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  1. Hi everyone, I am looking around for answers on how someone really gets saved. It is said that we get saved through the grace of God. And I do understand that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross offers justification to our sin and his resurrection is proof that life after death exists. However, I am looking for a technical answer of how really do we get saved by Jesus' sacrifice. If people in the old testament were saved simply by the grace of God, cannot we be saved by the same? In addition to the justification for our sin and proof of life after death, what exactly does Jesus' sacrifice give us? I am happy to be corrected if any of my assumptions/understandings are wrong. Thanks.
  2. How does a person born into a Christian family be born again? Assume the person is a church goer from his/her young age and abides by Christian ways of life such as leading a sinless life, prayer, bible reading and so on. From what I understand from the bible, you need to be born again from the inside to be saved. But what kind of "change" does this person have to experience in being born again?
  3. Revelations 6 talks about John's vision where he saw God's people were seeking revenge on those who killed/harmed them while on earth (Revelations 6: 9-11). This sounds conflicting to me. God's people are supposed to show love and affection to all of God's creation. And Jesus said that those who live by the word would not see death. Which I anticipate to mean that though they will experience death, they will not see it as dying itself. For example, when Stephen was killed what he saw was the heavens open up. He prayed to god to forgive those who are persecuting him. Same with Jesus, he too prayed that those who persecute him to be forgiven. But in revelations 6 we read about God's people asking for revenge, which seems to be conflicting with what Jesus said and did himself. Reading what Stephen went through when he was stoned, it is hard to believe he would be asking God for revenge on those people who did so. Is there someone who can give a better explanation to these areas of the word which to me seems to conflict?
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