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Everything posted by Star

  1. I've also heard "Finer than a frog's hair split three ways". I always thought that expression was a hoot. Thank you, Suzanne.
  2. Two phrases I need help with:
  3. Well, when traveller started this thread, little did I realize how much I would learn!
  4. I have a friend who is a Christian lawyer, and she does absolutely amazing things with her talents. She, however, does not make very much money. Tigershark is the lawyer in our midst. Personally, I always tremble whenever I read one of his posts.....
  5. Two Texans??!! Well, I'm impressed! Now, please, tell me what "cokes" means -- the plural of "Coke"? ???
  6. I was just teasing TigerShark. Lawyers NEED lots and lots of teasing to keep them humble, so I guess you can say my teasing was done out of KINDNESS. Also, TigerShark started it first!!!! (*whine whine*) And please don't make me list my weaknesses -- I have too many to name! (*hangs head in shame*) Your English, Angels, is wonderful, especially since you are also Dutch. I admire greatly those who can speak more than one language.
  7. IDF ARRESTS THREE WOULD-BE HUMAN BOMBS The IDF arrested three Arab suicide bombers last night, successfully preventing still more PLO devastation in Israel. One of the three was arrested in Kalkilyeh, and the other two in Tul Karem - PLO-controlled cities located adjacent to Israel's densely populated coastal plain; they were ceded to the Palestinian Authority by the Rabin government under the Oslo Accords. The three were planning their attacks in the coming days. Nineteen other terrorist suspects were also arrested in Yesha last night. Two terrorist attacks-in-progress were thwarted in Gaza last night. An armed terrorist climbing a ladder over the perimeter fence of a Gush Katif community opened fire at IDF soldiers, who returned fire and wounded the terrorist. He surrendered and was taken for interrogation. The soldiers found a Kalachnikov rifle, four grenades, and four spare magazines in his possession. Near the Jewish community of Slav (Hebrew for "quail," food miraculously provided to the Israelites following the exodus from Egypt, as recounted in Numbers 11), on Israel's most southwestern corner, IDF soldiers spotted a suspicious figure approaching the town; they opened fire and struck him. Also last night, a bomb exploded harmlessly on the road running parallel to the security fence surrounding the Gaza district. IDF forces demolished the homes of two Arab terrorists last night and today. One belonged to the female terrorist who, by blowing herself up, murdered six people in Jerusalem's Machaneh Yehuda neighborhood in a Sabbath-eve attack last April. The second house belonged to the Hamas terrorist who infiltrated a Jordan Valley training base and shot and killed IDF soldier Tal Tzemach last March. The terrorists lived, respectively, in Beit Fajar, in the Hevron area, and in Kabatia, near Jenin - both of which were among the areas ceded to PLO administrative control under the Oslo Accords. http://www.israelnationalnews.com/
  8. Aryeh's not avoiding us -- he's just been really, really busy lately.
  9. Tigershark: I know how to spell "bombastic dyslexic lawyer", too. (*ducks and runs*)
  10. Yod: Was he a Christian at least? And why, after becoming an American citizen, did he choose to go back? So sad indeed....
  11. Maybe the problem was with that particular test, too, because a later one showed I used both sides of my brain equally...... Then again, I'm also ambidextrous, so I'm probably some freak of nature..... But hey, at least I can spell! (kidding, Tigershark.)
  12. I have to say, I went for some testing a few years ago and found out I was very left-brain.....does that make me less feminine?
  13. I also get tired of society trying to feminize my sons.
  14. Traveller: I've got a brother who, by all appearances, is a "man's man" -- big guy, won all kinds of awards for judo and soccer, a hunter, fisherman, fearless of all things, but....SPIDERS! I can shame him into killing one by rushing to do the deed for him, but he shivers when he does it! But I have to say, a pet peeve of mine is when women, perhaps without realizing it, want men to be more like their girlfriends. They want someone to talk with for hours on topics that are traditionally female topics, they want someone to shop with for hours, and to share in their traditionally female hobbies. Well, what kind of a real man is interested in those things? I am not knocking men who are gentle or tender or sensitive - my husband has all three of those traits in abundance -- but I hate this new breed of man that they are trying to shove down our throats -- the effeminate, emasculated type of guy. It's unnatural. And don't get me started on how unnatural women have become.
  15. Traveller: Have you noticed that Tigershark's signature is rather apropos for the men not posting here? : ""From deep within closed lips rose a moan, too hopeless or too heroic to speak in pain". Capt. 20 Mass, Infantry reg. 1863 "
  16. Tigershark, have you gone from lawyer to marriage counsellor? Just kidding. I spoke with my husband today about this thread, and he is in full agreement with what you have said. You make a lot of sense.
  17. Why the Arab world hates America --- time to myth-bust http://www.jewishworldreview.com | Why is America hated in the Arab world? According to leftists and to Arab and Islamic spokesmen, the reasons are: American support for non-democratic regimes in the Arab world -- such as in Egypt and Saudi Arabia -- and because America supports Israel. Before positing what I believe to be the reasons, let's answer these two arguments. The argument that America is hated by Arabs because it supports non-democratic regimes in the Arab world would be regarded as hilarious were it not believed by so many gullible people in the West. The argument presupposes that what the Arabs (and Muslims elsewhere) who hate America want are open and free societies. But there is not a shred of evidence to support this. Is there any movement for pluralism, openness and democracy among those who hate America? Of course not. The Arab governments most opposed to America and which America therefore least influences -- Sudan, Syria, Iraq, Libya -- have less freedom than the corrupt Arab regimes that America does support. As corrupt and repressive as the Egyptian government is, Egypt is free compared to the aforementioned countries. And if the United States ceased to pour billions of dollars a year into Egypt and the Mubarak dictatorship then fell, what would supplant it? Democracy? Openness? Pluralism? Freedom of speech? We all know the answer. In every Arab country, a corrupt regime supported by America would be supplanted by a Taliban-type Islamic/fascist regime. So let's call this argument what it is -- a lie. Overwhelmingly, the Arabs who hate us don't want a free and open society; they want an Islamic totalitarian one. American influence in the Arab world prevents our haters there from imposing their vicious expression of Islam, not from establishing Jeffersonian democracy. As for the second argument, yes, our support for Israel's security further inflames the hatred of those Arabs (and Muslims elsewhere) who hate us. But why do they hate Israel? Why are they so obsessed with a tiny state in a part of the Arab and Islamic world that they utterly ignored until Jews made a civilization there? Because America's and Israel's haters are ethnic and religious haters on a magnitude not seen since the Nazis. They loathe everything Israel (and its American supporter) represents -- freedom, democracy, openness, individual autonomy, freedom of religion, pluralism, women's equality and sexual freedom. They want Israel dead. Gone. Exterminated. They say so publicly, and they say so in polls. Yet, the educated fools and the Israel- and America-haters of the West ignore all this and blame Israel for trying to exist and America for enabling it to do so. If America abandoned Israel, our Arab and Muslim haters would rejoice, but they would surely not stop hating us. Not one of them. They would only conclude that their terror worked, and that America will give in when the threats are great enough. One proof? Most Muslims living in Europe, which has abandoned Israel, continue to loathe Europe. Europe's abandonment of Israel has only convinced them -- for good reason -- that Europe has lost its moral fiber and is ripe for an Islamic takeover. Arab and other Muslims who hate America do so: Because America alone (and the little America in the Middle East, Israel) prevents the expansion of Islamic rule. Because expansionist totalitarian movements, whether Soviet communism or radical Islam, always hate free societies, and America is the strongest free society. Because America is not only strong, it is religious (as opposed to Europe, which is weak and irreligious). Because America is not only Christian; it is Judeo-Christian, the two religions the Islamists need to overcome to expand globally. The greatest problem confronting America is not that people who loathe freedom loathe us. Indeed, it is to America's enduring credit that it is hated by Islamists. Our great problem is that so many in our country do not understand that those who loathe liberty loathe America. For this reason, the battle for America's future is at home more than it is in Iraq or Afghanistan or in al Qaeda's caves. We talk a great deal about winning Arabs' and Muslims' minds and hearts. Yet, we have yet to win all Americans' minds and hearts. For confirmation, just visit your local university.
  18. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article....RTICLE_ID=30475 TROUBLE IN THE HOLY LAND 14-year-old Palestinian attacks settlement Israelis decry 'cynical usage of naive children' by terrorist groups -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: January 14, 2003 1:00 a.m. Eastern --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article....RTICLE_ID=30483 FAITH UNDER FIRE Death sentence hangs over Arab Christians Congresswoman appeals to Israel on behalf of brothers wanted by Palestinian Authority -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: January 14, 2003 1:00 a.m. Eastern --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. I say we turn this into a male bashing thread. Kidding, kidding. Seriously, Tigershark, you make a lot of sense. The male/female differences are there for a reason and the blance they provide is good.
  21. The Lord seems to deal with my husband and I in different ways, too. For example, I tend to get answers to prayer in dreams, and seem to "know" how things will turn out. My husband is more of a discerner and a teacher. When we first got married, he was a little taken aback at how I praised and worshipped. I sang all the time as I did my chores, and he said that living with me was like living in a musical. He never praised in dance, and he definitely did not like all the music or the books that I did. He thought most of my friends were weird. However, I learned to keep quiet about these things, and to pray about them very specifically, mostly just by describing the situations to the Lord. We really have unity now, and we respect the different ways that the Lord deals with His children.
  22. Okay, are y'all married to my husband? Seriously, my husband and I are opposites in lots of ways, but we provide balance for each other. It was hard to get used to at first, but we have something that works for us now.
  23. Melanie: Thanks for the tip! I bookmarked them. They ARE reasonable. Okay, Angels, which book do you recommend I delve into first? There are so many from which to choose.....
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