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About Otter77

  • Birthday 01/28/1977

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  • Location
    Denver, Colorado (Suburban area) USA
  • Interests
    expanding spirituality (I'm a new Christian), My Boys (kids), Computers (my occupation), Weight Training, Cars, My Dogs, Sciences, Nature, Wrestling and/or MMA Fighting, and much more.

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  1. Hallelujah! Let God's will be done!
  2. Wow - that's an excellent point. I think you've probably got it right... that... truly - we'll never even know when it comes unless we just KNOW. Jesus' deciples knew he was the messiah.... how? A hundred thousand little things. right?
  3. No intent at all to start a debate here... but I actually disagree. If you had been a fly on the wall to witness the card game held inside a mountain cabin a few weeks ago during our church "Men's Fishing Trip" retreat where I was a participant along with two of our pastors and several other cool guys.... to witness the *constant* juvenile humor.... you would disagree too. As a new Christian I will say this.... the man I was before would think the average Christian generally stoic as well if only because I'm no longer able to laugh or enjoy jokes about important moral issues.
  4. the ways of the lord are not the ways of man... or something like that.... right exrockstar? we'll never really know until it's here. God doesn't even "see" linear time in the same way we do. Quantum Physics has nearly proven that linear time is only a human perception - God's time is all it's own.
  5. I've felt this way nearly my entire (young-ish) life (30 years). The only trouble with a sense of "near" is a relative time concept.... near could be 150 years. I figure it's my job to live for now and follow God and teach my boys how to help save the world when the time comes around. Before I realized Christ though I worried about this constantly! eerie for sure... exciting? ABSOLUTELY! I hope I get to see the new world.... can you imagine what a blessing to be a part of that revolution?
  6. Wow.... as I am new here I'm continuously amazed at what an insightful group of people this is on this message board... I would say this of myself: I'm new in the teachings of Christ and therefore a follow to many who would desciple me and *always* a follower to God. In other parts of life I find myself often the reluctant leader. This happens over and over again where people around me place far more faith and confidence in my abilities and thinking skills than I do in my own and therefore they shove me into a leadership position. I will lead when I'm certain I know the answer or when it's requested of me -- but I will gladly go off and do my own thing at any other time. A follower otherwise though? seldom if never.
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