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Everything posted by Marilyn777

  1. The Constitutional Commandments The Letter the Macon Telegraph Would Not Print By Gary DeMar Phil Dodson, writing for the Macon Telegraph, wants to know what part of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution the Governor of Georgia and other governmental officials who attended a pro-Ten Commandments rally on September 29th don
  2. The Janet Jackson-Justin Timberlake wardrobe debacle during the Super Bowl initiated a firestorm of criticism over indecency on television, but the sensual, skimpy, low-cut, too-short, revealing clothes worn by believers is also causing much alarm. Ministry leaders say churches must be willing to address the issue if Christians are to be lights that reflect the purity of Christ. Madeline Crabb, author of a training manual for churches titled "Dressing to Please God: Clothing the Mind, Body and Spirit," is familiar with inappropriate clothing worn by believers. The author was prompted to address the issue after noticing the steady shift among Christians toward wearing revealing clothes. "God wants women to be without excuse, and He wants Christians to know what is expected of them," Crabb, 54, told "Charisma" magazine in the August issue, out now. The full report on modesty and Christians can be found in the magazine. A licensed minister, the author has participated in or held at least 200 women's shows or workshops. During the years, she has taught women how to dress and how to conceal their flaws to look more attractive and presentable. Her experience helped shape her core message: Modesty is humility expressed in proper dress, and anything other than that is compromise. "The world has a hard time believing the church," Crabb said. "We use a lot of religious mumbo jumbo about how, as Christians, we have grace and freedom. And then we make statements about how the world doesn't understand us. ... The church doesn't understand the parameters God has given." Bob Lepine, co-host of the popular daily radio program "FamilyLife Today" with Dennis Rainey, said immodesty is a fast-growing problem in the body of Christ and that the church must be wise in its attempt to address it. "This issue is a matter of the heart, not legalism," Lepine said. Like Lepine, there are leaders who are taking their chances despite what believers might say. Pastors are teaching congregants that men and women and young girls and boys should dress in a manner reflecting Christlikeness, not the culture. C.J. Mahaney, of Sovereign Grace Ministries, said any discussion about modesty begins with the heart, not the hemline. According to Mahaney, what a woman wears "will demonstrate that she lives with a settled resistance to the ceaseless pull of the world." Mother Barbara McCoo Lewis, who oversees women in more than 250 churches in Southern California for the Church of God in Christ, stresses how important it is for Christians to be models of modesty in our fallen world. "The principles of holiness, which include modesty, must not be assumed but rather imparted in a spirit of love and patience," the Los Angeles resident explained. In an effort to help women adopt a godly lifestyle, Mother Lewis started Daughters of Ruth and Naomi, a mentorship program that mainstreams younger women into every area of ministry and encourages spiritual maturity through positive reinforcement. "Modesty is better caught than taught!" she said.
  3. SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Having sex with corpses is now officially illegal in California after Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill barring necrophilia, a spokeswoman said on Friday. The new legislation marks the culmination of a two-year drive to outlaw necrophilia in the state and will help prosecutors who have been stymied by the lack of an official ban on the practice, according to experts. "Nobody knows the full extent of the problem. ... But a handful of instances over the past decade is frequent enough to have a bill concerning it," said Tyler Ochoa, a professor at Santa Clara University School of Law who has studied California cases involving allegations of necrophilia. "Prosecutors didn't have anything to charge these people with other than breaking and entering. But if they worked in a mortuary in the first place, prosecutors couldn't even charge them with that," Ochoa said. The state's first attempt to outlaw necrophilia, in response to a case of a man charged with having sex with the corpse of a 4-year-old girl in Southern California, stalled last year in a legislative committee. Lawmakers revived the bill this year after an unsuccessful prosecution of a man found in a San Francisco funeral home drunk and passed out on top of an elderly woman's corpse. The new law makes sex with a corpse a felony punishable by up to eight years in prison.
  4. Just a small note on Christmas since the subject just keeps popping up. There's not a single commandment in Scripture that instructs us to celebrate Christ's birth. But this doesn't mean it's wrong to do it. Scripture indicates that anything is permitted so long as it does not violate Biblical principals, and so long as it is done in faith, with love, and in a manner that edifies people (see Romans 13:10; 14:4, 5, 23; 1 Corinthians 6:12; 10:23; Colossians 2:20, 22). Some have objected that Christ wasn't born on December 25. That's probably true. (His birth likely occurred at a different time of year altogether.) Nevertheless, it is perfectly appropriate for Christians to celebrate the Incarnation, the most incredible event of human history. And it's fine to do it on December 25, even though Christ probably wasn't born that day. (After all, Americans commemorate Washington's birthday on the third Monday of February, even though his real birthday was February 22.) I know there are those who note that Christmas is celebrated on a day which in the ancient Roman Empire was a pagan holiday linked to the mystery religions. But this doesn't make Christmas a pagan holiday. The fact is, the Christians refused to participate in the pagan ritual. Their attitude was that if the pagans were going to celebrate their false religion, Christians should celebrate the one true religion. And what better way to celebrate than to focus attention on the Incarnation, the event in which eternal God became a man? Personally I think it brings a smile to Christ's face when Christians celebrate His birth. On the other hand, I think it must sadden Him when He sees Christians focusing exclusively on exchanging gifts with one another, focusing little or no attention on Him. JMO Marilyn
  5. I know what you're saying Rocks I have felt invisable for most of my life. I have always wanted to be with the popular people, the accepted people. If you don't look a certain way, or wear the right clothes, hang out with the right people, say the right things then you don't fit in. It wasn't until I came here to Worthy that I felt accepted, and that what I had to say mattered to someone. I've heard so many people say that internet friendships aren't real that people lie about themselves online and you can't trust anyone. I suppose thats true in some respects but on the whole I don't think its true here. I want so much to believe its not true here. I think you sometimes have to go with your gut feelings and my gut tells me this place is different. I feel a sense of peace, and family here. I know that no matter what time of the day or night I can here and find someone to talk to or pray with. And I especially like the fact that if you haven't been around for a couple of days you get people sending you PM's to see if you are alright. That speaks volumes to me about the spirit of this board and the presence of the Holy Spirit. Maybe I still do feel invisable in the 'real world' but in the virtual world I feel very much accepted. Thank you all! God Bless Marilyn
  6. 1} With Elijah right before the whirlwind. 2} With Noah on the Ark 3} At the manger with baby Jesus 4} With Moses on the mountain with God
  7. I'm sorry I don't understand what your saying? I saw the words 'Days of Elijah' and since its my favourite song it got my attention. Could you explain more about the movie? Thanks Marilyn
  8. Your welcome its an awesome prayer Marilyn
  9. Amen Whitestone!! Welcome to Worthy!!! I'm glad you're here! :oww:
  10. I will keep her in my prayers kittyjo. This prayer is very powerful, I think its important to keep it handy. I'm going to put a copy of it in my Bible. And I'm going to pass it on to as many people as possible. Anytime you make the gates of Hell tremble is a good day in my book!
  11. There is so much beauty around us everyday that we take it for granted. It would be nice to have that child like faith again.
  12. Praying this prayer everyday will really tick Satan off big Time!!
  13. Makeover Mania Extreme Makeover and other reality shows suggest that people can change from the outside in. But real beauty doesn't come from a Botox injection. By Margaret Feinberg ABC's Extreme Makeover has been called the reality-TV version of the classic "ugly duckling" story. The popular show documents the physical transformation of everyday people using all the tricks of the Hollywood trade, including cosmetic surgery, make-up artists, stylists, and personal trainers. Last year more than 7,000 people nationwide auditioned to appear on the show. And not surprisingly, it has inspired a number of copycats. FOX's The Swan, another big hit, took the concept further by pitting radically made-over women against each other in a made-for-tv beauty contest. Anyone who has watched Extreme Makeover or The Swan knows that amid the hype and focus on external appearances, more than a few participants have received cosmetic work that has helped them correct physical blemishes and disfigurements that have taken a toll on their self-esteem. To up the dramatic element, the producers clearly have searched for people whose stories offer heart-wrenching human-interest value. And at times, the unveiling of their "new look" is truly inspiring. Even Constance Rhodes, author of Life Inside the Thin Cage and founder of FINDING balance (www.findingbalance.com), a ministry that helps people with eating disorders and self-image issues, confesses that she's "a bit fascinated" with makeover shows. "Who doesn't love the story of a respectable-yet-unremarkable-looking person being transformed into a lovely swan who suddenly is noticed by everyone?" she says. "This is the stuff of fairy tales, and it's almost irresistible to watch." But there is a catch. Rhodes cautions that taken at face value, shows such as Extreme Makeover, The Swan, and the makeover segments that are often featured on daytime talk shows, send the troubling message that it's possible to change any and every element of one's looks, and that in doing so it's possible to overcome struggles and live happily ever after. When life revolves around outward image, then what others think becomes more important than what God thinks.
  14. Sunday Afternoon by Camerin Courtney It's Sunday morning and I'm sitting in the last chair in the back row of my church sanctuary. For some reason, this is as far as I'm willing to come today. I woke in a bit of a funk, dragging myself out of bed, bribing myself with promises of hot coffee, then driving into the church parking lot late. After the service, I don't see any of my increasingly infrequent lunch buddies, so I drive home alone. As I pass through pristine neighborhoods, I realize that while we were inside praising God, the day morphed from cloudy and cool to absolute perfection. I have things to accomplish, but any intelligent human being knows the right thing to do is take advantage of this beautiful day. Once home, I call a few friends to see if any of them are up for a walk or some other form of spontaneous outdoor fun. No one's home, so I leave messages, eat a quick lunch, and feel the afternoon stretch before me like an endless empty horizon. I sit in my apartment feeling enveloped in its emptiness, realizing I'm suffering from the Sunday afternoon lonelies again. I should have seen them coming, really. I've been in one of those friend-shifts lately. One of my close friends moved out of state six months ago. Another is a few months into a new dating relationship. Another is swamped with work and has gone "underground" again. There are other friends, of course, but not that closest ring
  15. Hey Man, I'm Worried About You One friend, one e-mail, one life-changing message. fiction by Elesha Coffman Hey Jared, Thought I'd shoot you an e-mail about some stuff I've wanted to say for a long time, but I hadn't figured out how to say it. Please read to the end before deleting, OK? It might be kinda dorky to mention it, but I was thinking lately about how you were the first person I met when we moved here. Other kids on the street just ignored me, but you let me play with your trucks in the driveway while my parents unloaded boxes. After a week, you'd introduced me to everyone on the block. You told them I was your new friend and they'd better be nice to me or else. I thought you were great. I don't think I ever thanked you for being my best friend back then. Maybe it's a little late, but thanks. There's a point to all this. Really. And it's not just that I'm getting all sappy about this being our last year in high school. Yeah, our senior year starts next week, and, yeah, it will be hard to say goodbye to everyone. But I needed to e-mail you for another reason. Since we've been in high school, we haven't been as tight as we were when we were kids. There's nothing wrong with that. We're into different things, and we've got our own groups now. But, some of the people you hang with
  16. A new documentary film on the faith of George W. Bush will, say its creators, provide a counter balance to Michael Moore's unflattering portrait of the president. The film, titled "George W. Bush: Faith in the White House," shows the unseen side of Bush neglected by the press and often derided by his political opponents. Produced by Grizzly Adams Productions (GAP), the film reveals a positive side of President Bush never reported by the news media through interviews with people who have encountered Bush in a faith-based way," says David W. Balsiger, the documentary's producer. "Our documentary reveals this is the most faith-based presidency since Abraham Lincoln." In striking contrast to Moore's "Fahrenheit 9/11" -- often described by reviewers as "Bush-bashing, incendiary, and manipulative" -- GAP's "George W. Bush: Faith in the White House" "clearly shows a caring, compassionate, faith-based President that the world has not seen before this documentary," countered Balsiger. The "Bush Faith" full-length documentary feature balances credible research with candid testimony from both critics and presidential contacts that document Bush's extraordinary faith and prayer life. "Our 'Bush Faith' television documentary was produced independently of any contact with the White House, the Bush Administration or influence from the Bush-Cheney Election Campaign," says Balsiger. "It's based entirely on independent research and in part on two best-selling books." The books on which the documentary is partially based include David Aikman's "A Man of Faith" (W Publishing Group), and Tom Freiling's "George W. Bush on God and Country" (Allegiance Press). "This powerful, non-political documentary wins over Bush-bashers and fence-sitters alike who come to understand Bush as a faith-based man," says Ted Beckett, the executive producer. "This behind-the-scenes look at Bush's faith impacts everyone and leaves them inspired." Eighteen on-camera interviewees share their experiences on how President Bush "walks the talk" of his faith. Those recalling observations of Bush are former TIME Senior Correspondent David Aikman, Reagan Secretary of Energy Don Hodel, Bush Sr.'s Special Assistant Doug Wead, TV evangelist James Robison, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Catholic publisher Deal Hudson, civil rights activist Robert Woodson and author Stephen Mansfield. Included in this documentary are public comments from several Bush critics, such as Susan Jacoby and Robert Sheer of the "Los Angeles Times"; Jim Wallis, editor of "Sojourners Magazine"; actor Richard Gere; political maverick Ralph Nader; and anti-Christian activist Barry Lynn of Americans United.
  17. Mud Puddles and Dandelions When I look at a patch of dandelions, I see a bunch of weeds that are going to take over my yard. My kids see flowers for Mom and blowing white fluff you can wish on. When I look at an old drunk and he smiles at me, I see a smelly, dirty person who probably wants money and I look away. My kids see someone smiling at them and they smile back. When I hear music I love, I know I can't carry a tune and don't have much rythmn, so I sit self consciously and listen. My kids feel the beat and move to it. They sing out the words. If they don't know them they make up their own. When I feel wind on my face, I brace myself against it. I feel it messing up my hair and pulling me back when I walk. My kids close their eyes, spread their arms and fly with it until they fall to the ground laughing. When I pray, I say thee and thou and grant me this, give me that. My kids say, "Hi God! Thanks for my toys and my friends. Please keep the bad dreams away tonight. Sorry, I don't want to go to heaven yet. I would miss my mommy and daddy." When I see a mud puddle, I step around it. I see muddy shoes and dirty carpets. My kids sit in it. They see dams to build, rivers to cross, and worms to play with. I wonder if we are given kids to teach or to learn from? No wonder God loves the little children!! Enjoy the little things in life, for one day, you may look back and realize they are the big things. Just a reminder about the important things in life.... I wish you mud puddles and dandelions!! ~~!*HaVe A sUnShInE dAy*!~~
  18. Warfare Prayer To begin your day or to fight off the enemy Dear Lord, thank you for assuring me of victory today. So by faith I claim victory over ___________ [whatever you face today] To prepare myself for the battle, by faith I put on the belt of truth. I put on the truth about You, Lord: The truth is that You are the sovereign God who comprehends everything about me, all my strengths and my weaknesses intimately. The truth is that You know my weakest characteristics, and yet You have promised not to allow me to be tempted beyond what I am able to bear. The truth about me, Lord, is that I am new creation in Christ, and I have been set free from the power of sin and death. The truth is that I am indwelt by the Holy Spirit Who will guide me into all truth and Who will warn me when danger is near. The truth is that I am Your child, and nothing can separate me from Your love. The Truth is that You have a specific purpose for me this day--someone to encourage, someone to share with, someone to love. And the truth also is that I have a unique life purpose which defines my actions throughout my whole life and which will be demonstrated today in my circumstances. Next, Lord, I want by faith to put on the breastplate of righteousness. In Your righteousness and goodness which I receive today, I guard my heart and my emotions. I will not allow my heart to attach itself to anything that is impure. I will not allow my emotions or my mind to rule in my decisions, but rather the Mind of Christ. I present my body a living sacrifice, yielding it as an instrument of righteousness. I do not permit my body to yield to unrighteousness. I will set my heart on what is right and good and just. I will live today by what is true, not by what I feel or even what I perceive. And the God of Peace will be with me! Today I will learn how to be content in whatever state I find myself. Teach me, oh Lord! Lord, this morning I put on the sandals of the gospel of peace. I am available to you, Lord. Send me where you will. Guide me to those who need encouragement or physical help of some kind. Use me to solve conflicts wherever they may arise. Make me a peacemaker and an ambassador of reconciliation in every circumstance in which You place me. I will not be hurried or rushed, for my schedule is in Your hands. I will not leave a trail of tension and apprehension behind me. I will not walk in fear and anxiety but in Your perfect love rejoicing in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, making my requests known to You with bold grace. I will leave tracks of peace and blessing wherever I go. I now take up the shield of faith, Lord. My faith is in You and You alone. Apart from You, I can do nothing. With You I can do all things. I lay down all tendencies to trust anything other than You first in my life. No temptation that comes my way can penetrate Your protecting hedge about me, and no man can pluck me out of Your hand. I will not be afraid, for You are going with me throughout this day. When I am tempted, I will claim my victory out loud ahead of time, for You have promised victory to those who walk in obedience to Your scripture. So by faith I claim victory even now because I know there are fiery darts headed my way even as I pray. Lord, You already know what they are and have already provided the way of escape. Lord, by faith I am putting on the helmet of salvation. You know how Satan bombards my mind day and night with evil thoughts, desires, and fear. I put on this helmet that will protect my mind. I may feel the impact of his attacks, but nothing can penetrate this helmet. I choose to stop every impure and negative thought at the door of my mind. And with the helmet of salvation those thoughts will get no further. I elect to take every thought captive in obedience to Christ. I will then revenge the disobedience of those thoughts by offering them to You on the cross where Your death is my victory. Thank You, Jesus, for bearing these sinful thoughts and every sinful and rebellious act that has ever proceeded from them I will dwell on nothing but what is good and right and pleasing to You. I take up the sword of the Spirit, which is Your Word. Thank You for the precious gift of Jesus the Word. He is sharp and powerful, and able to defeat even the strongest of Satan's attacks. Your scripture says that I am not under obligation to the flesh to obey it's lusts. Your scripture says that I am free from the power of sin. Your scripture says that He that is in me is greater than he that is in the world. So by faith I take up the strong and powerful sword of the Spirit which is Your spoken revelation to me and the intentions of Your heart toward me. This sword is able to defend me in time of attack, comfort me in time of sorrow, teach me in times of meditation, and prevail against the power of the enemy on behalf of others who need the truth to set them free. Finally, Lord, I labor as a watchman on the fortress walls of prayer. I am a sentry in the battle. I will be alert to the movements of the enemy. I will always keep on praying for all the saints. I will report his strategies as I observe them to your throne of grace so that you may bombard him with heavenly artillery before he ever reaches his evil goal. I will intercede against him in every place I see him or evidence of him. I will pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. As a watchman and a sentry of prayer I will not fail to see his attacks before he launches them. So, Lord, I go now rejoicing that You have chosen me to represent You to this lost and dying world. I go rejoicing that You have chosen me to know You so that I can also make You known to others. May others see Jesus in me, and may Satan and his hosts shudder as Your power is demonstrated in me. In Jesus' Name, I claim all this to be true - AMEN.
  19. Take Cover It's A Big One! MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- Hurricane Ivan, packing maximum sustained winds near 160 mph (260 kph), began moving away from western Cuba late Monday, toppling power lines, uprooting trees and causing extensive flooding. Forecasters warned residents of the U.S. mainland between Florida's Panhandle and west of New Orleans, Louisiana, to brace themselves for a possible midweek landfall. Florida Gov. Jeb Bush told residents of the hurricane-weary state to take the necessary precautions, prepare for the impact and listen to authorities as evacuation orders go into effect. Mandatory evacuations for the Panhandle were expected to begin Tuesday. "This is not the time to be defiant or to kind of let people know that you're a macho man. There are other ways to do that in life," Bush said at a news conference. "This is a Category 5 storm. Trust me, it is a powerful, powerful force of nature that you shouldn't be messing with." Since 1900, only three Category 5 hurricanes have hit the United States, most recently Hurricane Andrew, which pounded the South Florida coast in 1992, killing 23 people and causing about $26 billion in damages. The National Hurricane Center in Miami projected that Ivan will drop to a Category 3 or 4 by the time it makes landfall late Wednesday or early Thursday, possibly near Fort Walton Beach and Destin, Florida. (Preparing for the worst) But forecasters cautioned the storm could track slightly to the west, making landfall closer to Mobile, Alabama, or New Orleans. A hurricane watch was issued late Monday for the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico from Morgan City, Louisiana, east to St. Marks, Florida, the center said. That includes the greater New Orleans area. No matter where landfall occurs, a wide swath of the Gulf Coast will be affected because of the storm's size, officials said. Hurricane-force winds extend as far as 100 miles (160 kilometers) from the eye, and winds of tropical storm strength stretch 200 miles (325 kilometers). Oil companies have evacuated offshore oil rigs, stopping production of nearly 100,000 barrels of oil per day. The Navy moved 300 aircraft from the storm's path at Pensacola Naval Air Station and Whiting Field in the Florida Panhandle. The region also is home to Eglin Air Force Base. As of 11 p.m., Ivan's eye was 40 miles (60 kilometers) west-northwest of the western tip of Cuba, according to the hurricane center. The storm was moving northwest at near 9 mph (15 kph) and heading into the southeastern Gulf of Mexico. A hurricane warning was in effect for Cuba from Pinar del Rio to Ciego de Avila, including the Isle of Youth. A hurricane warning was also in effect for the northeastern Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico from Tulum to Progreso, including the resort town of Cozumel. Torrential rain flooded many roads in tobacco-rich Pinar del Rio province as the storm lashed the area. High winds uprooted trees and downed power lines. At least 1.5 million Cubans were evacuated to higher ground ahead of the storm, and early Monday, Cuban President Fidel Castro toured parts of western Cuba, which was ravaged by Hurricane Charley a month ago. Castro reiterated that his island nation would not accept any money from the United States or other countries that "have imposed economic sanctions against Cuba." "The United States can save itself the hypocrisy of trying to help Cuba out in this situation," he said. Forecasters said Cuba would continue to get whipped by hurricane-force winds until about 5 a.m. Tuesday. The storm is expected to dump as much as 8 to 12 inches of rain in its wake and bring storm surge flooding of 20 to 25 feet. "They're in for a rough 12 hours," said Hector Guerrero, a meteorologist with the hurricane center. "It's hard to imagine what that 20 to 25 feet of storm surge will look like." A tropical storm watch remained in effect for the Florida Keys from Seven-Mile Bridge west to the Dry Tortugas, the hurricane center said. Sand Key in the lower Florida Keys reported sustained winds of 41 mph (66 kph) when one of Ivan's rain bands passed overhead, the hurricane center said. Florida Keys emergency management officials discontinued all evacuation orders associated with Hurricane Ivan early Monday and said residents who left the Keys could return immediately. Tourism officials said visitors should hold off on returning to the Keys until Thursday. The storm has already killed at least 62 people as it barreled across Jamaica, Grenada and other islands. Grenada was the hardest hit, reporting 37 people killed by the storm. Venezuela and the Dominican Republic each reported four deaths blamed on the storm. In Jamaica, authorities raised the death toll from the storm to 17 late Sunday, including eight people believed to have been swept away by a tidal surge in a town on the island's south coast when the storm hit. Power outages were reported on Grand Cayman, which the storm's eye missed by about 30 miles Sunday, and flooding was so bad that people had to stand on their roofs, according to ham radio operators, the center said.
  20. Praying Principal Says God Rules at His School A public high school principal in Boca Raton, Florida, says he will not be deterred by criticism he has received for expressing his evangelical Christian beliefs. An atheist teacher at Boca Raton High School condemned principal Geoff McKee for telling staff at a recent faculty meeting that all of his significant decisions are made prayerfully. Yet another faculty member accused McKee of hiring only people from his church or those with a strong belief in God. And a Roman Catholic parent complained about McKee's proposed "Introduction to the Bible" course. Still, the Florida principal insists the attacks will not stop him from acknowledging his faith in God. He notes that the community he serves is extremely mixed, with 73 birth countries represented by the student population, "and just about every religious group." Still, McKee says, "This community has been very supportive of me as a principal and of anything I've brought into the school, including trying to create as godly an environment as possible." Also, the principal says he prays for every student and teacher in each classroom he visits and throughout the day, asking "that God's spirit would descend on Boca Raton High to protect students from the evil one." And McKee notes that he is not the only one praying -- a campus student group and a group called Mom's In Touch meet weekly to intercede for the school as well. The Christian school official says he has seen some dramatic immediate answers to prayer while on the job. In one instance, he recounts, "Literally, as I was praying, a staff member walked up to me and said he got a funny report about a child who possibly had drugs in one of the restrooms." Upon retrieving the young girl, McKee says, "It turned out she had a purse full of pills that she said -- and it was a believable story to me -- she was stockpiling for a suicide attempt." The high school's chief administrator considers that incident and several others like it to be moments of divine intervention. "I don't know how else to describe it," he says, "other than the Holy Spirit's active involvement in our school as a result of prayer." McKee says God's influence is powerful at his school, and the evidence of divine grace has been and continues to be amazing. Since the Christian principal took over there, Boca Raton High has gone from being a school with seriously high crime statistics to one with the lowest incidence of violence in all of Palm Beach County.
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