom will be a guide. How about you?. 29/6/20
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