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Everything posted by AandW_Rootbeer

  1. Since I would have thought my words were easy to understand, what I am saying is the WHITE Europeans and the Black Africans are equally guilty. It's too bad the Black communities refuse to point the fingers at their own ancestors and rather just blame the WHITE people. And how is it relevant to only blame the Europeans? A person from Nigeria is teaching that the Europeans did not know where to go into Africa to capture these people, only the Africans themselves knew. And not only did they capture these fellow Africans, they chained them up, drug them to the boats, took the money, and went back to hunt for more. Being SOLD by your own peoples is far worse than being a slave which is absolutely horrendous!
  2. I would agree there are several descendants, institutions, and organizations that are responsible and should be held accountable. I would agree it's even possible these descendants, institutions, and organizations have made many efforts for the wrong doings that unfortunately still relate to them. I would even go as far to say many have tried to pay back for the sins of their ancestors. I would be shocked to find anyone not ashamed of their past when it came to the subject of slavery. But in many areas of Society, the Black communities are not seeking the originators of these atrocities. They are seeking skin color as a whole because whether one was a slave owner or not, there has been a discrepancy of privileges between the Races. But for someone like myself, who literally spent a lifetime interacting with all peoples and Races, I saw wealth and poor representing all Races. I saw privileges for all Races. I saw equality because there was no condemnation over skin color. But this newer generation has turned that all around. And I am not even arguing here that the Minority Races have not had the same opportunities Nation wide. I am not even arguing that there could be more effort to encourage and to supply the necessary needs for the Minority Races to get ahead. My sole main argument is the ignorance of this newer generation of Black peoples. They are just randomly pointing at anyone white and screaming, You Owe Me! I don't owe you a single penny, the time of day, nor to understand how you've become a worthless human being wanting a free ride on the backs and shoulders of those who are Innocent!
  3. I am not suggesting the first Europeans to own slaves and those who could not afford them are not as equally guilty. I am suggesting that because today's Black community are only just seeing skin color and connecting that to slavery is going to lead to a bigger problem for them. For one, the majority of white people in America have no connections to slavery of any kind at all. Secondly, we don't take lightly to be lumped into a group that does have those connections. And thirdly, we don't feel bad nor have any remorse once we've become wrongfully blamed and accused of connections to slavery over being a lighter shade of skin color. In fact, the majority of us have felt bad for the Black community and have tried to help because we are not racist. But this newer generation of Black peoples are grouping us together in a one size fits all bill. And that has made us take a step back and understand this newer Black generation is a problem for us. A problem we are slowly beginning to feel that needs to be corrected. And once we turn on them, the Government won't be able to stop it. Black people had real allies and now they're losing the support they once had. And when the history books have all been written, it will reveal the Black community became their own worst enemy.
  4. According to SNOPES, a Democratic based Fact Checker site claims that a total of the population of the USA today, only ... https://www.snopes.com › news › 2019/08/07 › percent... “only 1.4% of Americans owned slaves.” That means of the 380 million current occupants of the USA, only a 750,000 descendants come from slave owners. Meaning the rest of us (379,000,000) citizens had nothing to do with slavery nor did any of our ancestors. So, if I am not accepting of the whining and cries of those who try to blame me randomly over being lighter skinned (Italian and Native American), and they are trying to tell me I owe them something, don't be shocked when I attack back. My family has no connections, never had any connections, and don't believe we are responsible for what has happened and continues to happen. It's not our fault nor is it our duty to fix something we have no part or control over. We are trying to survive like everyone else. But we're being blamed because of skin color like we were the slave owner themselves. We're tired of being blamed. We're tired of being falsely accused. And we feel like our backs are against the wall with only one option left. Which is to fight back!
  5. Wonderful Scriptural References indeed. And sadly enough, those Verses confirm that those 2.382 billion professing Christians aren't really true Followers of Christ in every sense of what a Believer should be.
  6. If all 2.382 billion people professing to be Christian ever utilized the Faith God gave unto them, this world would be on fire for God and the number of Christians would be doubled. But since we know not every Believer in Christ is utilizing the Faith given unto them, God is definitely not pleased. Unfortunately, only a few of the 2.382 billion professing believers are actually Pleasing God with their Faith.
  7. What amazes me about your number one and first rule being Faith, is that we know God gave us this Faith to first believe in Him and then we are to use it. But I just looked up some statistics pertaining to those around the world professing to be Christian. In 2020, the polls indicated that out of 8 billion+ people, only 31.11% identify as Christian. That is 1/3 of the current modern day population claiming that God gave them the Faith to believe and to utilize. Christianity 2.382 billion 31.11% Why I feel this number/percentage is important. If there are actually 31% of the total population having the Faith to believe in God, it also proves the numbers/percentage are even lower of those living by Faith and utilizing Faith in this world. 31% of true Believers utilizing their Faith in God would most definitely move mountains and the world would not be in the current condition that it is. That is a Testimonial I am sure that saddens God very deeply!
  8. Not sure why it would be irrelevant when Toyin Falola, a Nigerian professor of African studies even explained, “The Europeans couldn’t have gone into the interior to get the slaves themselves.” If the Europeans weren't able to fetch the Slaves themselves and no one like the African Natives fetched the slaves for them, there would have been no slave trade. Don't tell me you're in denial that African Natives sold out their own people? Surely you gist!
  9. I see no issue telling the absolute truth about Slavery and the origins of the Black People in America. I would even encourage it. But if we're going to be undoubtedly honest, we have to first begin with "Who" sold these Slaves to the White Westerners. It was their own Native Black Skinned African Descendants who made a fortune selling their own Black Skinned neighbors into Slavery. But oddly enough, no one wants to mention that. Records from the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database, directed by historian David Eltis at Emory University, show that the majority of captives brought to the U.S. came from Senegal, Gambia, Congo and eastern Nigeria. Europeans oversaw this brutal traffic in human cargo, but they had many local collaborators. “The organization of the slave trade was structured to have the Europeans stay along the coast lines, relying on African middlemen and merchants to bring the slaves to them,” said Toyin Falola, a Nigerian professor of African studies at the University of Texas at Austin. “The Europeans couldn’t have gone into the interior to get the slaves themselves.” The anguished debate over slavery in the U.S. is often silent on the role that Africans played.
  10. I found this definition might be useful and it's still debatable to the meaning of what we're discussing here. The image of God and the likeness are similar, but at the same time they are different. The image is just that, mankind is made in the image of God, whereas the likeness is a spiritual attribute of the moral qualities of God. created in the image of God - Wikipedia
  11. I understand how you can think as such, since it is possible that God can arrive at any point no matter the journey to get there. But if we look at the Specie to Specie inter evolution process, do we believe in the Likeness and Image of God is relative to this journey from microbes to man? If our image matches that of both the Angels and of the Creator God, are we claiming the Angels are an even more evolved Species than human? I just cannot see God, who as the WORD was made flesh and just a little lower than the Angels like us humans, using Evolution as the process to create the Angels, His own body, let alone us humans. We are all made the same way. Look at the Fallen Angels. They are perishable just like sinners who deny God will ultimately be. It would seem we are all made in a similar fashion. Not necessarily was the Earth the component that formed the Angels, but the process of forming the Angels into creation would be very similar to how humans were formed according to God's Word. And I don't believe the Angels went through a process of Evolution to arrive at their existence. I don't believe humans did either.
  12. It would appear to me that you believe Science through Evolution explains God's Creation. But the example of "Behe's analogy is a perfect billiards shot that pockets all balls from a single cue ball strike," doesn't seem to align perfectly knowing that Evolution is largely based upon natural selection, chance and accident. In fact, that would be more of a double minded analogy than anything else.
  13. It's quite worrisome, but there is a new line of thinking currently that has been discounting true historical writings of those just before the end and after the beginning of the fist century. We are talking men and women of God who suddenly have flipped the switch to what they once believed and just tossed it aside. They have even reasoned among themselves how to deny these accounts by blaming the Catholic Church with conspiracy theories. They have even gone as far to use the written accounts of those the Jewish people to this very day view as traitors for their values to claim Biblical Prophecies were completed and fulfilled around 70 A.D. Men like Ken Gentry, with the same education as any general lay Pastor, nowhere to achieving the credentials equaling that of a Scholar, have come outright and demanded us to ignore historical facts. They are a motivational speaker at best, and have encapsulated the minds of the weak with trickery, deception, and literally moving the goal post to their advantage. They have proven the very Warnings of Christ as sheep in wolves clothing and antichrists. No real Believer who is sold out for Christ have been swindled by the likes of Gentry and a few others, but every once in awhile, a miss led sheep of theirs will pop up. It is true, the Catholic Church has created a swarm of misinformation throughout the centuries. But hiding the supposed truths behind 70 A.D. are far from any of them. Some of these errant disciples will even claim the Millennial Reign began in 70 A.D., which even the Word of God explains Satan will be bound for 1,000 years and then loosed for a season. In the year 2021, that would mean the Reign ended the year of 1070 and the Season Satan has been loosed going on now 950+ years. The Millennial Reign, 1,000 years equals an Era. A Season going now on 950 years would would also equal an Era, which directly contradicts the Word of God. So this new concept doesn't even align to God's Word.
  14. There is much misinformation within this thread. Daniel and Revelation have been fulfilled in 70 A.D.? That's not what the eye witness and Disciple of John, Papias, wrote and claimed. Fragment 12 (Preserved in Gregory Hamartolus’ Chronicon, Codex Coislinianus 305 [PG 110:19]) 1 After Domitian, Nerva reigned one year, who recalled John from the island of Patmos, and allowed him to dwell in Ephesus. He was at that time the sole survivor of the twelve Apostles. 2 I Papias, bishop of Hierapolis, who was an eye-witness of him and later disciple... Papias Fragments are dated around 95-110 A.D. which perfectly fits the timeline of John being released in 95 A.D. and becoming Papias' Teacher along with Polycarp. From Fragment 12, Papias, eye witness and eventual disciple of John writes after the death of Domitian, which we know was around the year 94 A.D., and when Nerva took control in his 1 year reign, released John from Patmos. By saying Daniel and Revelation have been fulfilled, when referring to 70 A.D., goes directly against the historical writings and eye witness account of Papias.
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