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Everything posted by Marilyn777

  1. Bro John, saying "GO GARY GO!!!"-I am just really overwhelmed by ALL of YOU MOST BELOVED BROTHERS & Sisters for supporting & taking UP for me but as usual I opened my big-fat-sound-articulation-mechanism-before engaging manufacturers liberally supplied-factory tuned electrical impulse generator-{otherwise defined as the grey-matter medula-oblongta or brane when one is confused by technical conscriptions }--Which naturally when said factory installed electrical device is NOT engaged or consulted beforehand when responding to likewise supplied respondants of similar construction-antagonism & misunderstanding usually follows which I must take sole responsibility for{as bad as I hate to :x: }Soooooooo,Thank YOU bro.BIGG Johnny buoy---you're a heck of a sweet guy & greatly appreciated & loved--Perhaps YA'LL might say a small prayer that I would be somewhat more careful in future intellectual pursuits & endeavors of communication might be of a more refined & dignified nature when more than one theological interpretation is possible-----YA THINK?? :hug: :hug: #1--dude on my hit parade-- Gary don't you dare change we love you just the way God made you even if you are from Texas!! Love ya from Canada Marilyn
  2. Well now Mr. Whalen, I used to agree with you quite a bit, but ye attack my dearest Bro Gary like you did, all I got to say to you, or do is: Take this!!! Gary is the dearest and most God fearing MAN here. Loosen your load dude!!! Bro John, saying "GO GARY GO!!!" QUOTE] And, JM, seeing as how I am the Worthy director of music as so appointed by our seemingly absent Pope River, I am meting out your punishment by making you listen to the following: Hey Ronald you hijacked my 8 tracks!! :oww: You have my permission to bring out the big guns anything if it will help the cause!! beware of the dancing pies
  3. Well now Mr. Whalen, I used to agree with you quite a bit, but ye attack my dearest Bro Gary like you did, all I got to say to you, or do is: Take this!!! Gary is the dearest and most God fearing MAN here. Loosen your load dude!!! Bro John, saying "GO GARY GO!!!" Jim That was totally uncalled for, to come right out and attack someone like that is not only rude and callous but extremely UnChristian. Shadow is one of the most knowledgable guys I know and loves the Lord with all his big Texas heart! I think an apology is in order, my friend. It is the Christian thing to do. His sense of humour is a gift from God and by putting him down you might just as well slap God in the face! Like Shadow said when things heat up too much a sense of humour is a valuable tool to defuse the situation. You have been on the boards long enough to know that.Shadow does not put people down, he just has his own way of saying what he thinks. To know Shadow is love Shadow!! WWJD Marilyn
  4. I've wondered the same thing.. The one who will be Antichrist could already be in the world. Prophetic signals of our time indicate that he probably is on the scene. But it is unlikely that Satan, much less the great man himself, knows his destiny for sure. Paul prophesies that the whole world will know who he is, however, when the Church is removed. This man with a "wild beast" character will actually stand in the rebuilt Jewish temple atop Mount Moriah (the Temple Mount in Jerusalem), and declare himself to be God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). Then the persecution of Jews and Tribulation converts to Christianity will begin. It will be the bloodiest purge in human history, according to the words of Jesus himself: "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be" (Matthew 24:21). A religious leader will burst upon the world scene and gather the religions of the world into one great universal faith. That one-world religious system will then be invoked in service of the Antichrist. Satanism will be the final form of worship that comes from this so-called church: "So they (the people of the world) worshipped the dragon (the devil) who gave authority to the beast; and they worshipped the beast, saying, 'Who is like the beast? Who is able to make war with him?' And he was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies..." (Revelation 13:4-5) Satan himself is the master director of this all-inclusive, all-controlling religious system. The Bible describes in Revelation 13 the religious leader who will serve as Antichrist's false prophet. Revelation 13:11-14 The Antichrist will, shortly after establishing his power, be joined by an evil religious man termed the "false prophet". The second "beast" as the Bible calls him, will be able to perform acts that will appear to be supernatural. Because of his demonic power, the false prophet will fool most people of Earth into thinking they should worship the world leader as God. The religious man will call fire from the sky. He will probably have a part in supposedly causing the world leader, who is thought to be killed by a head wound, to come back to life. The false prophet will tell the people of Earth to make an image of the world leader. He will then force them to worship the image, which seems to miraculously move and speak. In His Beautiful Name Marilyn
  5. Remind me not to get near that person!!! Oh, well, I suppose you could produce your own fuel... :oww: Good point Ronald you could probably make enough gas to run your own Hybrid car! It would be environmentally sound so to speak! :t3: :tongue: Marilyn Marilyn!!! :oww: :oww: :x: Bro John WWWWhhhhhhhhhhaattt! I just calls it as I seeees it. I've been reading way too many of Shadows posts! He is starting to rub off! :x: :hug: :oww: Jesus is the Anwser Marilyn
  6. Ain't nothin like a roast of beef baking in the oven! The fragrance is amazing, with creamy mashed potatos, and yorkshire pudding. Oh Ya I can smell it now! Marilyn
  7. Remind me not to get near that person!!! Oh, well, I suppose you could produce your own fuel... :oww: Good point Ronald you could probably make enough gas to run your own Hybrid car! It would be environmentally sound so to speak! :t3: :tongue: Marilyn
  8. The Bible gives many details about the Antichrist. This, presented by the late Dr. Dave Breece, is as thorough as any I've found on the "Man of Sin". I recommend a careful study of the Scriptures given here, for those who want a better understanding of the coming beast of Revelation 13. 1} He will come presenting a great program of peace (Daniel 8:25). 2} He will oppose Christ (Daniel 8:25). 3} He will wear out the saints of God (Daniel 7:25). 4} He will come out of the area of the Old Roman Empire, which is present day Europe (Daniel 9:26). 5} He will make a covenant with the nation of Israel (Daniel 9:27). 6} He will break the covenant and persecute the Jews (Daniel 9:27). 7}He will pretend to be God himself (2 Thessalonians 2:4). 8} He will occupy the rebuilt temple, the temple of God (2 Thessalonians 2:4). 9} He will perform the will of satan (2 Thessalonians 2:9). 10} He will bring strong delusion to the whole world (2 Thessalonians 2:11) 11} He will ne wounded to death, but he will recover (Revelation 13: 14-15). 12} He will blaspheme God (Revelation 13:5-6). 13} All of the world will worship him (Revelation 13:8). 14} He will be a miracle worker (Revelation 13:13-14). 15} He will set up his image that speaks like a man (Revelation 13:14-15). 16} He will cause every person to receive a mark, the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:16). 17} He will himself have a number, 666 (Revelation 13:18). Ever since the Old Testament first spoke of him, Christians and Jews have been looking for the appearance of the Antichrist. Daniel described him as the most evil man who ever will live. He will charm the Jews into submission then turn against them. He will briefly become the most powerful man on Earth.
  9. I will say that God can use anyone, anytime, anywhere to reach someone that needs His touch, that is not the issue here. I think Benny Hinn uses alot of flash in his T.V. services, he likes to draw attention to himself. I don't believe being "slain in the spirit" is a Biblical practice all it does is frighten alot of non-Christians and Christians alike. Thats why alot of us get labled fanatical, it takes away from the real reason why we worship. To come before God in an attitude of reverence and praise. In fact, not only is the term not in the Bible, the experience is not in the Bible either. I'm not saying that there are no examples in Scripture of human beings falling to their knees as they witness the incredible glory of God. This is what happened to the apostle John (Revelation 1). But this idea of being touched by a human being who is "anointed" by the Spirit and then being knocked cold is not a biblical phenomena. How are we to explain such experiences? It may be a psychological or emotional phenomena. Someone may so strongly expect to be knocked cold by the Spirit thought to be present in the anointed preacher that when the preacher touches him or her, down he or she goes. (Sociologists have noted that this type of experience is actually common to many religions.) There's also the possibility that the powers of darkness may be involved in this experience (2 Thessalonians 2:9). Many who believe in this phenomena like to cite certain passages in its support, such as Genesis 15:12-21, Numbers 24:4, 1 Samuel 19:20, and Matthew 17:6. But in every case they are reading their own meaning into the text instead of drawing the meaning out of the text. These passages in context offer virtually no support for the idea of being slain in the spirit. I think we need to be very careful when getting into areas like this, it is very easy to confuse people in emotionalism instead of the Word of God. We are told not to be a stumbling block to our brothers and sisters. In His Love Marilyn
  10. Thank you Nero for your post. Praise the Lord! I stand in agreement with you. I think we need to pray for Ernie, that God will give him more compassion, patience, and more gentleness in talking to fellow brothers and sisters who also love the Lord as much as he does. God Bless Marilyn
  11. Hi LadyC Thank you for your post it is definitley the only answer that makes any sense. And the Scriptural proof is amazing. Which we have all stated over and over and over...Why in the world would God want to put His children through the Tribulation when He sacrificed Himself on the Cross for our sins. He already paid for us and that is why He is going to Rapture us all off this rock that is slowly descending into oblivion. Good Grief he loves us far then we can even imagine, He is not going to put us in the hands of the Antichrist! And yes there is tons of proof that he will takes us out before the Tribulation. Which we have stated over and over and over...And yes there will be people turning to Christ during the Tribulation its in the Scriptures. They will be some of the strongest Christians that ever were, because they will have to die for what they believe. I mean you can all sit here on the rock and wait for the Tribulation to end, but I plan to be in Heaven with Jesus and listening to my favourite prophet Elijah tell me what it was like in the Old Testament Days. When we get there we'll put the coffee on! :x: In His Precious Name Marilyn
  12. I hope they find it too. I think we are due for alittle shake-up for all those skeptics out there, it would be a great witness. In His Love Marilyn
  13. I totally agree with you ladyc the mean-spirit has to stop it serves no purpose other then offending those of us who want to have discussion not an argument. I know Ernie is not going to change his mind and neither are those of us who believe in a pre-trib. So instead of trying to CONVERT us why not just have a civilized conversation without the accusations. Satan wants nothing more then then to have born again Christians at each others throats, I am certainly not going to give him the satisfaction! I will just post what I believe not get into name calling or arguments its not worth the anxiety or the foothold that satan is just dying for.
  14. I think you are absolutely correct Ron, that it is not a prerequisite for Salvation. But we are in a controversial room and there isn't much that is as controversial a topic as this one. And there is nothing wrong with some good old fashioned debating, but unfortunately some of us are taking it way too personal and getting their backs up and want everyone to believe what they believe. Which if one was to be honest with ones self as long as our hearts belong to Jesus and we are confident of our salvation it doesn't really matter if we go pre-mid or post. But I do like the challenge of trying to scripturely present my case for pre-trib. As long as the there is no name calling or telling someone that they are going to hell because they believe one thing and not another is just plain uncalled for and unscriptural. Nothing turns people off quicker then someone who pushes their opinion to the limit at the cost of some one else' feelings and beliefs. As long as the fundamentals like Salvation, His Commandments, His teachings are not trifled with topics like the Rapture are still open for debate.
  15. I am attending a funeral today, the mother of one of our praise team members passed away this past week and she was a Jehovah Witness. The funeral is in kingdom hall, as a praise team we are all going to support her (she and her husband are christians). I feel really uneasy about going into this building this afternoon and I would like some prayer for myself and our praise team to cover us while we are there. Someone to stand in the gap with intercessory prayer. From what I've been reading about JW's they are a very scary cult. If my brothers and sisters in Christ could stand in agreement with me this morning and for this afternoon I would feel so much better. My friend Dee who's mother it is, is feeling very weak and vulnerable in her grief and as a praise team we want to help her through this. She believes in her mother's last moments as she was praying over her, reading scripture that she had peace, but she is unsure. Her brother is still involved in the sect. and got her mother and father into it, he is organizing the funeral. Dee feels powerless when it comes to her brother, he refused to let one of our praise team members pray over and annoint her mother with oil, so she respected that, but as she told us later he couldn't stop her from praying silently :t: . We are having a praise team practice after the funeral, and I just want to make sure that we are covered by His blood while we are at the funeral and afterwards. I don't know if anyone else has had strange feelings about certain places when they walk in that they shouldn't be there and that you need to make sure the Armour Of God is on, but I get these feelings all the time. And I'm feeling that now and I haven't even walked into the building yet, so please cover us with prayer today, our names are Marilyn,Ken, Nancy, Dee, Ed, Bev, and Doug. Thank You so much everyone!
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