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Posts posted by Franky67

  1. An agressive driver puts his driving needs first and everyone else's second. Road Rage can come from both defensive and agressive drivers.

    Take for instance, my driving style. If I'm on a highway and there is an onramp comming up, and they have the yield sign but don't yield, i keep driving. Defensive driving teaches you to slow down and let them over anyway. Agressive driving says, "They should know better". I try to get over, but if I can't, and they keep comming, the only thing I'm thinking s, "here comes my free car". Likewise, if you allow people to rule you on the road then you're setting yourself up for insurance fraud. It allows you to get boxed in. An agressive driver will be agressive enough to make sure he doesn't get boxed in. Generally being agressive gives you quicker reflexes but also increases the chances of getting a ticket. However, being defensive decreases your chancese of getting a ticket bu tincreases your chances of ending up in a wreck.


    I think you are heading for trouble, would you fly if pilots flew like you drive?


    Heading for trouble because I obey traffic laws and leave myself an out? If every pilot flew like I drove then I'd actually fly home. There are pilots that fly like i drive, we call them fighter pilots :emot-highfive:


    OK The short 100 feet is an unusual situation where on and off ramps are too close together. I know where there is one like that in Fort Worth, and the driving public ought to bring a group lawsuit against the city, or state responsible for that kind of situation.

    Now, the on ramp you describe is another animal all together. If you want to live a little longer, you had best learn how to release a little pressure on the gas pedal, and just let that guy get in front of you. There is a hundred other cars ahead of you, one more won't hurt.

  2. An agressive driver puts his driving needs first and everyone else's second. Road Rage can come from both defensive and agressive drivers.

    Take for instance, my driving style. If I'm on a highway and there is an onramp comming up, and they have the yield sign but don't yield, i keep driving. Defensive driving teaches you to slow down and let them over anyway. Agressive driving says, "They should know better". I try to get over, but if I can't, and they keep comming, the only thing I'm thinking s, "here comes my free car". Likewise, if you allow people to rule you on the road then you're setting yourself up for insurance fraud. It allows you to get boxed in. An agressive driver will be agressive enough to make sure he doesn't get boxed in. Generally being agressive gives you quicker reflexes but also increases the chances of getting a ticket. However, being defensive decreases your chancese of getting a ticket bu tincreases your chances of ending up in a wreck.


    I think you are heading for trouble, would you fly if pilots flew like you drive?

  3. Agressive driving is a good thing and has kept me out of many wrecks. This has all occured while playing anything from heavy metal to classical music....music doesn't matter in the driving style. Also, yes, it is picked up from parents. All of my friends that are defensive have defensive driving parents. My dad was an agressive driver. In fact, for the short time I did defensive driving was the first, and only time, I was involved in a wreck. It was an insurance scam...figures.


    Why do you consider agressive driving a good thing?

  4. Jesus said, "I am the Way..."

    Jesus often used parables, that when examined side by side seem contradictory. He said that He is the gate and also the gatekeeper.  He is the shepherd and also the lamb. He is the sacrificed lamb yet also the priest.

    A friend of mine once shared with me this thought, "Jesus did NOT say , 'I teach the way, or I show the way; He said, 'I am the Way' ".  Yes, He does also teach and show us the way. But what does He mean by, "I am the Way"?

    Does He mean that if we believe and confess in Him we can get to the Father? Yes.

    But, I believe He also means something far more intense and mystical.  We must unite ourselves totally with Him, and through Jesus, in a very real way, come to the Father.

    There is something here that feels like it's just beyond my grasp. 

    Any thoughts????

    May the peace of Christ be with you all. I miss fellowshipping with you.




    I Believe Jesus was saying that He is the embodiment of God, The "I Am" who was, who is , and who always will be God. as seen in Exodus 3:14

  5. I think all would agree, there is a growing trend in our country of Road Rage, and the driving habits which contribute to it.

    I believe if Christians would truly consider the driver of the other car as their neighbor, and drive accordingly, they would be fulfilling the commandment of our Lord Jesus, when He said, " love your neighbor as yourself" Mark 12:31

    If we love our neighbor, we won't pass on a double stripe.

    If we love our neighbor, we won't exceed the speed limit.

    If we love our neighbor, we won't follow too close, and make our neighbor anxious.

    If we love our neighbor, we won't speed up on an amber light.

    If we love our neighbor, we will stop before turning right on a red light.

    You behind the pulpit, I urge you to preach this, our witness doesn't stop when we buckle our seatbelts.

    ".... And one of the scribes asked Him, ""What commandment is the foremost of all ?"", Jesus answered, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart. with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself, there is no other commandment greater than these."

    Christians, we CAN do something about this, over 100 human beings die every day of the year due to driver negligence, we have a commandment from our Lord, not a suggestion.

    Father, in the Name of Jesus, I pray this word would be received by my brothers and sisters, and Lord, if it be your will, this would turn into a mighty movement in our nation. Amen

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