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  1. I would never cross a picket line. I am in a union and it is unfair to villianize striking workers. It has been my experience that strikes have very little to do with greed, more with what is fair. I know my own company gives very small raises and reduces our benifits and perks a little every time we have a new contract. We havent gone out on strike over this. Not all, but Most of the strikes I have seen have been when companies were making great profits and tried to cut benefits or pay because the company was greedy. So if you are going to villianize the union members you must also do the same for the big companies to be fair. Another thing that troubles me is that people outside of unions have this opinion that union workers are lazy. I would challenge any so called "hard workers" that is making a lesser than union wage to try some on the union jobs, you would find that most expect a lot of thier workers. I hear these reports on the news about union workers who get there quota of work done in 3 or 4 hours and can go home for the day with eight hours pay. This is the exception, not the rule. I know were I work in no gravy train, my eight hour shift is eight hours which I believe is fair. Anyway thats my opinion. God bless.
  2. I have a couple of co-workers (very dear friends of mine). Who believe in this very thing. I have mixed feelings. We have discussed it often. They contend (one common point of view) that if a person is saved when they are 20 years old for example, and live for the lord for years and years. Than that person turns away, that they were never really saved. I contend that God does not take away our free will even after we are saved, or we would never sin again. I think the only real teaching on this that can be problematic is when once saved, always saved is used like fire insurance. You know, people (and there is a lot of them) who say "I was saved and babtisted as a young man or young women" and then just live their life however they want, still very much in the flesh. And they believe they are 100% squared away with God. I think this can be a problem for sure. I guess my point of view is that I belive that once we give our life to Christ, we are saved. But I believe when can reject him later and he will not force us to walk in his ways. I dont know why anyone who had truly found Christ would turn away, but I believe it has happened. But 2 PETER tells us it is Gods will that we all come to repentence and none perish. "God is not willing that any should perish, but that all will come to repentence"
  3. I believe that if a person has accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, That they will still struggle with sin everyday. The key is repentence and acknoledging how much we need Jesus because we cant do it on our own. Like any other sin that plagues a person, homosexuals have a constant struggle to do Gods will and opposed to thier will. I think people get hung up on this one because it makes them uncomfortable, but all sin seperates from God, and its all bad. I can related as I have a homosexual half-brother. I should pray for him more than I do. I will give you an example of an experience I have had first hand about how this sin gets a different reaction out of people. I met a person who boasts about being a Christian. He says "I read my bible every night", "I say my prayers", " I was raised in church and my father was a preacher" . Once the fact that a certain person was Homosexual in front of him and his reaction was to say things like, "he would beat him up", and "keep him away from me", and the every popular "well, he's going to hell". I came back at him with Judge not, yest you be judged. He looked at me like I was crazy. So who knows, I try to love them the same as everyone. God does. Because I am not a homosexual, but I do struggle with sin everyday. I have been Saved for 24 years, I still struggle. I guess my point is THANK GOD FOR JESUS!!!!
  4. My church has a Wensday night service, It is Bible study and praise and worship mainly. I dont usually make it because of my work schedule. But as I saw on a previous post. It is a great mid-week boost!!
  5. KJV, NKJV, & NIV. I have a study bible that is NAS, but I dont use if very much.
  6. This is a very common temptation, with the Internet and all it is readily available. I know MANY christians that have struggled with this. Just remember God doesnt want anyone to go to hell!! In second Peter it states "God is not willing that any should perish, but that all will come to repentance" it sounds like repentence is where you already are heading. Good luck and God Bless!!!
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