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He giveth more grace

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Everything posted by He giveth more grace

  1. Never had that particular phenomenon, nor sitting, he's just there.
  2. Something that I have heard since my rebirth 'til present times is this, 'a lost person doesn't wonder if they are going to hell'. Thusly, if you are concerned more than a little of being separated from Christ and cast into the Lake of Fire, as the belief goes, then it is a good sign you ARE saved. I don't know how much truth is in that. Personally, I have feared of condemnation, a big percentage of my Christian Life, but now all that fear has melted away by truth. I hope to be given something else shortly.
  3. I miss the old days, to be honest.I feel your pain, I am pained for the old days as well. Good post. I can't really bite the hand that fed me, Ethyl Corp and their technologies provided well for my dad's table, until EPA cut out lead in gasoline. Ethyl produce an anti-knock formula that the Feds didn't like. So, the revolution was in ways good.
  4. I was heavily depend upon the contribution of others. The age of the Industrial Revolution was the infancy of the down fall of the Mom and Pop business' and the beginning of the power industries. I clearly didn't think this thread out, I was too hasty, and I am out of my depth and over my head.
  5. As I stated, In the OP, I was going to hold off until others posted first? I will be 66 on the 24th and I am not as quick of mind as I used to be, from now on, I will remember what is protocol.
  6. That all you got? What you mention is a smidgen, a jot, an iota of what the steam age actually accomplished Only first installment. :,)
  7. LoL! Because nobody gave you any specific answer, you think we don't have a clue? Pretty daring statement. With all due respect, season it as you like it, God is witness, my heart does not convict me.
  8. Nobody has a clue huh? First off, I whole-heartedly, believe in Capitalism and the Entrepreneural spirit. The Industrial Revolution led to mass production and factories. Then the first Labor unions began to pop up,which, in the beginning had a just cause, unions began to stand up for workers rights. Shorter shifts, better wage, benefits, all very humble grievances, which made for a better worker because they brought home more and they had somebody looking out for them. Alas, because of money and power the union got corrupted and began lobbing politians corrupting them by bribe (kickback). Union bosses back candidate who would in turn vote for their favorite agendas, so became policy changers. This hurt America.
  9. The Industrial Revolution began a time of great prosperity to this country, what else did it bring? I have something to say about that, but I want to hear from you all. http://www.history.com/topics/industrial-revolution
  10. I am going to be an Angel with an impressive wing spam. Just one thing wrong with that, Angels don't have wings. Cherubim and Seraphim does.
  11. As a side note, I liked Bogart, African Queen is a classic flick. Wasn't aware of Bacall that much as I was growing up.
  12. I would advise caution in believing this.
  13. I searched for a fix, none on the first page. The "evil" thing, mistake, don't know where that came from.
  14. If God has given me a gift it is a remembrance and use of the word, though the gift is not for me, it is a gift to whom someone whom is ministered by it.
  15. That bring up another thing, I don't see emoticons.
  16. Forget the evil part, not serious, just asking where are they, I don't see them in my settings or in new post.
  17. You know, bold, Italics, underline, font size, font type, font color.
  18. Has formatting in post been determined a bad thing?
  19. I was wondering this morning, what if the 80% of non-religious Jews, living in Israel, visited this temple what effect would it have on them, will many turn to Judaism. Would the PM, the Knesset,and the Israeli media be more God centric (or god as they believe him to be).
  20. Heart warming and comforting that God's favor is with Israel when they are hated so much by the world. They say, "Never again", in reference to the holocost, and never again it shall be.
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