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  1. Please take just 5 minutes today to remember those who have lost loved ones in the Tsunami 2004 (2years ago today). As many of you know I was in Sri Lanka when the Tsunami devastated so many peoples homes. I along with my parents went back in August of this year to visit freinds out there and find out how they are recovering. Even today as I type this there are many hundreds of people who are either still in temporary accomadation such as tents or without even a roof over thier head. So many people have been afected by the tsunami and many are still trying to find shelter. Please please please just take 5 mintues to remember those who maynot even be aware that its Christmas. Lets be so thankful for the things we each have. How many children do you know who would be happy to have a popped balloon? So happy that its kept in thier pocket for days..if not weeks/months! Please take time to remember those who dont know what it is to have a home to go to......Those who dont know from day to day if they will be able to beg on the streets for enough money to feed their children let alone themselves. Those who dont know that someone loves them...that someone cares. We have so much but still want more. Please all I ask is that you love those around you and appreciate what you have. Dont waste your time having pointless arguments. There is so much more to life! I will never forget the year I spent in Sri Lanka 2004. The devastation that I walked away from unharmed. A country so lost and in continual war. If only you knew. If only..... As I am sat here typing and I look around the room....candles, christmas presents, carpet, coffe table, even a door to close off the lounge area! the lounge has its own door!! windows to look out off, in our kitchen a sink just for my house thats I dont have to share with 50 other houses, a shower which is for only those in my house, even a christmas cards although even one would be enough and lighten my day! So much to be thankful for......what about you?
  2. As I look into your face, You see each tear that rolls down, hiden by the rain. You see my heart melt at the touch of your love. Into your arms I rest, resting my head against your heart. You see my hurt and you wipe it away. See the broken pieces that your smiles restores. You are my saviour, my king my delight. Into your presence I come and bow before you. Touch my heart Lord and help me to see. The wonders of your mercy and grace thats set me free!
  3. Dear LightofJesus, Thats Beautiful! Did you write it? Its lovely to see others express thier love for Christ in thier own words. Thankyou soooo much for sharing this. I kept looking to see if you had posted in psalms but then I found it here. Im so glad you shared it with us Thankyou Be Blessed and Be Encouraged! Emm
  4. Psalm . . . Definition : sacred song or poem of praise to God Why not add yours here??
  5. Hi I dont know an awful amount but this maybe helpful??? HSA provide a number of difernt options, thier web site is www.hsa.co.uk they also have a free uk phone number on there web site. Some of thier plans pay medical bills directly others you are reimbersed. If they pay the bills directly then you would possible expect to pay minthy although I expect there is the option to pay annually? Not everything is covered. . for example.. sometimes dental is mentioned but be aware that it may only be up to a fixed amount per year. You will need to check these figures out and compare with the different companys. Then there is Bupa also simler to HSA I guess. Again they have a free phone number if you want to call them or ask for more info. www.bupa.co.uk they will even call you back if its easier! Each company also has lots of areas that you can add to your policy. . bit like car breakdown E.g optical, dental, maternity, european cover etc etc There are so many but be careful not to look into so many that you get confused. Often its better to go with names that you have heard of before or maybe a friend reccomended you to. Most companys offer a reduction if you join as a couple etc. Contact 3/4 and get them to send leaflets etc. that way you can sit and go through it all and compare each one. I personally havent heard of PPO before but it doens mean to say you shoudnt check it out. Also you will probable have to have a medial examination to check that you are phisically fit prior to being accepted onto thier treatment plans. If you have an exisiting medail condition they would discuss this with you and go through everything you would need to know. As I say. . im not exaclty sure of how they all work. Please dont take quote me on anything but I hope maybe you can find some useful information. God Bless! Emm
  6. Great are You O'God. Worthy of all praise. You are our shelter and our refuge, Our healer and friend. Your love never ceases, It stretches from the other side of the ocean. Your reach down from the Heavens. You surround us with Awe. Praise be to You
  7. You have guided me O'Lord You hold my hand for each step. When I fall, Your hand reaches down. You guide my ways with Your staff. When I wonder if Your listening you whisper to me gently When I feel as if im alone, you show me your footsteps In my dreams you send snowflakes of peace and comfort In my thoughts you are too much for me to understand Your love for me is deeper than the ocean Your spirit is like the air in the sky How O'God can I understand your ways. How can I compare.
  8. Have you ever written your 'own' psalm? Why not read a few to gain inspiration then spend some time in prayer as you begin to write your personal psalm You rescued me, You were there, You heard my cry for help. Your arms of protection wrapped around me; lifted me into Your presence. Only you knew what I was going through. . .what I felt. You understood I sing praises to Your name for You are my true friend, my brother, my true companion in times of trouble. You are awesome in power and wonder. I will never cease to be amazed at Your wonderful ways. Thank you O'God
  9. Hmmmm well I did like Pork! until about 10 seconds ago! well i guess there would be alot of foods we wouldnt eat if only we knew more!! Ah well good excuse to have my favorite! Roast Lamb coming up!! Mmmmmm
  10. Yeahhhhhhhh OK this guy (who only comes to our church when he is holiday with his wife) came one sunday to our church to lead the worship! Well all was going well until he asked me if I could tell him where to toilet was! Well I turned to him and said "Oh, just go behind the screen!" And my my my I was sooooooo embarssed. see the toilet room is situated behind a large screen so as to prevent the toilet opening out into a room! I still cant face him to this day as I recall this event with out fail!! Nice one
  11. HANDY LITTLE CHART - God has a positive answer: YOU SAY GOD SAYS BIBLE VERSES You say: "It's impossible" God says: All things are possible (Luke 18:27) You say: "I'm too tired" God says: I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28-30) You say: "Nobody really loves me" God says: I love you (John 3:16 & John 3:34 ) You say: "I can't go on" God says: My grace is sufficient (II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15) You say: "I can't figure things out" God says: I will direct your steps (Proverbs 3:5-6) You say: "I can't do it" God says: You can do all things (Philippians 4:13) You say: "I'm not able" God says: I am able (II Corinthians 9:8) You say: "It's not worth it" God says: It will be worth it (Roman 8:28 ) You say: "I can't forgive myself" God says: I Forgive you (I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1) You say: "I can't manage" God says: I will supply all your needs (Philippians 4:19) You say: "I'm afraid" God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear (II Timothy 1:7) You say: "I'm always worried and frustrated" God says: Cast all your cares on ME (I Peter 5:7) You say: "I'm not smart enough" God says: I give you wisdom (I Corinthians 1:30) You say: "I feel all alone" God says: I will never leave you or forsake you (Hebrews 13:5) PASS THIS ON. Believe God is there just for you... YOU NEVER KNOW WHO MAY BE IN NEED.
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