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Everything posted by Khristeeanos

  1. I am looking for a version that attempt to say what was said by the authors. When translating from a language that isn't in use from nearly two thousand years ago there will obviously be some misunderstanding. But it seems like (speaking of the NIV) with all the updates it has been made to cater to the Church culture. I am not part of that any more. Since I mostly left the instutional expression of relating to God my relationship with Him has grown tremendously. I don't mean to disrespect any person or group in any way, but it seems like when I was in that culture mt relationship with God was more based upon my efforts rather than His love for and acceptance of me. And it was that way for most of the people that were also living out that lifestyle. So that mindset was so thoroughly ingrained in me that I always read Scripture through that lens. Religious effort and busyness replaced true interactive and conversational intimacy with Jesus. So I desire to find a translation that is trustworthy and approaches us from a relationship perspective rather than a religious obligation mindset.
  2. I'm hoping for your opinions. I'm also hoping for no KJVONLY comments. My basic question is what version of the Scriptures are most trustworthy. By that I mean closest to the original intent of the Author and authors. It is difficult to put in words what I am trying to say, but I remember hearing how Biblica has been "tinkering" with the NIV and upsetting some evangelical groups. What do you think? I have over 20 versions of the Bible and enjoy them all.
  3. Thanks for your reply. This is very helpful. I have heard of plumb.
  4. Lauren Daigle. Haven't heard of her. I'll check out some of her tunes. Thanks!
  5. I am looking for some great albums or songs. I really like the style of Michelle Tumes and Sara Groves. The ethereal like Enya. Anyone have any suggestions?
  6. Anyone heard of the ISV? I found it on thenobleheart.com and looked it up. I could find their page on Facebook and their website is down. Interesting.
  7. Sorry I've been away for a few days. Such great posts deserve better than a quick reply with little thought & prayer.
  8. I should point out that I believe we still have our flesh that we struggle with sin. I am not saying we are sinless creatures. Just that at core we are holy and pure. I think one of the best passages to point this out is found in Romans 7. I believe he is saying that at his core (his heart) he is not the one who desires to sin, but his flesh is the one. And he then goes on to say thanks to God for being the one who delivers him from his flesh. He delights in God yet wrestles with sin still. I don't normally like to use my own understanding (Proverbs 3 anyone? ha ha), but I keep thinking about how God gives His Sprit to live within us and how if God gives Himself (which is holy and pure) to dwell in us how can that not make us at our core holy and pure also.
  9. By the way, my avatar picture was taken by Buena Vista, Colorado last year. I took two days to get alone with God and enjoy His beauty. This scene I took with a tripod as I gazed out over the scenery. I didn't have a fishing pole, just my iPod & camera.
  10. My initial thought is that it was Christ who "recreated" us. If we consider that Christ is completely good and holy, wouldn't it then follow that whatever Christ gives is equally as good and holy? Man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart. I am sort of misapplying the Scripture, but I don't think it is too big a leap.
  11. Hi my friend Jacob I appreciate your reply. I am of the conviction that an Old Testament Scripture may not be reflective of the Christian heart that has the Spirit of God in it. A few verses I would also like to introduce are: Ezekiel 11:19 19 I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Luke 8:14-16 14 The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. 15 But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. It would appear that in the Old Covenant God specifically told us He would eventually give us a new and good heart and Jesus seems to say specifically that we have received it. I would like to hear some thoughts on this. Also to you as well AmateurPoet I am hoping to have a good discussion, not be a troll. It was not my intent to be a troll. Did not mean to come off as one. Merely state my thoughts and leave it at that. Wow, I am so sorry that my comment appeared directed towards you. I assure it wasn't. I was just trying to let you know that I intend to actually discuss this, not just post & run. I am seeking to further understand why I believe what I believe and see if it truly holds up to a contrary position. Please accept my apology!
  12. Hi my friend Jacob I appreciate your reply. I am of the conviction that an Old Testament Scripture may not be reflective of the Christian heart that has the Spirit of God in it. A few verses I would also like to introduce are: Ezekiel 11:19 19 I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Luke 8:14-16 14 The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. 15 But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop. It would appear that in the Old Covenant God specifically told us He would eventually give us a new and good heart and Jesus seems to say specifically that we have received it. I would like to hear some thoughts on this. Also to you as well AmateurPoet I am hoping to have a good discussion, not be a troll.
  13. What is your view of the human heart for a Christian? Wicked or good & holy?
  14. A thoughtful and appreciated reply Dr. OSAS. I think God is speaking to my wife and I about where to attend church here in COS.
  15. The phrase "In Essentials, Unity; in Non-essentials, Liberty; in All Things, Charity," is centuries old and its origin is in question. A good question to ponder is "Can Christian agree on what essentials are?" Lee Strobel in his book "The Case For Christ" went to different Christian sects to find the essentials and C. S. Lewis in his book "Mere Christianity" brought up similar points. I'll get the conversation here started. A few obvious essentials would be: Triune God Work of Christ on the cross to fullfil the law of Moses Christ raising from the dead A few obvious non-essentials would be: Structure of Church government Style of worship The Catholic church and Protestants agree on the essentials and on the non-essentials differ greatly.
  16. We could start a discussion topic on this
  17. Well, the essentials of Christianity are basic beliefs held by Protestants and Catholics and non-denominational. The Trinity, sin of mankind, Jesus being the only means of salvation, eternal life, etc...
  18. The Restoration Movement is a group of independent churches that started in the 1800's with the idea to focus on the essential doctrines and give liberty in the non-essentials.
  19. http://www.efca.org/ There is a church by my house that is affiliated with them and I'm wondering how they compare/contrast with other Christian denominations. My beliefs are closest to the Restoration Movement, but I accept others as equal. I'm just not familiar with EFCA. I'd like to visit there but wanted opinions first. Thanks!
  20. The way it is explained to me is that since God hates sin and can't be in the presence of sin that Jesus could not have had sin placed on Him to be the Lamb of God unless God was not present. Or something like that. I happen to disagree with that particular viewpoint and am wondering if I am misunderstanding what is being said.
  21. Mark 15:33-35 (New International Version) At the sixth hour darkness came over the whole land until the ninth hour. And at the ninth hour Jesus cried out in a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"
  22. I had a very studied man (Bible college and seminary) tell me that the Greek word here for "soul" is different than in other places. Can anybody help me with the correct Greek word and if it is different here than other places. He basically said that the meaning of the passage is if you focus so much on what the world has to offer you won't become the person God fully intended you to become. That you don't lose your soul to hell, but that you don't become as sanctified as you could have. That is me reading into his short comments he made about it. Can someone here please help me? Thanks!!!
  23. I will read most any translation except the KJV. My personal favorites are the NIV and New Century Version.
  24. How does one become saved? By believing in Jesus. You need to have the correct Jesus to be saved - just look at the JW's and LDS'ers. They have a Jesus, but not the Jesus. I voted yes - absolutely.
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