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Everything posted by Star

  1. WHAT??!! No computer in every home??!! :butbut:
  2. Well, Aryeh, since you have no definite plans or inspiring words, remind me that, if you are ever running for an office in which I have a say, not to vote for you.
  3. What is the difference between ethnic group and people? Can an ethnic group evolve into a people? What is "a people"?
  4. What is the difference between ethnic group and people? Can an ethnic group evolve into a people? An ARAB ethnic group is an ARAB ethnic group. Hence, the PALS are just a mix of different ARAB refugees. (Aryeh, my friend, you are going to get a reputation here of being an ornery sort of person who just likes to argue. )
  5. To those who might be interested, Lev Gumilev was an anti-Semite, was he not, Aryeh?
  6. http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=29648 The 'Lawrence Of Arabia' legacy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: November 13, 2002 1:00 a.m. Eastern
  7. Aryeh: My problem is with the term "national will". "Will", yes, but "national will", no. Is this term perhaps from a particular author (can't recall his name at present) -- the son of that famous poet?
  8. Tigershark: You should see (or NOT see, depending upon how you look at it ) the "Palestinian" art. It's deplorable! It's all about suicide bombing, and killing Jews. http://www.jewishpost.com/jp0712/jpn0712g.htm
  9. They fight because they hate the Jews so much. They fight because they are influenced by Satan to do it. They have no national will -- they just have an evil will.
  10. Aryeh: In order for one to have a national will, he must first have a nation. The Palestinians have no nation.
  11. Netanyahu has many Jews, worldwide, fired up about his leadership.
  12. Tigershark: That is VERY WELL put. It should be noted, too, that there is a HUGE difference between a culture naturally evolving, and one that is being perpetuated in order to deceive.
  13. What are his achievements as a leader? What problems did he solve? What concepts did he create? Except from talking, what else can he do well? Well, one of the signs as a good leader, and its importance is not to be undermined, is to inspire an entire group of people. Netanyahu seemed to do that and to do that well. He has his loyal followers to this day, and those who are fervently working to get him re-elected should that opportunity arise.
  14. Well, Aryeh, if you can argue that anyone IS a people, as you seem prone to do (just for argument's sake, I believe ), then you can also argue that they are NOT a people. The article HBendor cited aptly proves that the Palestinian people never were a separate culture or nationality, and that they are trying to create a phony history and scenario around themselves that never was nor will be.
  15. Aryeh: The "Palestinians", however, are a mix of different Arab groups, primarily Jordanians. They have not made an effort to make a new culture, nor do they have one solid old culture to rely upon. That is the crux of the matter.
  16. From Cal Thomas's article as posted in Jewish World Review: http://jewishworldreview.com/cols/thomas.html 'Moderate' Muslims need to step up http://www.NewsAndOpinion.com | A growing conflict between some conservative Christian leaders and the Bush administration over whether Islam is a "peaceful religion" or a militaristic faith with designs on world domination is threatening the cozy relationship between the White House and some of its most loyal supporters. Conservative Christians are not about to stop supporting the president, but they are disturbed that he keeps saying things about Islam they do not believe are true and, in their hearts, do not believe he believes. Paul Weyrich, a longtime conservative political force in Washington, has co-authored an essay called "Why Islam Is a Threat to America and the West." In it, he quotes extensively from the Koran and rebuts the president's contention that this "great religion" is mostly peaceful: "
  17. Hillson: I echo Angels' post: this is truly beautiful AND encouraging. Thanks.
  18. Has anyone here read "The Power of a Praying Wife" by Stormie Omartian?
  19. Well, to get Biblical, I would cite the passage in Nehemiah, I believe it is, where those who built the wall had buidling materials in one hand, and weapons in the other...... Hey, ss31703: What's your opinion of Bibi? He struck me always as a real leader, but as to whether or not he kept his promises, I cannot say.
  20. I guess it's because I keep my eyes focused on God that I don't see anyone or anything, even a nation, as all-powerful. Empires come and go, but His will be forever. That's the one I'm waiting for.
  21. Does the U.S. strike you as being that powerful?
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