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Everything posted by Times

  1. The word "stauros" in Strong's dictionary says---"a stake or post (as set upright), i.e. (spec) a pole or cross (emphasis mine) (used as an instrument of capitol punishment). It could have been either one. My question is still the same. What does the "New World Translation" have to say about Jesus' virgin birth, death and ressurection from the dead? And where does the "NWT" say Jesus is now?
  2. I didn't get into all this. I asked you "What does the "New World Translation" have to say about Jesus' virgin birth, death and ressurection from the dead? And where does the "NWT" say Jesus is now?" Jesus was born of a virgin, He died on a cross, He was buried in a tomb, He was resurrected on the third day, He now sits at the right hand of the Father. Is this what your "New World translation" says about Him???
  3. Forgive my ignorance but is this what the "New World Translation" says, or is this what you say, or both???
  4. Heather, what part of Maine are you from. I am originally from Lewiston. I was moved here to North Carolina when I was 5, against my will I might ad.
  5. What does the "New World Translation" have to say about Jesus' virgin birth, death and ressurection from the dead? And where does the "NWT" say Jesus is now?
  6. Boy that's good to know.. now I know I am not addicted.. I always get a cup of coffee first and always go check on the household last... You should be ok tah. How many check the board while the coffee is brewing??? I do..first thing computer is on last thing computer is off..sometimes I can't sleep because I am being hounded by some thread and need to speak my mind!! Then I have to get up turn on the computer make more coffee and search the bible or something in order to get onto the screen what I see to be truth..now that is obsessive!!! I'm using this thread to announce the formation of a 12 step program....Worthy Board Anonymous...Anyone willing to take a chip tonight.... I would like to be the first to sign up.
  7. The "Scriptures" mentioned above are what we call the Old Testament now. They had no Bible. I will use Scripture when talking to a Christian as the Christian usually accepts the Bible as authoritative. Most non-believers do not accept the bible as authoritative so I will discuss spiritual matters in my own words. If we reach a point where the non-believer wants to know what the Bible says on a subject I will use it. "Bible-thumping" is a real turn-off to most non-believers. I had a non-believing friend call me a 'Bible thumper" once. At first I was offended. After a few seconds thought I took it as a compliment.
  8. Right on tah. You are exactly right.
  9. Boy that's good to know.. now I know I am not addicted.. I always get a cup of coffee first and always go check on the household last... You should be ok tah. How many check the board while the coffee is brewing???
  10. They have been happening for hundreds of years. Just not with the same frequency. these things are happening closer and closer together. Look up for He is soon coming.
  11. I just started reading it and so far I think it is fascinating. Unless something changes I intend to buy copies for some unsaved friends.
  12. When it is the last thing you do (log off) before retiring at night and the first thing you do (log on) in the morning when you get up.
  13. Times


    Pain and suffering entered the world when Adam and Eve sinned aginst God. Satan is God's enemy and the Christian's enemy. The book of Job will he;p you to understand. I believe God allows bad things to happen to good people for a reason. God is in control. Everything that happens is for a reason.
  14. Times


    The people in this church you mentioned (the Prespyterian Church USA) are taking the leadership at their word. I am amazed at the people that do not read the Word and see for themselves that Homosexuallity (as an example) is a sin. I call that a cult, they are for what ever reason listening to the powers that be and most of them are being controlled by those powers. Now maybe I should use a better word than cult, but I can't think of one. These types of churches fit the definition of "cults." Please do not be offended by my comments. I am merely trying to get us (myself included) to think. Tossing around ideas is a good way to learn. Opinion concerninf=g these types of subjects are not going to get us into Heaven or keep us out. It might, though, cause someone on the fence to think and start searching for the truth and find it. Which is Jesus came to this earth to die for each one of us, He was buried and rose from the dead the third day. I believe we can agree on that, can we not? The rest is for learning purposes. Thank you for reading my ideas and I will continue to read yours. I may not agree with everything I read but I feel this is good learning ground. God bless you. Keep it coming I really enjoy everyones comments on this forum.
  15. We should not go by our feelings but by the Wor of God. If God has convicted you of sin in your life then you confess your sin and you ask forgiveness. Believe he has forgiven you. The Bible says if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. It doesn't mean if we feel forgiven. It says He will forgive. Why would you confess sin if you're not really sorry. When you confess sin in your life one of the things you do is repent. That means to turn away, or around and go in the opposite direction. You read the Bible and as you are convicted of sin in your life you confess it, ask forgiveness and repent. We can become perfect in this world. We will commit sin. The Holy Spirit will bring tha sin to our attention, then we confess it and repent. Some sins we learn not to repeat. Some sins satan will keep haunting us with. Satan knows our weaknesses and that is where he will attack us, at our weakest point. You conquor one and he'll find another. I believe this is a never ending thing until the Lord comes and takes us home. We are in a war. A spiritual war. The Bible says "we wrestle not against flesh and blood." Don't let the devil tell you are not sincere or that you really didn't mean that, did you. He will try to deceive you every way he can. Tell him to shut and get your Bible and show him (and yourself) where you are right and he is wrong. The Bible is our weapon. I suggest you use it. It will take all doubt from your mind. God bless you.
  16. Times


    What about the church that says Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God,and acknowledges His diety, and maybe they will even say He died and rose the third day. But they say homosexually is a different life style, or having children outside of marriage is one of those things, or living together before getting married is a cultural thing. The Bible says different. If it goes against the Bible (God's word) it is wrong. Groups of people that continually go against the word of God is a cult. One man stands up in front of a congregation and condones these activities and the congregation goes along with it, what would you call it. It doesn't have to be a Jim Jones type situation to be a cult. Was Garner Ted Armstrong head of a cult. Or was he just a harmless preacher with a different message?
  17. Times


    That would include believers, since Jesus asks us to submit every area of our lives to His strong lorship No sir, Jesus gives us a free will. A cult leader does not. A cult leader does not have absolute sovereignty. Individual who enter cults do so freely. He cannot control them like puppets. He may exercise extreme manipulation, but at the end of the day, people are there becasue they decided to be there. God on the other hand is absolutely sovereign. That is why I don't think this definition is sufficient. There is a difference between sovereignity and control.
  18. Times


    Yes this is true, and who controls the secret?
  19. Times


    That would include believers, since Jesus asks us to submit every area of our lives to His strong lorship No sir, Jesus gives us a free will. A cult leader does not.
  20. Times


    By its truest definition, if you belong to any group religiously you are in a cult. A cult is a group with a common passion. wow..here all these years I thought a cult was a bad thing.. So then by definition Christianty is a cult?? I am not poking fun..I am asking if you think that is true.. Only if the leader is in absolute control.
  21. Times


    A cult is a religious sect whose followers are controlled by strong leadership in virtually every dimension of their lives.
  22. I think black & white is a problem today. Too many people are trying to white wash the Bible and it's commands. "It doesn't apply today." is a popular saying now. Homosexually is a good example. How can anyone say they are a Christian, and they believe the bible, say Homosexuallity is not a sin. Moses in the book of Leviticus condemns such action, Paul in his letter to the Romans does the same. The Bible says our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Yet many are destroying that temple with alcohol smoking and drugs. Many of these are so-called Christians. We have taken God out of our schools and can't understand why our children are so rebellious. Activities in most households today revolve around what the kids want. The Bible says to "spare the rod and spoil the child." Some feel that does not mean to spank a child, we are to disipline them in other ways. Many kids today are not disiplined at all. If you doubt this just look aropund in the stores at how the parents handle their kids. Or better yet look around and see how the kids handle the parents. Most peole will agree that drugs are a major problem in the US. But we elect drug users to public office. The Bible says no liar will see the kingdom of God, yet we elect liars to be president. I suppose I could go on aon but I'll stop now. I'm sure I'll catch it from some. I think we should get back to the Bible and start taking it a bit more literally. Whatever we're doing now sure "ain't" working.
  23. When do temptations become sin...we all know it is not a sin to be tempted (Jesus was). But temptation is a thought...I agree with you our thoughts can be sin without ever taking action on them. So when does a temptation cross the line into first person sin? When we start dwelling on the thought and trying to figure a way to make it a reality. Then it becomes sin.
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