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Everything posted by gepeto

  1. I think when we get there, we will see people that maybe we thought would never make it and even not see some that were sure to be there. I have also tried to imagine the great white throne with all the worlds people standing before Him with the books of life. What a unbelievable sight to see.
  2. gepeto


    My friend do not be afraid of this guy. You have the truth and he does not. You may be the only Jesus he ever comes into contact with. We are told to go into all the world and proclaim the word of God. Read 2 Timothy 2:15 "Do your best to present yourself to God as one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. Be sure you are ready to share with him and don't compromise on the word. There is a time to go forth but you must be ready to face what you may encounter.
  3. There is better ways to use tax dollars but we live in a fallen world. The stars were used for direction in the early days to guide people in thier travels both by land and sea. It has been taken to a whole new level today and I believe that Romans 1:27 holds true for many studies that are not good that are embraced today. "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator-who is forever praised. Amen. Who cares what is up there?
  4. I just want to hear the words, "Well done my good and faithful servant." Once we hear those words spoken by Christ everything else is all good!
  5. I play guitar at my church with the worship team and I also do some songs before we get into our home bible study time. I enjoy being able to play songs for God. It is rewarding to see how the music can help to usher in a spirit of praise and worship. I have to rely upon the Lord to equip me for service. I like 2 Timothy 2:21 "If a man cleanes himself, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work." I would encourage those who are not sure as to where they fit in the body to just clean up areas in your life and the Lord will show you as you seek and pray to him.
  6. My story is long but I can share the clift notes. I started doing drugs when I was 15. Drinking, smoking pot, shoting meth and coke and all kinds of crime as well. I was sent to prison at 17 for robbery and also I had burgleries and other stuff. I got out at 19 became a dad and then got married one year later. I should say that when I was 12 I did give my life to the Lord but as you can see I went my own way. I went back to the Lord for a time during the mid 1980's but then in 1992 got back into the drugs and lost everything. I was tied up in the world of meth and stayed in it for five years! I lost my family and ended up in Teen Challenge up in Oakland,CA. I stayed there for 14 months. After I got out I stayed clean for 18 months and then back into the drugs again! I was dealing meth and turning over about 4 ounces a week and smoking PCP at the same time. I was involved in pornography and lots of really bad situations, it was hell. I did it all, theft, possesion of drugs, DUI, spouse battery, assult on a police officer, burglery, robbery. Through the grace of God I ended up back in jail in 1997 and the state wanted to give me six years in prison. Without going into many strange and bizarre details I am free today and have been cleaned up for five years now. I play my guitar with the worship team at my church and have wrote many songs about the Lord and what he does for people. My kids have been through lots of junk but I am now chasing after the Lord with the same effort that I used to go chash the bag and the devil. The Lord is good and now I am just trying to be the dad that God commanded me to be. Thanks!
  7. If you want, you can go to www.fcc.com and click on the site. This is Family Community Church here in San Jose. They have experienced huge growth and you can ask Pastor Bill for help. The glue that they use is to have small groups to bond everybody together. I don't know if this will help but you should check it out.
  8. You should follow your heart. If you are living right then God will speak to you as to what to do. Maybe he let this thing happen to get your attention and to have you look at other things.
  9. I have witnessed a autopsy being performed, two of them at one time. I am a donor and will be forever so that when I die some part of me might help another living person. One of my organs might help someone else to live long enough to make a decision for Christ. There is no scriptures that point directly to this topic. What about the Christians who were tossed into the lions and devored for sport? I am sure that all who die in the Lord will have new bodies in heaven, 1 Corinthians 15: 35-49. If you have money to spend on a funeral go for it, they are expensive and even the money could be better used to support the needs of the church. We are just fleash and blood and watching a autopsy being performed made me aware of how fragile we really are.
  10. I am attending a Saturday night bible study class on this very subject and it is great! The battle lies within the mind. As we think so shall we act out and we must be familiar with the tricks and the things that the devil brings against us. It has caused me to spend more time reading the word and reading it outloud to myself! Faith comes by hearing right? When you read next time, read outloud so that your inner man can hear the words being spoken.
  11. About repentance. Romans 7:15 Paul talks of the struggle between his spirit and his flesh. What a wretched man I am, who can rescue me from this body of death? The strugles we face will never go away as long as we are in this body in this life. As we overcome certain lifestyles or habits in the physical realm then you move into the next phase and that is how to control your mind. That is the real test. Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, this will give you pinpoint scripture as to how to address this area. Even as we struggle though to overcome sin, it does not negate the conversion that we make as believers in Christ Jesus. Romans 10:9-10. We are saved when we believe and confess Christ as Lord. The sanctifiying process begins and we must fight to put down the deeds of the flesh. This struggle is common to all. Don't give up and do not listen the voice of the enemy. He comes to kill, steal and destroy. He will steal your faith by telling you that you are not living up to the call and many do give up and go back to the world. I believe that you must excersize the same zeal and effort to press into God as you did before when you were in the world and you spent time chasing after other things. There is no easy way but to keep reading, praying and hearing the word. Faith comes by hearing. Can you hear me?
  12. You are right, the Lord has made a promise and he will keep it. Also there is much to learn from Zechariah. I wonder how many people really understand how this promise came to be? Many I feel are unaware of the promise made to Abraham and the difference between Isaac and Ishmael. I think there is a great need to bring people up to date on how we got to where we are today and tracing things back to the early days. The world tries in vain to labor against the Lord's plan and purpose.
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