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Everything posted by Snow4JC

  1. Leonard~What a lovely way to put it. It's like you have painted a picture for us. Thank you! Snow
  2. As I was out today cutting wild flowers a rain storm came in. After the storm I saw a beautyful Rainbow in the sky. There was a freshness in the air. The roadways were steaming from the washing. It was awesome outside. Snow4JC Pray for the Peace of Irsael!
  3. Pray for the +Peace+ of Israel! I love to go fro a drive, (even with gas prices up and over $3.08) and pay attention to the colors of the wild flowers. This year there are alot of different shades of pink. Violet along with yellow. White Queen Anne's Lace. I have been cutting wild flowers, then pressing and drying them. Will use them to make flower pictures. It seems that every year God grace's the area with awesome looking flowers. Do you take the time to see His Works in your area? Snow4JC
  4. The Jews and Muslims don't eat pork. Yet, Christians do. While I was growing up my mother fixed alot of pork dinners. Today, I do eat some pork but not alot. The OT law came first. I guess it's a decision you will have to make. Snow
  5. So what we have is another man made tradition. Men allowing women to be Pastors in churches. Just another movement within the churches. Snow4JC
  6. The early Church fathers saw Mary Magdalene as a prostitute. Prostitutes are sinners in most peoples eyes. Mary's identification as a prostitute comes from Pope Gregory I's Homily 33, 591 c.e. Mary Magdalene ministered to Jesus after His death. Mark 15:41. Mary is a model for women today, as the first apostle and disciple. She was present as Jesus died and she was present, to hear Him say, "Go tell my disciples I have risen!" Snow4JC
  7. Daniel 8:25 tells us that the beast will destroy many through peace. This is what I am referring to. Are people being destroyed via Peace today? Snow
  8. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem? re: Does Peace Destroy? Snow
  9. I have just made a statement. Why are you people coming unglued about it? Snow
  10. Greetings- Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem+ It seems that back in the 1960's the Catholic church and Pope changed their minds about Mary Magdalene. They decided that she wasn't a sinner but chose to place her in His Light as a Saint. This discovery is the forerunner to the Women Pastors. Do you know about this? If so please add your thoughts. Thanks, Snow4JC
  11. Saint - would you please listen to what I am actually saying. For the umpteenth dozen time, that isn't what I was saying. I don't listen to you but I read your words! sw sw~ If you won't listen to nebula, how do you expect any WB member to listen to you?! snow
  12. END TIMES FICTION By Gary DeMar st. Worm ~ Are you suggesting that END TIMES is a made up story?! Snow4JC
  13. Greetings - Please pray for Peace in Jerusalem+ When Damscus is destroyed, you will know for sure you are in the End of Days! Snow4JC
  14. Greetings - Please Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem+ Yesterday I purchased a book,"Secrets of the Code." Written by Dan Burstein. I haven't gotten to far into it yet I can now understand why the churches were so upset with "The DA Vinic Code movie. Secrets of the Code is trying to bring to "Light" the coverups produced by men during early church time. Today, Women are making a grand entry into our culture as ministers/pastors. The thing I don't understand is that men of today are letting them do it. Maybe this is why someone wrote a book, "Men are from Mars & Women are from Venus" something like that. Does all of this fall under the false prophets thought. I think the whole idea of women speeking out does have a major affect on some of the WB's Men members. Snow4JC
  15. I cannot take the time to write right now, but here are some links. This issue is much bigger than a surface reading of a few select passages as has been the tradition, but involves many factors. http://theology.fether.net/index.php?id=353 http://theology.fether.net/index.php?whichone=1 (scroll down to the Ws) http://www.equalitycentral.com/eca/index.html http://www.equalitycentral.com/forum/ I went to the first web site and all I can say at this time is Oh Brother and Oh Boy! Snow
  16. Greetings ~ Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem+ There are alot of churches in the area where I live that now have women Pastors. Is the reason for this because there are less men choosing to study to become a Pastor? Is the reason because women Pastors have more compassion for people? I know the Bible states, "As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silence in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate, as even the law says." ICorinthians 14: 34. "As even the law says." Does this mean the law of Moses? How far does this Bible verse extend? Does it apply to say Worthy Boards? There are alot of women who are members of WBs. I for one. We all know the church is made up of Christian men and women. We are a body, not necessarly in a building. Heavenly Father, I pray that everyone will read this topic carefully. I pray that you will give them the right words to share with us. I pray that you Bless All with your Patience and Joy, in Jesus' name, Amen.+++ Snow
  17. Greetings ~ Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem! Matthew 7: 13, 14 "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the ways is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14, For the narrow gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few." Taken from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible is an authorized revision of the American Stand Version, published in 1901, which was a version of the King james Version, published in 1611. Snow
  18. Snow, I promise you I read your original post several times before I responded to it. Based on what it said I thought it was very self-righteous, indicating that you thought you needed to isolate yourself from others who might taint you with their sin. I really tried to read it some other way but I thought your words were pretty clear. Adding to the perception you also tried to tie it all together with a King James only comment. While my comments may have appeared harsh, I took no satisfaction in saying them. I know it can get ugly on here. I have made unnecessary snipes and have received them from others as well. All I can say is I kept that in mind before I responded the way I did. It was my sincere opinion based on what you said and my understanding of what you were inviting us to respond to. I still don't think I agree with what you believe the narrow path verse is saying but that's another thread I guess. sw A bitter pill is one way of saying it I guess. Assocating with people who take the name of Our Lord in vain. Who do ungodly things, is not the company I want to keep. I don't want to assocaite with these people because I might start to follow their ideas rather then sticking with GOD'S Views. "I took no satisfaction in saying them!" Then why did you express yourself to begin with. Maybe you shoud have given it up to GOD! Snow
  19. st.Worm~ I wasn't asking you to critique my journey to heaven. I will get there by the Grace of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am getting to the point that saying anything here on WB isn't worth doing. You guys come out fighting without knowing who it is you are speaking to. For the record, my name is Patricia. I am a 60yr old widowed Vietnam Era Veteran Grandmother. I was baptized in 1992 by immersion. After that my life started to change. I went to Israel on a love mission for 2 weeks. My life really started to change again. Over the years I have experienced and learned alot. I desire to live a holy life. I want to follow the narrow pathway. Is it easy, "No" God didn't tell us it would be. Infact just the opposite. Praying in Jesus name does produce answers. I believe we are in the last days. Why? Well you can read it right here in all the different topics, especially the answers. Christians criticising other Christians. I am guilty of doing it myself. Father please forgive me for this sin, in Jesus name. Amen It seems that everyone seems to know the right way to walk the narrow path. I think we should be "thankful" for any person who desires to go this way. The Bible is full of verses that can show a person the direction to His pathway. There was a book written by Charles Sheldon. It was about a minister who challenged his congregation to "Follow In His Foot Steps." His being Jesus Christ. As the people did things in a Christ manner they started to learn things they didn't know before. They found peace and joy. They also found that the former friends weren't really friends at all, because these folks decided not to associate with the people of the congregation. "Following in His Footsteps" is a book that all should read. Snow4JC
  20. Thank you for your thought on this topic. I should have made myself more clear and said that I don't associate with people who use the "F" word, take the Lord's name in vain, and think the good life is having Big house, lots of money and all kind's of big people's toys. As far as friend's go I don't have but one or two. When you Choose to walk a Holy life. it's only you and GOD on the narrow pathway. Snow
  21. Smile & Be Joyful 4 GOD Loves U! I have been studying some Bible verses and I think the pathway to heaven is the narrow way. I do believe that accepting Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and knowing that He died on a cross for my Salvation (and yours) is the Start of the pathway. However, I am realizing that there is alot more to do, then only accepting Him. Jesus did help the poor, fed and gave them drink. These are good works then and now, to those who give and recieve. I am learning that I can no longer associate with folks who don't do as Jesus did/does. I don't do this to begin with. I must discern just about everything I hear, that doesn't sound like it came from the King James Bible. I don't know if you know this or not but some Bibles being published today have added and deleted words to them. Man's traditions are in every church around where I live. So finding a true Bible preaching church is tuff. Praying is very Important. I would say it is 2nd on the pathway UP. There are people who don't know how to pray, I know I was one of them. I could recite a prayer however to just pray johnny on the spot, I was dud, not good at it. I am still not that great but I do do it. I didn't give up. Well I could go on and maube I will later on. Now you can add your thoughts to this topic. Snow4JC
  22. The Lutheran confession of sin does not state believers are in bondage to sin. The cross freed believers from the guilt and bondage of sin but not their nature as sinners. Do you believe you no longer sin and no longer need to confess your sins? Of course, the idea of free will and progressive sanctification is a hoax. sw st.Worm~ The Lutheran Confession of Sins states that I am in bondage to sin and can't free myself. I have repeated these words many times. I am a sinner however I'd rather consider myself a Confessed and Forgiven Saint. Didn't God give man a free will? Doesn't God want us to live Holy Sacred lifes? Why is this a hoax to you? Snow4JC
  23. Smile and Be Joyful for God Loves You! The following topic has been on my mind for some time. Are there two schools of Thought before the Christians of today. I recently attended a Lutheran church service. Their confession of Sins states that we are in bondage to sin and can't free ourselves. My knowledge is that when Christ died on the cross He freed us. There are many people that believe this. One school of thought - Bondage to sin. Second school of thought - Free Will - Holy Life - Sanctification. Will progress be made by each thought? Snow4JC
  24. Wise Words~ Smile - Someone will Smile back to you! Be Joyful - Following the desire of Our Lord. GOD Loves You - Ditto. SMILE and Be Joyful for GOD Loves You! Snow4JC
  25. Your Welcome! Snow4JC aka Sp-5 Patricia Stevens United States Women's Army Corp. '68-69
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