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Posts posted by seraph

  1. 22 hours ago, kwikphilly said:

    Blessings seraph,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

       Your welcome,feeling better?                      Still praying,Love Kwik

    Yesterday was very stressful and it won't be easy getting all my surveys done, but I am feeling better. :) Thanks.

  2. There is the concern that you can't fully commit, and thus serve, if you're stretched too thin between churches.

    However, I do not see anything wrong with attending more than one church. My current church (SBC) is where I have been called to serve in ministry. I am not getting the teaching I want or need like I did at my previous church (non-denominational). I have considered attending my old church on Wednesday nights or Saturdays to get the teaching I miss. Because my schedule is so hectic with school, I am just listening to the podcasts of the sermons, and maybe that's a better option for me right now. In addition to that, I've been reading the Bible and doing devotionals with someone else and that has helped tremendously... for the learning and the fellowship.

    Maybe one could argue you should get everything you need at one church? Pray about it. See where God leads you. The important thing is that you have a fellowship of believers where you can grow in your faith and serve the Lord.

  3. Could you please keep me in prayer? I have a lot going on, so it is hard to focus and manage my time for my classes (senior thesis requires a LOT of time). I have work to complete for class tonight and am stressing out a bit. I also have research I need to complete in a short amount of time... I need to survey 100 Deaf adults, which is a lot since that is a specific population (and I'm shy and feel uncomfortable approaching people to ask for something). I am also concerned regarding my finances - my current job is not enough to support myself, so I either need additional work or to switch jobs.  I am not sure where God is leading me regarding work at this point; He called me to my current job, and I'm not sure if it's His will I move on yet. If I am to stay and take on additional work, I do not want to it to negatively affect school. Thanks. :)

  4. God's promises never fail. However, that doesn't mean God promised you this person... people have free will and can choose to be with someone or not... and sometimes God brings people into your life for a reason but not for ever. Trust God and just pray for His will to be done regarding this whatever that may be.

  5. When people just let "these things just happen," they are usually not following God's will.

    Love is a choice and an action, not just a feeling. You don't accidentally fall in love... Christians developing feelings for someone they shouldn't should be vigilant in examining themselves so they can see and stop problems from developing.

    A Christian is not to be unequally yoked with a nonbeliever... a Christian's number one priority should be God, and if their second most important person in their life doesn't share that, there will be problems.

  6. I would say do not go to her with any "moves" or game as that can come across as disingenuous. Pray for God to guide you if this is a relationship you should pursue; if it is something within God's will, then go to her in honesty. Tell her what you just said in your post... that you wanted more to offer her and are still interested in her. Pray for her and ask her to pray about a possible relationship as well. If you both feel led to go forward, make sure you pray together and talk openly to each other and before God.

  7. I do not know of Christians who wear a Hijab as a practice of their Christian faith. I do know some do see it as an issue of modesty and protecting a woman from lustful thoughts; however, even completely covered a woman could be immodest and a man could still lust after her.

    Culturally, if that is what women wore, I wouldn't see it as a problem. It could be more of a problem to go against the culture and offend others. And not, I'm not talking about being like the world, so please don't go there... one can still be uncompromisingly sanctified and set apart from the world while adjusting their behaviour (within reason) so as to not offend or be a roadblock to someone.


    What you yourself, specifically wear, is not at all my point, nor does it affect my question. I am speaking to principles. What goes on in a man's mind is of course his problem, but I think it can be very selfish and uncaring of us to think in those terms. A person can be weak in certain areas. I notice you did not answer my question if what Paul said about our behaviors and how they can effect another, being a concern.

    Should I understand then, that you think that a Christian, who has self control and feels free to consume alcohol with a clear conscience, should feel free to drink in front of a person who has real issues with alcoholism and drunkeness, and just say: "What goes on in a man's mind when he sees an alcoholic beverage is his problem!?

    Sometimes it might be appropriate, to consider the needs of others, over our own desires, isn't that what loving others is about?

    There is a difference between doing something out of consideration of someone else and being oppressed by legalism to do something. Like Omega had mentioned, if you, as a Christian, are okay with drinking alcohol but another Christian is offended by it, don't drink alcohol around them. When traveling on mission trips, I have adjusted my clothing to be culturally appropriate and to not offend anyone or when offered food I do not want to eat, I ate it. If a significant other has an issue with what I am wearing, I would change it... not because he is being domineering or I am being weak, but out of consideration for his feelings.

    Just like we need to consider not offending someone, we need to not be so quick to be offended by things that are different or unfamiliar (like Omega also mentioned in another post about the word Allah). Allah is the Arabic word for the English word God... Allah is not exclusively the god of Islam. Just like English-speaking Christians do not change the word God to something else because some cult twists who God is, Arabic-speaking Christians do not change the word Allah to something else because of Islam.

  8. Hi... I'm asking for prayers for a student at the high school I work at. He is a "behavior problem" and is placed in classes much lower than his ability because of it. It's frustrating to the teachers, and I'm sure disheartening to him. Please keep him and his teachers in prayer. Thanks :)

  9. If you wanted to kill yourself over a breakup with someone, then it's very likely you aren't ready to go into another relationship. Focus on being who God calls you to be and pray for His will and trust He will bring the right person and the right time.

    Personally, I wouldn't want to use a dating service, but I also don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with a Christian one... just realize it doesn't guarantee who you will meet someone who is a follower of Christ.

  10. Kay,

    Those are amazing things happening in your life! The Lord is doing awesome things in your life, and He's not done yet!!! For all of those struggles, think of the wonderful testimony you have to share and help others with! Do NOT give up on yourself or life when God hasn't... He has plans for you!

    So your cousin, who was distracting you, is gone now, so get back into the Word. Just open up the Bible and read what you can. It's true that the devil wants to distract us from our relationship with God and to take away our peace... so whether we are content or attacked, we need to be in the Word to have that strength to stand up to the attacks.

    There are always going to be haters that try to bring others down for whatever reason, but the reason comes from inside them, not you... you are beautiful and do not think otherwise. God knew you before you were born and He didn't change a thing; He created you and loves you... so He, who began a good work in you will complete it, but you have to be willing to follow where He leads and trust Him.

    I've been broken and crushed... and I know God is right there with me to heal me. Sometimes that takes time, so we need to hang onto the hope and trust in Him and His promises. You can get through this... not just get through it, but be victorious! You are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37-39)! You got this, girl!!!

  11. I agree with what has already been said, if you are tempted to join in, separate yourself if need be. Preferably, I would pray to be strong against the temptation in order to witness. It can be hard to not join in when we want to be accepted... but would they like you more for joining in and not being your true self, or for standing up and being your true self even when it's difficult? Most people are going to at least respect you for being real and possibly like you even if they disagree with what you believe. 

    Also, keep in mind to what degree you want to be accepted and form friendships with unbelievers as being unequally yoked can cause problems. I have no issue being "friends" on some guarded level with non-christians, but they cannot be my closest friends as we do not share what is most important in my life and should affect every aspect of life - Jesus Christ.

    I have worked with unbelievers as well... they know my faith without me being "preachy." There are times when they have talked about someone... even when they have a legitimate reason to be angry with someone, I try to show that this is still a person whom God loves and there are reasons for their behavior (not excuses, but reasons). I try to show them my faith in how I treat others, my work ethic, etc. Of course I'm flawed and fail, but I believe my faith - and how God affects my life - comes across as genuine. I will say, what helped lead me to the Lord was the example of some Christians who never witnessed to me with their words, but their behaviour spoke volumes to me.

  12. Rushing into anything without consulting God can bring consequences... we often make poor decisions based on emotions, circumstances, misinformation, etc. The consequences can not just be dismissed when it's a decision that you are to commit to for the rest of you life and you can't just 'change your mind.' Maybe the state of your marital relationship is the consequence of choosing someone that God did not choose for you so you are incompatible, and/or maybe this is a time to endure until God can change things in both your hearts. It's a bit useless at this point to wonder if 'he's the ONE' or dream of someone else because as husband and wife, you are one.

    Perhaps you are 'not hearing' from God because He has already told you what to do, or not to do, regarding divorce and adultery in His Word. Like has already been stated, God hates divorce... divorce is not permitted for having different expectations/dreams and adultery is never permitted. Something to keep in mind, inciting him to divorce you is still going against God's Word.

    Nothing is impossible... so I would keep praying for your relationship... regardless if things change or not, be who God has called you to be - as a wife and an individual. I understand it hurts to not have that affirmation from the one who is supposed to cherish you, but if he's not capable or willing to give it at this point, take comfort in how God sees you. More important than if your outward appearance moves him, focus on your inward self and being the wife God wants you to be... perhaps a good example will inspire him, but if not, still be who God calls you to be. I am praying for you and your husband.

  13. Thank you 7Dove77... I'm praying right now... for God's will to be done and for this to bring glory to Him... it's likely we could see an answer to prayer this evening... I'm on my knees and standing in the gap... thanks to God we can approach His throne of grace with our prayers! Praise God!

  14. Please lift up a friend who is going through some very difficult trials... please pray for discernment and wisdom... that he may have mercy and doors opened to him... please pray for God to touch the hearts and guide all those involved. Thank you.

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