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Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by Debp

  1. Jackie or Shadow sure move into various sleeping positions! https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/ Here's a nice shot from the daytime...
  2. Just for your information....U.S. Mobile uses Verizon and T-Mobile cell towers. I would have went with them if I had been able to buy the phone from them the other night. Even a $6 plan for light users.... including taxes! Since Consumer Cellular does the sign up and everything over the phone, it was easier for me. So I signed up with them.
  3. I got signed up with Consumer Cellular. Bought a smartphone on sale for $99. Once phone arrives they say to call them to finish setting it up. Then I can cancel old AT&T.
  4. Did you feel it? Sometimes it can be a sudden jolt. Others can be kind of rolling.
  5. If she is deceiving you, you shouldn't give her the money. You are enabling her to continue living a deceitful life. Perhaps if she is having some trials in her life, this could be a wakeup call for her....that she needs to come to the Lord and also become more responsible.
  6. True. I talked with their customer service previously and they are outsourced in India. The guy told me $10 for the 1 GB plan.....the website said $6 for it. And it was a little bit difficult understanding his accent. Plus doing everything online like paying the bill with them... harder for me. I called Consumer Cellular to ask about prices. $15 a month with auto pay. To save stress I will probably go with them. They do it all over the phone and will mail the phone kit to me. They are in the USA.
  7. I was trying to buy the cellphone from them now. For some reason the computer put my email address in the name spot. Then it left off my apartment number. Finally it put the zip code in the wrong spot! So I didn't place my order after all. And I saw they even have $6 a month plans!
  8. Did you see my above post about U.S. Mobile? U.S. Mobile has even a $10 a month plan including taxes! They have other plans unlimited everything for $15 and $23.
  9. Thanks. I checked YouTube and someone was reviewing the lesser known cell providers. He recommended U.S. Mobile. I talked with U.S. Mobile customer service. He said since I just want to talk on the phone, he recommended their $10 a month plan. That includes taxes! (The taxes alone at AT&T were over eight dollars a month.) The $10 plan has 1 GB of data. I don't plan to use the Internet or text on the phone. Just pay my phone bill via Internet. So I guess 1 GB is ok? They also have a plan for $15 a month with 2 GB. They sell phones...two are on sale for $59. Including a SIM card. Guess I'll go for that.... Chinese brand NUU. Android which is what my tablet is. There is a Nokia for $89 on sale....but different operating system. Haven't placed my order yet if anyone has input.
  10. Rewinding the video really helps to see the action. The next storm due in Sunday night will be much stronger than the one a few days ago. While I absolutely love hearing the rain, I hope the Eagles and people will be safe. Since this is an Eagle thread, I mentioned them first! There was a lot of flooding on our streets. Water went up to nearly the roofs of the cars in some areas. People had to be rescued from cars.
  11. I rewound the video...at 16:34, both Eagles were on the nest. And they changed places! Really amazing how they keep those eggs safe. Right now Jackie or Shadow, I can't tell which end is the head....just a body of feathers in the snow. https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/
  12. We are going to get another round of rain coming in Sunday night through Thursday. It's called an atmospheric river. We usually don't get much rain in the Los Angeles area. Also, sometimes the mountains and deserts get the rain when it bypasses us down in the L.A. Basin.
  13. Yes, we had heavy rain starting in the wee hours and into morning. (Sure was nice hearing the rain for a change! (Slept in one hour by mistake.) The mountains are about two hours from Los Angeles. Just checked, she or he is still covered with snow. @Neighbor I don't think it's a dead tree but I'm not sure. If you use the link below, maybe they can tell you. https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/
  14. They are very frightening. Our 1994 one was 6.7. They say for each point higher, it feels ten times more.
  15. I think it's a restaurant that has these trains and the cats. There's at least one other cat on other videos.
  16. It's been raining somewhat for at least an hour now. Supposed to get very heavy 5am to 11 am. I just checked the nest.... can't see any rain yet but the nest is really moving around.
  17. For groceries there is a $10 delivery fee no matter how large the order. So it's cheaper to pay the $99 for unlimited deliveries for a year. Also, about the tip...my Target app won't proceed any further until you enter a tip!
  18. Jackie laid a third egg!!! You can view all three eggs at about the 11 minute mark on this video...
  19. The more information people give me (I also asked over at CB)....the more I realize I don't know anything about having a cell phone. I feel pretty clueless. I don't know how to activate them, don't understand about SIM cards, I don't know if all cell phones are connected to the Internet or not, etc. If my uncle was still on the Earth, he could have explained more to me. He had a cheap phone and paid for minutes. I'll try asking a couple of neighbors but they might be on Lifeline. I could phone my aunt in WV or a cousin in Arizona. Oh, my aunt in WV had to put in a landline. Her cell phone doesn't work at her home in WV! She's in the woods.
  20. Wait until an earthquake hits when you are in a high rise! They really sway back and forth...the higher you are the more you sway!
  21. The mountains are colder than us in the L.A. Basin so maybe so.
  22. After my doctor's appointment and taking a little rest, I walked over to Target for a few things. I did finally pay $99 for a year of delivery with Shipt... Target owns them but you can also order from a few other stores. But Target is much cheaper. It's really helpful having the groceries delivered... however, there's a $4 shopper fee plus a tip. So it does add up...but I needed the delivery service. Was getting too much taking care of mom plus getting groceries, too. Even though my teen neighbor would have still helped me. Also, have two other nice neighbors that get me a couple of items now and then.
  23. You are so right...just checked. Jackie or Shadow's feathers are blowing. We are going to get heavy rain from 5am to 11am. Yesterday they said it would come in by 10 pm tonight but maybe it's delayed now. https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/
  24. Pre-paid...that means buying phone cards? My uncle used to do that. I do that for long distance calls. We don't qualify for Lifeline for our current landline...over the income somewhat. I don't know if it would be a different requirement for the free cell phones. Sometimes the government makes you jump through hoops to get something. AT & T, if they get approved to drop landlines said they will mail us some options. I just thought I'd ask around for input.
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