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Everything posted by corriee

  1. When God made this planet, He set it up to last as long as He intended. I do think we have abused it and because it is so over populated right now, it causes problems. I don't want to volunteer to leave though, so we will just struggle. God will end this world as He planned, it won't be done without His permission. I just feel so sorry for the many many people now who are so poor and suffering because of floods, earthquakes and such. It is more sad if they don't know our Lord. Let's remember them in our prayers.
  2. I think we live in a world of suffering and injustice because of Lucifer. He wanted to usurp the position of God and so rebelled. God gave us free will also I think so we could love Him on our own. But because the fight was started by Satan, it will be this way until our Lord returns and rules and reigns with perfect truth and justice.
  3. http://www.timeswatch.net/bible_study_info.htm This web page has some good information on Israel and the Muslims. There is a lot of stuff on this page all good from what I can see, but what is on line with this post is the part toward the bottom of the page that says Israel1 Israel2 etc...through Israel 6. It is power point and says not recommended for those on dial up. The photos are great.
  4. I am really not sure but I think I would ask 'why?' and He would know the answer because He would know the question.
  5. I really would like to stop over eating. I weigh too much and eat too much. I kicked the smoking habit about 100 pounds ago. Now I have this! It is so wrong to do this to my body, but I can't seem to fix it. I have spent mega dollars on diet. I can lose it, no problem, just can't keep it off.
  6. They just had an 8.0 earthquake in Peru and one in the Alutian Islands of a 6. ? I guess here in Texas we are going to have rain from one tropical storm and more could be on the way.
  7. Prices for key foods are rising sharply By Kevin G. Hall | McClatchy Newspapers Posted on Tue, August 14, 2007 Link http://www.mcclatchydc.com/227/story/18902.html This site has a lot of information. The only reason I decided to post it was I read also where that Japan had warned that rice was getting scarce and expensive. On this chart it isn't yet, but milk and eggs are. I don't want to be an alarmist, just a heads up.
  8. What I don't understand is why I have to be something beside Christian. I am neither. I am a Bible believing person. I believe John 3:16, Jesus died for the whole world. I believe Ephesians 1:5 I was predestinated in Him. I believe Ephesians 1:4 I was chosen before the foundations of this world. I believe Acts 16:31 Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. But I am not a calvinist, nor a daisy, nor anything but a Christian. I don't want any tulips. Why not just believe the Bible and be done with it. Christians have enough trouble getting along as it is.
  9. Oh Boy do I ever know. I know part of my problem is from the years that I did not study Gods Word. I was busy going to Church and teaching Sunday School, or raising four children. I needed to get ahead, and buy this or clean that....now that I am older, kids raised, don't want anything new, I study God's word more, have learned to love Him more, but still, I can't stay in that place of worshipping and prayer.
  10. I just got to vote here. I had my ten posts. Was so excited. I voted for Israel. I think if our country has a right relation with Israel, then alot of other problems will be solved. Also, I think God blesses those who bless Israel.
  11. I really hope the Lord returns before this next election. I don't have any good hopes for it no matter who wins... But, I will be looking at independents I am thinking. Don't know yet. I don't want to vote for anyone who is not a main line Christian, and then that line is so wide I am not sure I can vote for a 'Christian'. I can't see much difference in them any more.
  12. I consider myself a fundamentalist. I do think that we could be more fun loving...I find (other than this board) most have no funny bone, and I think that causes a wrong picture of fundamentalist. Not all fun mind you, but more willing to be tolerant, and not press every issue. (only the ones that make a difference in salvation, or wrong ideas that we might change.) I hope I have said what I am trying to say right...lol
  13. Thaddaeus, Please don't take this as a smart answer, for I mean it from my heart.. "It is the set of my sail and not the gail' that determines which way I go. I try and stay constant with Jesus, when I fail He draws me back. I am more content now in my salvation that I have ever been. I have searched my life and my decision for Christ just to make sure that I am covered by the blood. There are times that I wonder or have a question about things, especially reading the questions people ask on these boards..lol... . I wondered about tongues,about fallen angles, about Enoch..(these just recently.) I read my Bible, but I also read with J Vernon McGee. He has been a true teacher to me for many years. His faith and love for Christ have been a comfort to me. I have told Jesus what a coward I am, and I pray I never go through awful persecution as some have, I wonder about that. Seeing my loved ones suffer, especially my grand children..You ask, and that is one area I pray for in my life. If I ever need it I trust that He will be sufficient for me.
  14. I was saved at age 8 and am still saved. I don't know how it works, but I have learned to love Him better nearly everyday. And He has been with me through some really tough times. I was eight around 1949 or so.
  15. Repentance is very much a part of Salvation. In fact, to me, seeing ourselves as sinners, and turning to Christ from that sin. Everyone words being saved in so many ways, but basically, turning to Christ from your past, and trusting in Christ, that is his death, burial and resurrection. I was saved as a child. I was not aware of what sin was in near the way I do now. So my turning was not a major thing, but I had been taught that I was a sinner. I told lies and fought with my siblings...that sort of thing. I was not really convicted of sin so much as I wanted Christ to be my Saviour. I wanted to follow Him, love Him and live for Him. That I understood. Now almost 60 years later, I understand a whole lot more about sin and how terrible it is.
  16. I am new here and got in on the end of this it looks like. What I wanted to add to the original post was that I did a word search of servant, on the BibleGateway.com, and Paul called all whom he named a servant of Christ, or the Word, (same thing). I do think we are servants, or should be, to each other, those in need and to Christ...any way that is the gist, we are to be servants, and Paul led by wonderful example.
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