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Everything posted by favorwithman

  1. Whysoblind AND Sport123 I can totally understand what you are talking about. My situation is similar to yours. I am asking God where does he want me to go in the area of my career. He has been very slow about answering. In the meantime, I am working and wondering what to do next. I can say this and I hope it helps to some degree. Once when I was praying for patience, I ran across something that read when you are asking for patience, just wait. Well, I did not like that one bit, but it was true. Now, as a person who has asked God and he has answered, it is difficult for me to wait this particular time. I do know this, I have made decisions and the end result was not very pleasant, but I learned from the decision. Surprisingly, whatever I learned in the situation was used in future situations. I hope this makes sense. It is truly the scripture coming to life. All things work together for good to those that love God and called according to his purpose. Yes, at the time it does not seem like it is good but it will benefit you later. If you have made a decision, and find it to have what seem to be negative consequences there is no use in crying over spilt milk (don't mean to sound harsh but we cannot live in the sea of regrets). All you can do in that situation is to ask God to help you through the situation and continue praying for him to take you in the best direction for your life and after that TRUST and look for his direction. Hopefully, we will all discover God's will in relationships, careers etc. after awhile. In the end, I am hoping to have peace in the area of my career because I am earnestly trying to find out what God knows would be best for me. But know this, sometimes we do come to a place in our Christian lives when it may be difficult to see exactly what God is directing us to do. If we do come to that place in our lives, what can we do? In the case of a person seeking God for his will in a career, we have to keep working and paying bills and trusting he will answer. Of course, you can apply for jobs etc. but you still have to TRUST and LISTEN for his voice. I know it may not be what we want to hear, but sometimes that's the way it works.
  2. I was hurt in a church once and it took over a decade to heal. The pastor's wife actually told me that they did not want new members in the church (that comment along with a lot of other issues truly discouraged me). Of course, I eventually left the church. It took over a decade for me to even begin healing (notice I said to begin healing) from that experience. About two years ago, I needed to observe young children for one of my graduate courses. Bravely, I called the church and they helped me a great deal. I made an "A" on the paper. All of the negative feelings I once possessed about the church are gone and I thank God. When I see the church or even hear about it I don't possess the same negative thoughts and make negative comments. God did do a work in me on that issue. Nevertheless, I am cautious about joining and becoming active in churches. I pray that you find a church home for you and your family
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