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Everything posted by JustinM

  1. Let's pray for him. Let us pray for a pardon from his "crime." I also heard Iran is requiring non-muslims to wear badges in their country. ahmedinejad must have read Hitler's biography and is following it word for word.
  2. Nice letter. I am an Airman in the USAF and I appreciate what the marines and army troops are doing. They are doing such a great job, that there has been no need for me in Iraq or Afghanistan since the wars started. I appreciate their hard work and as an NCO I know and appreciate the daily sacrifices they all make.
  3. I am going to list all the rights we have lost in the last 10 or more years. The right to life (Abortion 1/3 of our generation [last 30 years] has been murdered) The right to bear arms (it started in San Francisco) The right to property (Supreme Court imminant domain ruling) The right to speak (when was the last time a conservative politician was allowed to speak at a liberal organization without being heckled, disrespected and assaulted)? Political Correctness too. The right to worship as you please (Well, as long as you are not a Christian you still have that right) If there is anything I have left out, please correct me. Everyone of these rights were restricted (in some way) or completely dissolved by socialist democrats. That is 7 rights that they are responsible for taking away. Now these same demoncrats want to criticize the President for the wire-tap policy(of which he acted under the authority given him by the US Constitution, which was amended and voted on by the House and Senate.) Any liberal that wants to criticize the president for this needs to answer this question. . . If you are so concerned about our rights, why are you fighting to take away our freedom of speech, religion, life, and our right to bear arms? Of all the rights you have some participation in being removed, why is the right to privacy your biggest concern? Do you have something to hide? As far as conspiracies of the government destroying the WTC and part of the Pentagon, what planet are you on? You think this is one vast conspiracy so the government can snoop in your dirty laundry? Let me guess, the 911 hijackers were secret CIA prisoners that were brainwashed to pilot aircraft and crash them into our buildings, so the government could justify a war with Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran etc. If you include the over 3000 Americans dead and the 2000-3000 dead soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan, that seems like a very large price to pay for oil and complete government control. This whole process has cost us hundreds of billions of dollars. Why pay that much to wiretap phones. All the republican government had to do was sit around and wait for the liberals to overturn just laws and insert unconstitutional ones. You know exactly what I am talking about. Just look at what these liberals, that are so concerned about our rights, have done. Wise up, people. The biggest threat to our country is not terrorists, it's our own people. The ACLU, the environmentalists, the animal rights activists, the atheists, the polytheists, the polygamists, the sexually depraved, etc. and anything that goes against our rights and our christianity is a major issue. I say ignore the politics, the world is only going to get worse, we need to find those diamonds in the ruff and put the light of God on them, so they can shine, they are there, we need to find them and bring them to God. The rest will work out the way God intends, we know that in the end, we win.
  4. I've read the Da Vinci Code. He does try to convince the reader to question his faith. I love reading nonfiction books, they are entertaining and I have read hundreds. The Da Vinci Code is just another novel to me. It is a very tricky book to students that are young in their faith. Anytime someone has asked me about the Da Vinci Code, I always tell them, to avoid it unless they have no doubt their faith in Christ will not be questioned. I usually say, if you are a new christian and do not have a lot of biblical knowledge, do not read it right now, but wait until they have a better understanding of the truth in the bible. Of course, Dan Brown's book is anti-christian/catholic so I really do not feel good about giving money to our enemies. But, there are plenty of libraries that have many copies of that book, so at least check it out and try to use it to better understand what our enemies are trying to accomplish. We must know our enemy so we can fight him.
  5. If the palestinians hadn't destroyed the greenhouses and other sources of nourishment the jews left behind, maybe they wouldn't be starving. Hamas now runs the country and needs to use the money it has received from arab countries, to fund their "palestine."
  6. Just keep in mind. The book is a novel and the movie animates the novel. A novel is a ficticious work. Do not let it fool you. It is fiction. If people's minds are influenced by this, then they obviously cannot tell the difference between reality and fantasy.
  7. I think it is great to just have people in Church. If you think about it, Christ never intended for a church to be a building, He wanted it to be His followers. As long as we are worshipping Him and dressing appropriately (so as not to distract others from worshipping) that should be fine. I definitely think conservative dressing is appropriate no matter what, but when people start showing more skin than clothing, especially around the interesting areas of the body, that is when we have a problem. So dress how you please, but make sure you aren't trying to impress or distract the congregation.
  8. I think you are making the mistake of over-symbolizing. When it says the world will be forced to worship the beast or face death, I am certain it is talking about the anti-christ and his religion.
  9. What exactly, are we overlooking? Islam is a very materialistic religion. If it wasn't so materialistic, why does it demand such a large tax every year from it's people. They also charge an enormous tax for muslim converts. They want to keep those people poor. Muslims are still preaching that wealth is a blessing from allah. Christians preach that there is more to receiving God's blessing than material wealth. Why wouldn't the beast want his people to be materialistic? Ultimately, he knows as long as people have wealth, they will worship themselves and less likely to worship God.
  10. It sounds rediculous to say that the enemy will be able to tell a christian from a beast worshipper on physical appearance alone. How many people have been the victims of wolves in sheep's clothing? Or bad guys getting fooled by sheep in wolve's clothing. Just look at all the captured drug dealers we have, because an undercover agent pretended to be the bad guy. Revelations uses metaphors to describe things the author could not understand or had no words to describe. If he saw a microchip implanted in someone's arm or forehead, he wouldn't know what that was, all he would see is the little red mark or bump where that mark was implanted. What about travel being increased, or increase of knowledge. He wouldn't know what a plane was or a computer or the internet was going to be. So he had to use the best of his vocabulary to describe what to expect. And if something was indescribable, he had to result to using metaphors. A person will take a mark to show allegiance and worship of the Beast. What that mark may be, is unknown. Bar Code tatoos seemed to be the thing in the 90's, but now our technology has progressed to VFID chips, which seems very practical. Did you know a Canadian and an American couple implanted RFID chips in each other so they could have access to each other's homes, computers, vehicles, and financial information? They did it as a hi tech way of conveying trust for each other. This is not something we want the government to take any part of. Some things just need to be taken literally. Others need to be interpreted in context. Some things have been "encrypted" so that the understanding of those will not happen until the right time. Who would have thought 10 years ago that we could communicate with someone in iceland at the touch of a button. Video teleconferencing is becoming the norm and there is endless information on the web that most all of us have access to. No one understood the true meaning of those things until recently. During the 1800's no one imagined we could travel to Europe in 8 hours. They were still using sailboats to cross the pond. This increase in knowledge has made us aware of world events, something of which we have never had access to before. The internet is used for good and evil, but either way, it serves God's purpose. Later.
  11. JustinM

    the illuminati

    Who was King Herod that Jesus was brought before during His trial? Was that the same King Herod that tried to kill Him as an infant?
  12. If we won't take our own sovereignty seriously, what makes us think anyone else will. If we are not going to secure our border and protect our land, I am really not surprised we now have Mexicans trying to claim it as theirs. It's like leaving a toy in the yard and neglecting it, for years, then some kid walks by and takes it and then all of a sudden we want to claim it as ours. We need tough border control laws and we need to strictly enforce them.
  13. I wish more people knew the difference between fact and fiction. The DaVinci Code was a ficticious novel, why then, is there such controversy? I can completely understand if it were a nonfiction book, but this is just rediculous. More Americans need to read nonficticious works to balance the movies they watch, so there can be a clear line between reality and fantasy.
  14. How do you feel about Ariel Sharon? Do you think that since he gave up Gaza, God took him out of the picture?
  15. The 10 Commandments set the basic foundation for all our laws. It is obvious that some laws should not be followed. Abortion should not be legal and most definitely should require unanimous consent from the mother and father of the baby if the mother's life is in danger. If a child under 18 gets pregnant, all abortion clinics must require parental notification. It is not right that a child can make that kind of a decision without her parents knowing about it. We, as Christians, are really not supposed to dedicate our time to politics. Our job is to bring people to Christ, because we are ordered to not be a part of this world. We are supposed to be outcasts to society. Society is a manmade instrument and is not of God. We can go to abortion clinics and witness to the people working there and the women considering abortion, but we shouldn't picket and protest. If every Pro-life or Christian would spend one day a week witnessing to those individuals, we would have a far greater impact on society than any politician could have. We should not condemn anyone, that is not our place. Only God is qualified to do that. We need to fill in the role of DA for those people. We must represent them and speak for them and teach them that God is the way. Of course, we will run into those that will ridicule us, hate us and deceive us. Sometimes it takes years of witnessing and teaching before we can bring 1 person to God. Satan loves that, because as long as we are focusing our energy on one person, there are many others slipping right through our fingers. I think it is best we do what we can as Christians and not politicians.
  16. It's ironic you say that the UN should be relocated to Baghdad. Because that could very well be the location of the Anti-Christ's great city of Babylon.
  17. You are right, Christ's people will encounter evil during the tribulation. But, I think those people will be the doubters that converted to Christianity after witnessing the rapture and being left behind.
  18. Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and I want to tell you all a little bit about myself and what I believe. I am United States Air Force Active Duty. Right now I am currently living in Florida, my last assignment was in North Dakota, I am so happy to be in this part of the world, as I am a native Texan. I have been observing this topic and I saw a few things that were just a little off. So, here is my opinion of the Anti-christ and the spiritual warfare we are all discussing. I believe the last anti-christ will be of roman decent, because there are many references to that. Mainly in David's interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's dream. I believe the rapture could happen at any time. Once that happens, once all the true christians are removed from Earth, the holy spirit, that dwells within all christians will leave this planet. When that happens, the battle between good and evil will be over and evil will multiply instantaneously and become so powerful, it will grip the world and begin crushing it. Evil will no longer be restrained. Few people will become Christians after the rapture. Those that do, will either die from God's judgement, be executed by the antichrist and his followers or live until the moment Jesus Christ arrives and imprisons and destroys the evil plaguing Earth. Right now, I believe the one world religion will be islam. I believe this because it is the second most populated religion in the world and is quickly gaining ground on Christianity and Judaism. I believe the Anti-christ will be a good friend of the muslim community and will have their support as their mahdi, eventhough he won't be arab. Islam means to submit. Based on islam's history of violence and fierce suppression of any opposition, I see no other religion capable of using such violent actions to control it's people. I feel secular humanism is a trend and once the supernatural events occur (during the tribulation) all doubts of a Godless universe will be removed. How do the rest of you feel?
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