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  1. Did you see highlights from the last tesla event in texas? When Elon was on the stage. There were women in the crowd crying as if it was a Michael Jackson or Justin Bieber concert. That is sort of scary. But other than that, I don't understand why people think they should fear the smart geek in the room. Intelligent people with money and power are usually not dangerous. They only want to do their geeky things and don't bother people. Its the opposite type of person with money and power that we perhaps should fear. As they are more likely to do something irrational and unreasonable.
  2. Scary how? Curious as to the path people take to arrive at their conclusions.
  3. Elon Musk has always made it fairly clear that he is an atheist. The woke agenda however has alienated many atheists who have converted to christianity. Its possible Elon will go that route as others have.
  4. Not a whole lot of information available with this story. What's a good source of news in 2022? Breitbart?
  5. Gene therapy, human cloning or zombies. Or perhaps he had an identical twin who will assume his role. What is revelation if not the most clickbait book in the bible.
  6. This can bring out the best in people, or the worst. Over time human morality along with our principles and values have evolved. Perhaps this type of conflict is the motivation we need to reach the next level in learning to treat our fellow man better. And in the process, learning to treat ourselves better as well.
  7. I guess it means the church will save a massive number of people from seeing hell's gates.
  8. In this world, there are usually no tangible rewards offered for those who speak the truth. While those who speak lies have piles of money thrown at them. The path of material reward based motivation is more atheist than christian. Although atheists do not necessarily live well or thrive over the long term to enjoy their ill gotten gains which usually come at the expense of corruption, greed and misery. If christians receive rewards they would be received in heaven and last forever. While rewards of the earth are only temporary. But I think that the best christian mindset is to do the right thing and not expect a reward for it.
  9. It is very important for christians to learn the basics and educate themselves on topics like this.
  10. While quality of information is decreasing. Through people knowing less about history, finance and politics. The quantity of information people are exposed to is rising steeply. Through commercials, emails, txts, mobile phones, internet. Its easy to forget that people of past eras didn't know what germs were. And lacked basic knowledge about human sanitation and hygiene. While we might look around us and comment upon a perceived lack of intelligence by others making us feel smart. Those of past eras were considerably less knowledgeable about many things in contrast to even the less educated person alive today. Only 2 years ago, liberals in the united states were saying no one in the country needed to own a gun. Then the pandemic came along in 2020 and liberals began buying guns in record numbers. Lessons relating to history, Constitution and democracy are not difficult to learn. People only need to see their real world application.
  11. Isn't it normal for people to have different motives, ideas, values and beliefs. Resulting in different denominations. On the opposite end of the spectrum you have atheists. Who typically lack that type of individuality. Which is preferable?
  12. I think to properly put the bible and religion into perspective. Requires a decent knowledge of history. It all depends on how curious they are and how much they want to know. Most seem satisfied knowing nothing and its ok if they prefer it that way. Knowing basic science and history isn't necessarily for everyone.
  13. We definitely must take a broad perspective on scripture. Else we miss obvious connections. Like God asking Abraham to walk into the wilderness 7 days to sacrifice Isaac. Before Jesus was sacrificed and resurrected on the 7th day.
  14. Quoras entry on the topic is disappointing. Perhaps recent upticks in lies however, will help us all to appreciate the value of truth.
  15. People want things to improve for society, the country and the world. They want to achieve these goals by knowing as little about current events and politics as possible. Lack of knowledge on history, science and current events leaves people powerless to do anything other than be fooled into supporting all the wrong people and wrong things.
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