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Everything posted by OpenSky

  1. im still young.... well 19... but i know what you mean by complete incomplete before i knew God i did a lot of stupid things. Some minor drugs, i used to be into hard rock/heavy metal/ depressing things you could say. i did these things, i knew of God but i didnt know Him, he brought me to Him though, he had too, it was in his will. I thank Him for that now. Im a better person, thanks to Jesus. I dont want to do those things i used to anymore. their kinda useless, once you think about them long enough. Temporary highs. thats all life is without God, a temporary high. Unfortunately, the people who do not know Him keep on chasing these highs, even the unbelievers who posted here. no pun intended, just saying the truth. Im saved, thank God.
  2. The Best way to get rid of these things is like this; whenever you get a thought which is wrong to you, say: "God I give you this thought." you might need to say it a lot sometimes, maybe 6 times an hour, maybe 60, more if your in a pit. Trust me, it will help. Please try this.
  3. Wow...No way.....im in shock... this is simply hard to believe that someone would actually say that. But then again, Jesus' coming is closer then ever. That guy certainly wont get off easily when God judges him. He lacks common sense.
  4. wow, this is deep. I mean I can understand pokemon, but yu-gi-oh is out of hand, its just plain dark. i thought yugi died down, i havent heard anything about him for about a year or more, its probably because i could care less for it, but this just proves that i'm wrong. Thanks for informing.
  5. OpenSky

    Are JW a cult?

    Fair enough if this is what makes you feel better and superior go ahead and call them a cult or sect or whatever you fancy. Do not forget that our Lord and Saviour said: Matt 7 21
  6. OpenSky


    Its impossible to actually see an amoeba becoming a jellyfish, or a turtle, or an insect. Sure we can make a diagram or make up ways that it happens but in reality we dont know how everything works. Picture a tree, and over billions of years this tree turns into a lake!!! WHOA. what a site to behold, i would love to see that... Evolution is logically, scientifically, morally, hypothetically, theologically and significantly impossible. No one will ever be able to prove evolution. If you have a head on your shoulders, dont be afraid to use it. If you dont, someone else will.
  7. OpenSky


    Thank you for correcting me.
  8. OpenSky


    Any proof of this or justification for it? Yes. In the Bible it writes, you are either influenced by God or the devil. You can only serve one master. I dont know enough about it but everyone is tempted by demons. When someone is under full control, they wont realize it. Thats exactly what the devil wants to do, he wants to control your thoughts. I cannot exactly say they were influenced by demons for i cannot read anyones mind, thank God. I have not heard the word God in any of their books, But i believe CS lewis has changed so im not sure about him.
  9. OpenSky


    Actually, Those books are all written by people who are influenced by demons. Yes, the magic in those stories are drawn from the devil.
  10. "I know it wasn't the whole truth, but it will help them (the business deal, a friend, family member, etc.,) in the long run." This Sunday, (4-16-06) I heard that half truths are even worse than lies. When satan lied to eve, she didnt die right away. But our bodies started to decay after the original sin. Satan told her a half truth. The Bible tells us to stop lying to each other. Thanks for your posts.
  11. Cyrrylia, by "This" i mean, We are trying to help you because we love you, do you know what love is? Everything you posted about is selfishness, which leads to selflessness... How do we keep quiet about Gods Love? How do we keep quiet and not share how wonderful He is? Well, you see, you are trying to shut up these people whos purpose is to talk to people about God, and to tell them about His wonderful Son Jesus, who saves everyone who believes in Him. Why, do you think God is annoying?
  12. It seems to me that they are enjoying their life, but want to prevent us from enjoying ours. I agree with you Abigailwc. We do things for God, Not for humans. We find happiness in doing these things for God. How do we enjoy life? By helping others who are lost. Cyrrylia, How so? just like this.
  13. The cross is what connects us to God . Jesus said, To be my disciple you must pick up your cross everyday. http://img407.imageshack.us/img407/7865/cross7ig.png This is what the cross means to me.
  14. Thank you for the words and the link. This have told me a lot.
  15. Yes, we should not be like those who sit on the sideline and watch. There are enough of those already. We will never get anywhere like that. Instead we should seek Him everyday, and do all we can with a clear conscience. So keep up your pace, if you fall, God will help you back up.
  16. Eternity, i have thought about it before, i thought and thought, and i thought some more and you know what i figured out? Nothing! its completely mindblowing, as you have said, no can can begin understanding it. I believe that God has so much in store for us that we will never tire of Him. " Driven By Eternity"....I will try to find it and read it. Anyways. God bless you with your work!
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