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Everything posted by prcfighter

  1. thank you but she is nto with Jesus yet...just waiting for the ressurection!
  2. floatingaxe i appreciate the pray, when i first heard about ot goign to heaven immediatly i was schoked and prayed about it! God showed me what is right. Jesus we do not marry when we are ressurected! what does that mean?? if we are in heaven why be ressurected??? and can we be married before ressurection? NO!! we are dead. Jesus ressurects us. and saying millions of Christians believe that you go to heaven after death is pathetic. millions of people believe millions of things that are false!!
  3. RND i stand by you in this agruement. If you guys would look at the matter with an opened mind and heart you will see. Is it not possible that the teachings you were taught for 50 years may be wrong??? People were taught the earth is flat for 100 of years...Anyways if we went straight to heaven why would Jesus come back for us??? IF we are in heaven Jesus wouldnt have tgo come back now would HE. Or are you saying Jesus is wrong in what he says? And Jesus comes to take the dead first! then teh living!!!!!!! so IF the dead aretaken then they can not be in Heaven now can they? so how can what you guys have been saying true? Maybe it is what you want to beliefe that immediatly after death you go to be with GOd. indeed you will be with God but only after a ressurection! God states DO NOT ADD ANTTHING OR REMOVE ANYTHING FROM THE BIBLE. YOu guys are wrong!!! Jesus rebukes people just like you!! Read mathew 22:30!!
  4. Floatingaxe. RND is correct. if you read mathew 22:30 jesus actually rebukes people for believing exactly what you belief. The Bible repeats itself soo many times that we go to heaven when resurrected. Why do you not believe? Pray about it ask GOd to show you the light in the matter!
  5. People don't have souls, that is correct. People are souls! Living souls! Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. That is 100% correct! There is no eternal life until Jesus Christ returns and resureects the dead! To beleive otherwise is demonstration that you believe in a false pagan doctrine and teaching. Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die. There is web site called www.truthaboutdeath.com and it can help you better understand this vitally important subject. God Bless! What are you talking about? To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord--eternally alive! I think you must be referring to a physical body, which we receive at the resurrection of the saints. Before that, however, when we die, our spirits go to be with the Lord! Hallelujah! you are mistaken friend, RND is right. and the verse you quoted is wrong. it is to be absent from he body AND to be present with the lord. That is what Paul wanted. You should reread your verses before you post them
  6. i dont think they would be like zombies...maybe a huge over population for 40 days!
  7. Hellow my questoin is is there an angel of death and does it take life of everyone when they die or what? and is believed that he was the one kill the pharohs son in eygpt as the 10th plaque?
  8. so if i was married with someone onearth i could possibly chill with them in heaven but not be married. and does it say there is no sex in heaven?
  9. Oc is this literal or a methophor? and also God Bless everyone God is awsome and speaks to us through amazing ways and makes us feel like a little kid agian. ive enver been attacked by the enemy id ont htink. i kinda want it to happen so i can say look Jesus is my protector and watch jesus take control of the situatiion!!!
  10. can angles come on earth in a physical form??? i have a story and it is quite amazing. My grandma died about 7 years ago. she was really ill i dont remember from what but she was put in a hospital and expected to die in a short while. she was not a christian but she shared a room with a woman who was certian to die also. the woman led my grandma to Christ and the next day my grandma died and the other woman left the hospital fine that same day. could she have been an angel?
  11. ok this is my dream i had!!! It is awsome! whenever i get discouraged about anything i just think back to it! its real life proof to me God is real! i llove it! here i go Ok i grew up in washington state and i would go to my granparens house alot and at it they had a big windown on the backside of their 2nd floor that looked out to their drive way which was right below it. i had this dream when i was about 9. In my dream i was at teh house and my uncles and brothers were playn basketball out at the drive way. i go over to the couch looking out the window to watch when all of a sudden a big flock of doves flys in real low and they stop mid are right outside the windown and form up to make out the word JOB. and i was looking right down on them from the 2nd floor. my uncles and brothers took no notice of the doves. When i awoke i asked my mom what to make of it and she said well it seem slike God wants you to read JOB. but i didnt... until a couple years later. i have moved to texas now. and i thought i was a hot shot and i thought i was an amazing christian. but i would often blame God for things. well i sohuld say i blamed God for everything. One time i was trying to listen to a christian music station and it got fuzzy on one of my favorite songs and i screamed out in frustration to God why He would make it fuzzy so i couldnt listen and it was even a Christian song. Right then i had a flashback to when i had my dream about the doves makeing the word JOB. so i decided to open my Bible and read it not knowing what it was about. and to my shcock its aobut a man who went through tribulations but never blamed God!!!!!! what a message! i got the pciture right then and there. and i can say that since then i have never blamed God for anything but praised HIm for everything even the hard tiems or bad times. Not to lift my self up because God knwos im not perfect but to show you what an affect that had on me. i got what God was saying. and i think it is amazing how God gave me the dream years before and reminded me of it!!!!!!! man everytime i think of it im jsut like wow! what a GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! almost brings me to tears! HE ROCKS GUYS!!!!!!!!! anyways tahts my dream! im 17 now so it hasnt been too long since it all.(just to through that out there)
  12. ok i will make a new thread about it in spiritual warfare111111!!!!!!!!
  13. There are several vesres that imply that when you die you are asleep, unconcious. I dont remember them all but one of them is matt 22:29-32. It say "You are in error because you do not now the Scriptures or the power of God. at the ressurection people will neither marry nor be give in marriage, they will be like the angels in heaven. But about the ressuerction of the dead-have you not read what God said to you. I am the God of Abraham teh God of Isaac and teh God of Jocab? He is not the God of teh dead but of the living. This is answering a question put to Jesus if in heaven you are married. But it says you will not be married when you are ressurected, not when you die. So therefor you go to heaven when you are resurected. When are you resurrected you ask? you are ressurected at two times! The first has already taken place and was when Jesus was ressurected. The souls of those dead came alive and asided into Heaven when Jesus did. So their were not dead people walking around but people who were dead. the second ressurection happens when Jesus returns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. i have had a dream from God, so i believe that God still uses dreams. would you like tohear of my dream. I think it is quite amazing!
  15. lwayer for God i want deatials. enlighten me
  16. In heavean are you married to your spouse if you were on earth? and do you know your friends and such. like my dad died when my mom was pregant with me, in heaven would i get to meet him???
  17. ah so it seems that the ones that were Godly had a military succes and became known and great for their statue as warriors. do you know the verse where jesus says that angels dont marry. and thanks for the info
  18. i dont know a verse but i was told something about angels coming down and sleeping with women and giving birth to giants, or "superhumans". is this true and if it is can you give a reference. thank you in advance Peter-the rock
  19. IT seems in todays world that exorcism has become more and mroe popular. I know there are whole churches that revovle around the idea of exorcism. My question is it real? should be done Biblicaly? or what the Bible has to say about it...
  20. In addition to this christ free servant if you want to warn America to wake then hearld this gospel message from the pages of God's word I notice you only say it was "ONE" tree that fell but the scriptures you use to back up what you are thinking does not fit what you saw. The scripture in Zechariah chapter 11 talks about the PRIDE of TWO trees. So how do you rectify all of this you have said thus far when it was only ONE tree that fell. OC To Oc. the plural or single case of the tree i believe does not matter. It is if you had a orchard of peach trees and you say the cherry tree is among them. That can mean one or more.
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