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  1. Is there any certainty at all that we can rely upon? Who says? Who makes the rules? Do we really know that it is a certainty? Can we confess this to those who mean the most to us? Can we?
  2. If so, what exactly is it that we are to follow? Is foot-washing a must? Should we all be suffering on a daily basis? Should we strive to offend the world with our Biblical teachings as Christ did? Should we seek out Jews to wrestle the Scriptures with in the streets? What exactly is expected of a true follower of Christ?
  3. Did King David really live? Did he really kill a giant as a young boy? Was Jesus related to this King? How can we be sure that these historical stories are true? Is there any evidence today to support such fanciful ideas? Let's discuss the implications of these possibilities and what it might mean for Christians today.
  4. What is this concept that we often hear discussed called Pre-Mil? What is the thousand years that we are promised will take place right after Christ's return? Is this after the Rapture? Will we be saved from all the chaos to come? Let's discuss these concepts and share verses and passages that explain and teach just what this is all about.
  5. We as Christians can rest assured that our Salvation is secure once we have given our hearts to God and been saved. Nothing that we do from that point on can ever threaten our appointment in Heaven with the LORD God. Once we are Saved, we can rest fully assured that we will Always be Saved. And we can pass this promise on to all our friends and loved ones that we speak to about Christ and the Bible. We should always be ready to share the reasons for our faith in Jesus Christ and His Good News.
  6. The 10 Commandments were only given to Israel. They are not for Christians as they were nailed to the Cross of Christ. We no longer need to concern ourselves with the Law as being under the Law is a death sentence and Christ saved us from that death sentence. Obeying the 10 Commandments calls for perfect obedience to all of them and if even one is broken, we are guilty of breaking all of them and our Salvation is greatly in danger. Christians only need concern themselves with the two abbreviated Commandments that Christ gave in the NT.
  7. With actual natural water con-trails from the jets in the background. Awesome image.
  8. Goodness gracious, you are confused. You are confusing Nikola Tesla's story with Howard Hughes'. I wondered where in the world you were getting your claim about Tesla being some Conspiracy Theory byword. That is all completely false and mixed up. Not great for your credibility, I'm afraid. No judgment though.
  9. I would be very silly, naive and inexperienced in this game you play if I were to scramble around posting this evidence and that evidence, desperately trying to convince you of things you will never admit are possible. I will not play your game. You have a job to do here and that is to silence any and all Truth that is a threat to the mainstream party line that you and your buddies (or your other screen names) tow here. I got news for that you're not gonna like too. You are failing. You are not silencing anything at all. Those who have the capacity to know, and understand, these things already know them, are learning about them now and are learning more and more about them every day because they possess discernment which is immune to your desperate attempts to silence and diminish the information by myself and so many others. HAARP Chemtrails Government is doing it all and only the most foolish citizens of the world are unaware of it. Good luck with your attack on CO2. It's changing absolutely nothing.
  10. Chemtrails are chemicals. Contrails are condensation. There is a very obvious difference when you watch planes in the sky. Same size and altitude jets will emit very different trails. Contrails dissipate in a very short distance behind the plane. Chemtrails do not and are easily visible all across the sky from every major city in America, if not the world.
  11. We are all welcome to our opinion, and our ignorance which dismisses without investigation, but those who have looked into these things know it is all true. Tesla accomplished all that you and Barbarian are claiming is impossible. Some things are true whether you believe them or not. And the govts of the world know about, and have, this technology. They confiscated Tesla's files and data upon his death and have been using this technology for decades Yep, it's real and it is active. Do you also believe Chemtrails aren't being sprayed over the entire world on a daily basis for all who have eyes in their skulls to see plainly in the skies above?
  12. I don't need to provide any data. Radio waves work just like electricity when focused on something. This was proven many decades ago and there have been medical procedures that were developed, but never used of course, where heavy metals could be injected into a tumor in the body and radio waves could be focused on the tumor and the metals would heat and destroy the tumor from the inside. You can do the research on how radio waves function just like electricity. Radio waves focused on the ionosphere not only can heat it and change the shape of it, which in itself causes weather changes, but they can also bounce these super high energy waves off the ionosphere and reflect them to any location on the earth; either to direct storm cells (hurricanes/tornados, etc.) or to simply destroy a target on land. Think Tesla's Death Ray. And there are multiple places in Scripture where God says He will make an area that was destroyed by Him desolate forever and nothing will grow there and nobody will live there ever again. There are massive areas of Africa that have been proven to have been once very fertile that are now the largest deserts in the world.
  13. God transformed vast areas of green, lush land into eternal deserts. Did that affect our world climate in the least? Nope. Everything still functioned like normal. Normal cold and hot regions stayed that way, etc. Thousands of years later things were just fine until about 50 years ago when things began getting out of control. Can you guess what else was taking place at that time? HAARP was being developed and experimented with as well as other forms of weather manipulation. Climate Change is being made a political issue is the point I was making. It would not be an issue at all if those who are intentionally using weather modification devices and techniques would simply stop doing what they are doing. Interestingly, it's much like the human body's majority of ailments, and medical conditions, that we are told today by doctors are life-long issues. If we figure out how to stop introducing the toxins into the body that cause, and perpetuate, these conditions, guess what happens. The condition disappears. That's why fasting is so effective in healing, and eliminating, many diseases and conditions. The body gets a break from the regular intake of trash and toxins that are in all the processed foods we all eat on a daily basis and what does the body do? It heals itself. Amazing. You mean to tell me that God Almighty supernaturally created a world, and human bodies, that can actually heal themselves if not abused, and poisoned, constantly? Welcome to the amazing reality of God Almighty and His infinite capabilities, without which none of us would even have the freedom to have these silly debates and discussions. Stop poisoning and abusing our weather and environment with HAARP and chemicals emitted into the skies and it will all return to normal immediately.
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