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Zanhoshi Zhuedo

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Everything posted by Zanhoshi Zhuedo

  1. Gen 1:1 "In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth" Gen 1:2 "The earth was without form and void..." God does not create things "without form and void". The original Hebrew words used there imply an indistinguishable ruin and darkness. Scientists believe the Universe to be billions of years old. It is possible that God created the Heavens and the Earth that long ago, and that He was doing something with it, when Satan rebelled and was cast down. Down - that is, into the physical universe God had created. Thus was can suggest that Satan was the cause of the indistinguishable ruin and darkness. Following this line of reasoning... The "Creation" as traditionally told would still have happened about six thousand years ago, but with this undefined period of time before it during which Satan was cast down. This would also give another good reason for the Creation of man in God's image: Satan had destroyed the universe, and god had just finished fixing it. So He created representative figures in His image with power and authority in the physical universe. It's all connected to God's plan to destroy Satan for good, and bring many children in to Himself. To address the question of WHEN the angels were created... Given what was said above, it would have to be some time between Gen1:1 and Gen1:2.
  2. One of His attributes is that God communicates with each person on THEIR level. Thanks to Jesus, He no longer requires a single consecrated priest to enter the temple in order for His people to hear His voice. Now Jesus is the final High Priest, who makes it possible for God to speak with us any time, any where. The mode of communication changes depending on the person's faith and situation. Communication from God can come from anywhere without or within - just be sure that it's God speaking to you by checking what you hear against the scriptures!
  3. Seeking the Kingdom of God also means making His kingdom your interest and priority. What is this Kingdom? The dominion within which God's will is done is His kingdom. We extend His kingdom by saving the lost and bringing them to Him. When this becomes your foremost mission in life, then all your worldly needs will be taken care of by God.
  4. When the devil looks at the unsaved, he sees their sin. When he looks at the saved, he sees the blood of Jesus. There's no mistaking one from the other to the devil. That is why Paul also teaches to "put on the whole armor of God". With God's whole armor on, how can the devil tell you apart from God?
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