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Worthy Ministers
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Everything posted by Debp

  1. After my doctor's appointment and taking a little rest, I walked over to Target for a few things. I did finally pay $99 for a year of delivery with Shipt... Target owns them but you can also order from a few other stores. But Target is much cheaper. It's really helpful having the groceries delivered... however, there's a $4 shopper fee plus a tip. So it does add up...but I needed the delivery service. Was getting too much taking care of mom plus getting groceries, too. Even though my teen neighbor would have still helped me. Also, have two other nice neighbors that get me a couple of items now and then.
  2. You are so right...just checked. Jackie or Shadow's feathers are blowing. We are going to get heavy rain from 5am to 11am. Yesterday they said it would come in by 10 pm tonight but maybe it's delayed now. https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/
  3. Pre-paid...that means buying phone cards? My uncle used to do that. I do that for long distance calls. We don't qualify for Lifeline for our current landline...over the income somewhat. I don't know if it would be a different requirement for the free cell phones. Sometimes the government makes you jump through hoops to get something. AT & T, if they get approved to drop landlines said they will mail us some options. I just thought I'd ask around for input.
  4. I've never heard of Simple mobile. So what exactly is "data" about? If I go to a cell phone, I really just want to be able to phone people now and then. I don't plan to text.
  5. Thankfully the rain comes late Wednesday. I have a doctor's checkup Wednesday morning. Got to go to bed earlier tonight.
  6. I also catch them when they are sleeping or awake at night....like me, this night owl. You taught me I could rewind the video....that was very helpful! https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/
  7. I never heard of Tello. Do you have good reception? I always hear about Consumer Cellular. I think one can sign up at Target. How do you know if you are going over your number of minutes allowed? I'm new to all things about cell phones. My uncle (passed away) bought a cheap phone and would buy minutes each time he needed to. I forgot the name of it. For my landline, I buy minutes for long distance. I just put $15 onto it...lasts me a long time. I wonder if I could use those minutes on a cell phone? It's a Walgreens phone card.
  8. I don't want to text anybody when and if I get a cell phone. I just want to be able to phone my doctors or sometimes people I know. Not really a phone person. Are all cell phones connected to the Internet?
  9. Here is the update page with detailed information about the Eagles and eggs. https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/eagles-updates/
  10. It's coming late Wednesday... maybe 10 pm. Supposed to rain mostly on Thursday, then somewhat on Friday. A little break, then more on the way. I enjoy it since it's mostly dry here in the Basin.
  11. Wait for the ending... @ladypeartree
  12. Kindness in South Korea... @ladypeartree @JohnD
  13. I might try them if A T & T gets out of providing landlines. Since we have some tall buildings nearby, I hope we get good reception.
  14. Consumer Cellular advertises plans starting at only $20 a month. I don't use the phone much except for brief necessary calls sometimes. I only pay my neighbor $7 a month for the wifi. He says his wifi is only $20 a month.
  15. https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org The website has the live cams and also gives updates regularly.
  16. The previous year we were able to see Spirit grow up and fly away.
  17. No, I wouldn't do it using my neighbor's wifi. Our landline keeps going up...it is now $49 a month. Someone else gave me info on the free government phones. I'm thinking it might depend on income after all...not just being on Social Security. I know we don't qualify for Lifeline on our landline. Maybe I should try Consumer Cellular? They say they have good coverage and they are reasonable. We have some taller buildings around so I hope that doesn't interfere with reception.
  18. I think I read that if you are on Social Security that you can get an Obama phone...the free government phone. Mom and I never qualified for California Lifeline for our landline as our combined income was a little bit more than allowed. Our current bill is $49 a month....A T &T keeps raising it. I was looking up the free cell phones for my elderly uncle in Arizona (he died this past February 2023). He used to pay for phone cards....the cheap phone he had also would give free government cell phones under a different division. Can't remember the name right now. But he never got the free one as he then was too ill and ready to pass on.
  19. My neighbor actually lets me use his wifi. Because our rent is very high here so I budget.
  20. https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/ Do you mean there's another one? I'm going to check the nest right now.
  21. A T & T is asking the State utilities to quit being a provider for landlines in my area. If A T & T's request is granted, I have to go to using a cell phone. Can anyone give me some information about free government phones? I am on Social Security as a senior citizen....does that qualify me for the free phone? Or are there cheaper phone plans that have good reception? How about Consumer Cellular?
  22. Sure hope it hatches this year. We watched like Hawks last year!
  23. Jackie or Shadow is on the nest right now. Feathers are blowing a bit....just opened eyes. It was a little warm today (75 or so in daytime, 60 currently) so perhaps it is warmer in the mountain tonight. https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org
  24. Do you mean Neighbor's link? Big Bear is still working... https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org
  25. Yes, there is! I just checked and she or he is sitting on the nest but wide awake...1:27a.m. I rewound the video and saw both Jackie and Shadow earlier. https://www.friendsofbigbearvalley.org/
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