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  1. So, maybe I'm not being patient enough, but I sent a message a few days ago to the Men's Lounge forum asking for the password, but I have not got it yet. Does it take a while to get it? Am I just not "Worthy" enough? lol...JK Or do I need a certain # of posts or something like that? Oh well...whatever! -Sean
  2. One of my favorites is the Boundless website. It's aimed more toward young adults, but it is a great Christian site, nonetheless. -Sean
  3. Ah, cool! Thanks for the replies. -Sean
  4. Why in the Bible and literary works is the word "LORD" written in all capital letters? Why is it not "Lord"? Why just "LORD" and not "GOD" in all capitals, too? I've been wondering this for some time now, but have not found an answer. -Sean
  5. I've understood that verse to mean that we are to be obedient to Christ to the extent of giving up our lives for Him (if that is what it came to). Just as Jesus carried His own cross for himself to be crucified, so we too need to be "carrying our cross" to the extent of being willing to sacrifice our very lives for the sake of Jesus. We put aside all of our selfish ambition, turn to Jesus (pick up our cross), and follow Him with our entire being. -Sean
  6. Take a look at this article I found a couple months ago. It should help to clarify (or perhaps confuse more ) your question. The article deals specifically with infant deaths, but in doing so, it also answers your question. Basically, what the author has said is that only once a person knows the difference between good and evil will they be charged with sin. I think very young children are not able to know the difference between good and evil. Where they become aware of the two I don't know. But I think it is whenever they DO know the difference but choose the wrong way that they begin to sin. Take a look, read it, and compare it with Gods Word. Pray about it! Pray that Gods truth will be revealed. -Sean
  7. Yeah...I know what it's like to be waiting. Right now I've been looking at my life and thinking "C'mon, God! What are you waiting for! Don't you want me to be doing something more useful with my life?" But I think He's showing me to just be patient. I know I have MUCH to learn. I guess I am feeling like I am not being used how I "think" I should be used by God. I feel like I need to be doing something more "worthy" and glorifying to Him. But then again, who am I to say what I should do with my life, right (NOTE: that was not a sarcastic response! )? Maybe where I am is where He wants me to be right now. God has a perfect plan and a will for my life. I just need to let Him lead, and do whatever He asks of me according to HIS time schedule. -Sean
  8. Yes, I get those days, too. I usually spend at least a 1/2 hour each day dedicated to reading my Bible, and some time before and after dedicated for prayer. But each day is different. Some days I spend more time in His Word. Other days I do not want to read it at all. But I try hard to read something from His Word. If I feel lazy or unmotivated, I will do like others have mentioned. I will be honest with God. I tell Him I am tired or not motivated to read His Word or whatever it is. But I stick to it. Read SOMETHING from the Bible. We should not feel obligated to read our Bibles for X amount of time each day. It should be something we look forward to. Don't force yourself. If I don't want to read much, I'll do like Esther Hadassah and read from the Psalms. What is important is that we seek God every day! Look at Psalm 1: 1-2. It says: Just spend even a little bit of time with God. Remember, in everything we do, we are to do it for His glory. And sometimes that means doing something we don't feel like doing. -Sean
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