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Kenna Frye

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About Kenna Frye

  • Birthday 10/01/1984

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  1. Ah! Good old fashioned 'Catholic Bashing!' Is there anything like it? Why don't you just give us the Readers Digest version by saying: "I hate the Pope, and I think you should too. THE END" i was most certainly not bashing the pope, he is not the Antichrist! Like I said, don't leave any comments unless you read it (edited by moderator - please keep the discussion on the issues not our opinion on how peoples actions reflect on their intelligence). It certainly IS Rome bashing. There was nothing new here, this is all very very old stuff. You could have taken most of it from the margin notes of the Geneva Bible of 1560! But I didn't claim you said the Pope was the antichrist....do pay attention my boy! My main point is really that the problem with Christians today is they'd rather know about antichrist than JESUS CHRIST! The only reason why people need to know who the Antichrist really is, is because the whole world believes that it will be one man at the end of time and it mst certainly will not be. He will supposedly rise duriing the seven year tribulation........I've got news for ya.......There is no seven year tribulation!!!!!! If you want to believe in man-made traditions of Antichrist, go ahead, but I am just simply suggesting the most biblical way of interpreting prophecy truth. The seventy weeks ended a long long time ago.....if you don't believe that, don't take it up with me, you are going to have to explain to God why you believed that you were going to have a second chance during the seven year trib. People want sin so bad that they actually came up with a doctrine that says you will have a second chance. and since sin is so attractive, people believe it because thats what they want! If you are counting on a seven year trib and an antichrist during those days, you are heading down the wrong path my friend.....god Bless and I hope you will soon see the light of Bible truth.
  2. I need to ask a question.........If you do not believe in the secret rapture, then how in the world can you believe in the seven year trib and one man antichrist?
  3. I too, do not believe that the Antichrist is one man at the end of time. I do not believe the antichrist is the pope. I know about those verses and I am going to do a whole message and that and the ones in 2 thess. The pope is just an identifying mark of the Antichrist beast power ("A Man at its head").......The antichrist is a system of false worship set in place of God's true worship. That is exactly what we have today, Sunday worship and the pope claiming that he can forgive sins.....again, the pope is not the Antichrist, it is a system of false teachings and worship. There is no "one man" Antichrist. The King of the North in daniel 11 is another chapter dedicated to exposing the papacy as the Antichrist. If you don't believe me, just read Martin Luther's notes on who the Antichrist is. God bless.
  4. Ah! Good old fashioned 'Catholic Bashing!' Is there anything like it? Why don't you just give us the Readers Digest version by saying: "I hate the Pope, and I think you should too. THE END" i was most certainly not bashing the pope, he is not the Antichrist! Like I said, don't leave any comments unless you read it (edited by moderator - please keep the discussion on the issues not our opinion on how peoples actions reflect on their intelligence).
  5. The first resurrection takes place at Jesus' Second coming, which is the glorious appearing......there is no secret snatching of the righteous people before he shows his face to all the world.
  6. This is a series of messages dedicated to showing who the Antichrist really is. Please do not make any comments to me or about these messages unless you read them. Please don't just mock them or anything.....If you are a true Christian, you will consider all views and then compare them with the Bible and not immediately reject them. So, if you are an open-minded Christian as you ought to be, then these messages are for you.... Who is the Antichrist - Part 1 Who is the Antichrist - Part 2 Who is the Antichrist - Part 3 these messages are quite long and in depth. I hope God will bless you as you read them. again, I am not saying you have to believe what I believe, just consider it...
  7. saturday is most certainly the sabbath day. There has been no change and the law has most certainly not been done away with. Sunday is an institution by the Roman Catholic Church and is un-biblical. They even claim that they made the supposed "change" in their catechisms. The does matter in which you worship and it most certainly is not Sunday, God didn't bless and sanctify that day!
  8. This is the first message of many exposing the Left Behind Deception...... The Left Behind Deception - The Secret Rapture
  9. This is a question to everyone and I'd like to get as many answers or comments back as possible. I am getting ready to type up a new message about the "Sabbath Day." I would like to know what day everyone worships on and why they do it on that day? Is your answer rooted in the Bible or is it rooted in tradition just because your parents raised you to go to church on a certain day? Do you even care what day you go to church on at all? Thanks.
  10. This is a study that I have been working on for quite a while and I think it will shed some light on a lot of confusion. God Bless. The Seven Year Tribulation....Is it biblical?
  11. I meant beginning, sorry....and No I am not a preterist.
  12. I am going to start preaching here in a few weeks and I was wondering if you all would read this message and let me know your thoughts.....here is the link The Hidden Characteristic of Righteousness
  13. Cobalt, I do not want to argue with you, that is not a Christian attitude, we are simply studying together.....before I can answer any of your questions, I need you to explain to me what you believe is the begging year for this prophecy. I simply have to know that before this goes any further. Thanks.
  14. Again, nobody has shown me that 457 BC is not the start of this prophecy, so apparently we all agree on it......The great time of trouble is referring to the plagues, if you still believe that the seven years is in the future dealing with the Antichrist, read the links below and tell me your reason for throwing the last week of Daniel in the future!.........The Antichrist is most certainly here today and has been for a very very long time.........please everyone, if you have seen the movies like "Left Behind, Omega Code, Revelation, and others......please please please, throw that garbage out of your mind and study the Bible.....The Antichrist is here already and there is nothing about him having anything to do with seven years in the Bible. Antichrist Part 1 Antichrist Part 2 Antichrist Part 3 If you read this, you will know the Antichrist spoken of in the Bible and not the Antichrist that Hollywood has led so many people to believe One more thing to remember before you read this 1260 days, 42 months and time times and half a time (3 1/2 years) is all the same amount of time! Here is a quick breakdown of what happens before and after Jesus returns....... 1. Seven plagues ( time of trouble) 2. Christ returns 3. Christ raises the righteous dead 4. Wicked perish and Satan is bound 5.Righteous ascend into heaven with Jesus to begin the 1000 year reign IN HEAVEN AND NOT ON EARTH! (Millennium begins) During the millennium.... 6.Satan is on earth by himself for 1000 years with no one to tempt and all wicked are dead 7.The righteous that are in heaven are assisting in the Judgement in heaven End of millennium 8. Christ and righteous descend to earth 9. New Jerusalem descends 10. The wicked dead are raised 11. Satan is loosed 12. Wicked dead are destroyed in hellfire.....the hellfire that is not going on right now like everyone thinks!!! 13. Christ and righteous live for eternity in new earth.
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