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Everything posted by toddlermom

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your loss and feel deeply for your pain. I dont think that you are being selfish at all. You have your feelings and you have a right to feel the way you do, but NOTHING will ever make you forget about your son. Over time the pain will lessen but you will never forget, but I feel that you should let your daughter name her baby whatever she wants. This is her way of coping with his death. dont deny her this outlet for her greif. She is going through alot of pain herself, not to mention the fear and excitement of becoming a mom for the first time. When you hold your grandson in your arms for the first time, you will experience a new love that you've never felt. You dont see that right now, but you will, and soon you will feel honored for this precious boy to bare the name of your son...give it time and allow yourself to greive but remember there is new life about to happen, and use this time to start new, not replaced, love.
  2. I was asked in another thread if i could send them a song via email, so i had an idea. i have my own music ministry, and God has laid it on my heart to pursue this more. i have a CD, and if anyone would like me to send you a song in your email, please let me know. Basically i would like you to try to help me come to your church. thank you. my email address is myjesus@cableone.net is there anyway to post a song right here in a thread so someone can just click on it and hear it? just a thought!
  3. toddlermom


    [quote name='Bro David
  4. toddlermom


    Im so glad to hear what you said..you had me scared their for a minute. if you will either give me your email, or give your mailing address and i will send you my CD, or email you a song. my email is myjesus@cableone.net. Love through Jesus
  5. toddlermom


    I'm aware of the situation at that church and your not. One has to be ignorant to tithe in any church, assuming that your tithe is doing God's work, and not looking at the churches financial statement. I no longer preach but have in the seventies in a christian/military fellowship in Munich Germany...and never became a minister because I do not agree with the theology or doctrine of any one church. I serve in the way and capacity that I believe is best. Everybody needs a ministry to serve the way they see and feel led. This particular church was a foursquare church that was meeting in a school. They supposedly were saving to build a church and when I saw they had nothing in savings and were giving everything to the Pastor who lived in a mansion...I left. He probably was busting it to live it large. That's why he was taking sermons out of his file to preach. He certainly wasn't busting it with his church and that was obvious. He payed no attention to those people who were hurting within the church. Obviously, you know nothing about what a new testament church should be like. Many people avoid church like the plague because all they see in church is a bunch of hypocrites. And I have to agree. Often that's what I see. I don't promote church in my ministry. I don't want newfound christians to get turned off. I promote bible, prayer, and fellowship and avoid going to church with a bunch of judgemental people in gowns and three piece suits. I have left over a dozen churches for legitimate reasons. I like going to my Catholic church because it's doors are open during the day even when nothing is going on. But...since I find Catholic's less judgemental than Protestants, I think I'll start going back to the church of my youth. Tithing money is optional in the new testament. Service is not. Reverend Turmoil <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i never claimed to know the situation at his church...i simply said that he was going to the wrong church...which by your reply..i was right. anyway, and no it is not ignorant to tithe to any church.. obviously you do not know the situation at my church either. My church is NOTHING like the churches that you are describing. yes, this church and others that you spoke of may have been bad. BUT DONT STEROTYPE ALL OF THEM. I sing in the praise team, do you know what i wore last sunday? Jeans and a T-shirt! If you are going to church with people that judge you, have you ever thought that maybe there is something in your life thats not right? We are called as christians brothers and sisters to call out sin, and bring that person back from there sin. i know that people judge wrongly too though. but you are going to find that everywhere, not just at church brother. i think that it is humerous to say that you dont go to church because of hypocites being there. Thats what the church is for...sinners! Im not saying that you should claim to be christian and live your life sinfully, but yes, there are many hypocrites in church, and church is a place to help you get right! Why would new found christians get turned off by going to church? Thats where most people find God! I hate that you feel so abused by the church, but i will pray for you that God helps you find a church that is loving and supportive. you like going to church at your catholic church, because nothing is going on? whats the point then? The fact is, is you give where you get your blessing! If you would read all of the post, then you would see that any of the arguments, or discussions ended a few weeks before your post and everything was resolved. i took back alot of my statements that i made, because my loving brothers and sisters here, helped me to see things in a different light... i still tithe but i see now that i doesnt have to be as legalistic as i had previously made it out to be. you give with a loving spririt, and the blessing will return to you.
  6. No, they dont get drunk, but they do go to casino's, and they rarely go to church. I feel that if someone is physically capable of going to church...they should. When i fist got saved...and now... nothing could keep me from church...and l still look forward to going. Generally nothing stands in my way of going. People are blessed to have physical capabilities to go to church. It's a wonderful place of encouragment and lots of people to hold you accountable, and a wonderful place for fellowship. I feel there should be no excuses for not going...except in your case! If you are sick thats one thing...but just cause you are tired...thats another.(i have a feeling that im gonna get some responses for this one)
  7. See, these family members of mine "say"that they are saved and are christian. of course, it's not my decision it's God's. but there lives dont necessarily display that of a christian...they dont go to church, the go to the casino, language not bad, but they let a few words slip now and then...im not saying they arent saved,b/c like i said thats between them and God...but do i have a right to say something to them...or is that judgeing them wrongly?
  8. i get so aggrevated at people when i state the facts about someone, and they say that i am judging them. i was talking with my grandmother the other day, and was telling her how upsetting it was that none of my family went to church, and that they werent' living right. she told me to quit "judging them". What does it mean to judge someone? The bible says that you should remove the plank from your eye so you can better see the splinter in your brothers eye. so does that mean that if you dont have that certain sin in your life that you can point it out to someone? the bible also says that you will be judged in the manner that you judge others. Help me understand what judging someone is, and when is it ok to do it, or is it ok?
  9. what about the women at church who wear the HUGE hats that block peoples veiw. no one tells them to remove their hats?
  10. i am also on the worship team at my church....you need to read "Heart of the Artist" it is a wonderful book for worship teams. it deals with different peoples personalities. Artistic people are very moody.... you need to sit down and talk with everyone, and everybody just get the problems out on the table, instead of everyone harboring ill feelings.
  11. well, praise God, my husband got saved about 2 mths ago, so as far as knowledge is concerned, im ahead of him...but it is sad to say that i feel behind him in my relationship with God, because he has that "just got saved" joy...I wish i could be on fire every day...somtimes i feel like the only time that im on fire is when im at church. Im in the word everyday, and i pray everyday...but he's overjoyed with salvation more than me.
  12. they havent stopped making good movies... James Dobson said that statistics show that people are acually starting to make family oriented movies b/c they sell so well.... just to let you know <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Have you seen what they pass for family entertainment? Bare in mind that Hollywoods obsession with "reality" spills over into G and PG movies. Remember Buster Bunny and his lesbian neighbors? If they can sneak that crap into childrens programming , they can surely slime you with a lot of subliminal pucky in the movies. PG means Parental Grief <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  13. i started this thread to learn about the Catholic religion, not to argue, and no one is arguing anyway, they are informing me about this subject.
  14. ok, i understand a little better. thanks for all your comments..i welcome more if you want
  15. yall, you might not think that this is a good movie...but "Nepolean Dynamite" is halarious and you can watch it with the whole family... Its sooooo funny.
  16. I have read a thread here that is asking us to poll on weather or not we think that Catholic beliefs are Chrstian. I really can't comment because i am not sure what they really believe...One person said that the reason the Catholics are bashed so much is due to misunderstandings. Please clear these up for me.(I dont want comments about why Catholic beliefs are wrong....i just want to know what they beleive.thanks Do you pray to Mary? do you look for a preist to forgive you of your sins? do you believe that is is ok to get drunk? why do you have mass so much? What is the difference between mass and a regular...say Baptist service? just a few questions...thanks for any comments.
  17. you cant convict him... only God can do that. Just pray for him, and make sure that you live a sexually pure life in front of him. Only God can deal with his sin...even though it probably hurts you to watch him live like this...but ultimately it's up to God...I feel that you have done all you can do.
  18. toddlermom

    Joyce Meyer

    What is she doing that is against God's commands?
  19. toddlermom

    Joyce Meyer

    when paul was speaking to the women in the church i dont think he meant that women have no voice in the church. In the time that paul spoke to Corinth, the women were being saved and they thought that there salvation gave them rights to ask questions during church and standing up to the men and causing chaos. Paul was telling them that they needed to take their question home to their husbands instead of interupting the service for irrelevent questions. If God did not intend on women having ministries then he wouldnt bless them like he does. Jesus has all power and control and he still chooses to bless these talented women. He gives us women spiritual gifts and he intends for us to use them.God gave me the gift of singing and he doesnt want me sitting at home just singing to my hustband He wants me to use it to the glorification of him.
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