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John R Nolan

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Everything posted by John R Nolan

  1. Thank you for your valuable contribution on the Hort and Wescott tranlation; if that information is correct, and I have no reason to doubt your integrity, it is all the more reason for us to encourage others to get back to the Original Word Hopefully the previous post on the K.J.V. will also help clarify this topic
  2. Divide and conquer is the law of Caesar, and is rooted in Babylonian political and religious history In the Garden, in the beginning, when GOD first started dealing with the human specie He created, He gave them His Word Then, along comes the spider, well, actually it was the Beast, and sat down beside HER, (not him) and told her he had a more modern, updated, revised and interpreted version of GOD'S Word which would, if used, give Eve the opportunity to be "as GOD" Gen.3:1-6 Because Eve was not in the original creation, she was taken out of the man, where all other species were created male and female, she was not perfect and was able to be deceived Remember, Adam was not deceived, 1 Tim.2:14, he sinned wilfully, giving his life to save his wife, as Christ gave His Life to save His bride It's interesting that the beast could talk, could reason, and was capable of beguiling, deceiving, seducing Eve, who was he? He must have been an upright creature, as, when GOD cursed him he was, from that time forward, made to crawl upon his belly and have dust for his meat Having tried quite a number of alternate versions, in which was found considerable, human, interpretation, updates etc., and variations, after a lot of prayer one was led to return to the K.J.V. Of all the Bibles available, this writer believes the K.J.V. is the only GOD inspired translation. It is the only one which is proven by numerics to be beyond the ability of man to write. If any reader would like to check out the writings of Ivan Panin on the net, you will be able to get all necessary information on this matter One contributor commented on the publishing houses not being Christian, and not being too concerned about the accuracy of translation, additions or subtractions, but in the bottom line, how many they can sell and for how much profit; I'm with him on that If GOD provided a faulty manual for all Christians from 1611'til the 1950's, then He is answerable for a gigantic deceipt, and I don't think He, being GOD, could do that "I AM GOD, I change not" Mal.3:6; "It is impossible for GOD to lie" Heb.6:18; it is the devil who is a liar and the father of them In the final analysis it is up to each individual to chose the SWORD they will use to defeat the enemy, this writer prefers the old, proven one Another worthy translation to examine is the LAMSA Bible, which is translated from the Aremaic, and yes, it is good to cross reference with other translations as some of the old English words have different meanings now; E.G. the word house, to us is a residential dwelling, yet the reference to "in My house there are many mansions" Jn.14:2 actually refers to lineage, as in the House of Tudor, or the House of Kent and there are other such examples God bless you Kitty, I reckon the cream is in the K.J.V.
  3. PAGAN ORIGINS There is any amount of evidence through the Scriptures which discuss pagan rituals, etc., but we need remember, the battle GOD'S children have had, since the fall, is keeping pagan rituals out of their worship Sadly the children of the devil have been in the mix since Cain, who is of the wicked one,1 Jn 3:12. and we need remember that Cain was very religious He built alters, sacrificed to GOD, though his sacrifice was not acceptable, he spoke with GOD, and his children have maintained a psuedo religious relationship with one they call god since that time GOD laid down certain parameters and the children of the devil, the sons of Cain perverted the original concepts into demonic practise The sacrifice of their own children to BAAL, etc Today, Christianity also has certain practise, but mostly what is practised is a perversion of the original CHRISTIANITY; a marriage of paganism and Christianity which has produced illegitimate children, children of the devil All records show the Lord Jesus Christ was born in April, not on December 25th, which is the day chosen when christianity was made the state religion by Constantine Xmas is absolutely a pagan ceremony, as is Easter and all the other religious holidays and ceremonies "Christian" denominations practise A study of "TWO BABYLONS" by Alexander Hyslop will help students clarify some of these issues as will any other serious religious history work The Roman Catholic church, (the organization, not the deluded people who make up her victims) is a duplication of Babalonian demonic worship All religion is contrary to GOD's Word It is time for CHRISTIANS to come out of her, and get back into HIM, the WORD Nothing personal is meant by what is written and no offense is meant, but maybe it is time for CHRISTIANS to look carefully at what they have been taught, lest they be found to be worshipping the devil, believing they are worshipping GOD
  4. The Scripture says GOD CREATED the world, etc. To create is to make out of nothing The big bang theory is great, but, if there was nothing there in the beginning of the void what could possibly have gone BANG? If any debater woulkd like to get a bag of pure VACUUM, with not one trace of any element, an atom of any form and cause it to become a tree, or a drop of water, then they have a point of contention It is time Christians stopped falling for Lucifer's three card trick and asked the doubters to prove GOD didn't create the world I'm looking forward to that debate Evolution is a fanciful, Satanic attempt to destroy FAITH by providing physical explanations for everything Lucifer, in the Beast, undermind EVE'S faith in GOD and look what that led to There is a CREATIONAL EVOLUTION, as GOD progressively CREATED more and more complex species Possibly the scientists, the theorists, who promote their purile concept could come along and demonstrate, make something evolve to an higher specie, Let us witness scientists cause a monkey to evolve into a man When scientists, evolutionists, can demonstrate how even the most primal atom can be induced to evolve into a more complex atom, without any external influence, then we can give their arguement some credibility, until that point this brother is going to trust GOD'S WORD Where did GOD evolve from? Remember, Lucifer cannot CREATE, he is only allowed, by GOD, to pervert, hybridize that which has already been CREATED by GOD Any thoughtful research will demonstrate how hybrid species of plants, animals, after three generations revert to a bebased, un-usable, unstable item, good for nothing but destruction Darwin stated, in the last chapter of Origin of Species, and here I am relying on an aging memory, that there is a GOD, sadly I don't have the book with me, but I believe it is in the last couple of pages where he makes this comforting point
  5. The CHURCH is the physical body of Jesus Christ, the Word expressed for this day 1 Cor.12:12, read on 'til vs.27 "Now ye are the body of Christ and members in particular" and by continuing to 31 we get a clearer concept of Christ's body This is why there are none higher nor better than any other members, as, like Christ, our example, we are servants, one to another We also need clarify that there is no specific hierarchical structure to this body, it has ONE HEAD and that is CHRIST, Amen
  6. Scripture is GOD talking, communing with His people, 2 Tim.3:16; It is HIM expressing Himself, revealing Himself to His children Rev.1:1 The WORD is the food Christian eagles eat for strength, It is of no private interpretation 2 Pet.1:20, and is CHRIST manifest Jn. 1:1-14 Don't add to IT, don't take from IT Rev.22:18-19
  7. There comes to mind two very positive Scriptures re the catching away of the CHURCH, His bride, before the tribulation starts Read 1 Thes 4:13-18, where we find, vs.16-17 "the dead in Christ shall rise first then we who ARE ALIVE and remain shall be caught up together with them to MEET HIM IN THE AIR" note, not on earth. Read It all, then have a look at 1 Cor.15:51-53 The catching away is not for the 'church' as a whole, because many yet are to be persecuted, but the bride, GOD'S very elect of Mat.24:24 shall be raptured This is typed by Enoch, who was called out, and walked up to meet the LORD, prior to the flood of Noah's day, pre tribulation escape The doctrine is not believed by many churches, but that is what GOD says about the process Most important thing is be ready, we get the body change, then we are out of here, hallelujah No doubt this comment will attract some heavy rebuttals, etc., but that is denominational doctrine, 1 Thesselonians and 1 Corinthians are GOD'S WORDS on the matter Don't add to IT or take from IT Rev.22:17-19
  8. no there are absolultely no verses that say the church will be raptured, (Edited by Moderator). And why would it be raptured? Since when does the church get to escape persecution lol? Ridiculous. And who in the world would be left to PREACH THE GOSPEL DUH? Who would he persecute? The figments of his imagination? So stupid man, I hate that false doctrine, hate it! By the way can anyone help me find a book called A Chart of the Last Days and the End, its not in the major or christian bookstores, its supposed 2 be unique in that it only uses scripture verses. Anyone know anything about it?
  9. Haven't you noticed, the human specie is degenerating, not progressing, and, as far as the big bang theory goes; if there was nothing there in the beginning, WHAT WENT BANG?
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