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About tylerco113x

  • Birthday 06/14/1989

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    Colorado Springs, Co

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  1. Pray, pray pray. Pray God will reveal the truth to you, look in your bible. It could be warfare and it couldn't be.
  2. So everyone here should set aside an hour and listen to this message. You need quicktime to listen. The first few minutes are filler, the message doesn't really start till about three minutes in. http://video.newlifechurch.org/mill/podcas...mosexuality.mp3 "http://video.newlifechurch.org/mill/podcast/060901-070000-Aaron_Stern-You_Asked_-_Homosexuality.mp3" Trust me, it covers a lot in a graceful way, using Bible verses to support all the answers. It also gives some practical advice on dealing with homosexuals in a loving and Christlike way. 1 Peter 3:15 We need to have answers for when people ask us. Here are some questions asked: How do I respond to gay people? Isn't happiness what it's all about? Are people born gay? What does God have to say about homosexuality? Can people change?
  3. Well, the ban went up in like five states, including Colorado (my state) and others. This is a great victory for Christians in itself.
  4. So, I'm a 17 year old follower of God who lives in Denver, Co. I have gone to New Life Church's Youth Group and Young Adults grous several times each, neither of which is directly pastored by Haggard. I love them both and I have had great experiences at them. They are NOT my church family as I am heavily involved with my own church, but I like to go once in a while to enjoy the amazing worship and messages. About three months ago I went to New Life's annual Desperation Conference for Youth. Around 2000 people from all over the country were there (Hillsong United was there too). It was amazing, God did awesome things, and I loved every second of it, except one part. Pastor Ted's message. I've always felt weird about pastor Ted without understanding why. I had no reason to, but I just had a weird gut feeling about him. During his message I just wanted to leave, and I did. But any time I saw him during that whole conference I felt weird and like something was up with him. I do this to say that New Life Church is a great church of God. Pastor Ted has made serious mistakes. The two are different and uninterchangeable. New Life has removed Haggard as their Pastor permanentaly now, and I pray that they can find a true servent of God to lead their enormous family. I ask that you do the same.
  5. Guys. Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't think we should be judging or blaming this guy. Yes what he did is wrong, and he needs to stop what he is doing, but I feel that we are not glorifying God by blaming him and calling him names. I for one will be praying for him. I think it would be good if we did. BTW - I do like the idea of making him pay for the costs though; Papasangel!
  6. My Brothers and Sisters in Christ, This is long, but I ask you to read it because I feel it is so awesome to share. Before I tell what happened on retreat, I have to tell you this. Generally, I have been a person with very low self-esteem and constant worry. This has some things to do with my life at home, where I am constantly pressured to be better than I am, and that I'm not good enough. Even when I had straight A's my parents seemed to be dissapointed that I had missed an assignment or two. At school I was never popular, never had a girlfriend (except a one weeker, who dumped me) and just felt so stupid about myself. When I became a Christian that changed little by little, as God slowely started to reveal himself to me. Eventually I started to feel better about myself. But with God and the Holy Spirit reassuring me, other things came as well. Slowely I began to feel extreme doubt. Day by day I started feeling that what I was doing was so stupid and God was fake. When I would worship I would be distracted by the strangest thoughts. Eventually it got to a point that when I did anything spiritual there was a constant battle in my head. Not until now did I realize that it was something trying to drive me away from God. Anyway, on to what happened to me this weekend. This weekend I went on my first retreat and it was amazing. The retreat was called "Phenominon" and the phrase to describe it was "Where super and natural unite." The main topic of the retreat was fighting with God against Satan and his Demons. On Wednesday night when we arrived we had two hours of worship, and it was awesome. God was with us and he touched many people that night. A few people had visions of things, and I saw and felt things I have never seen or felt before. (By the way, I've been a Christian for six months, so I am not experienced, but I have seen my fair share of things and felt God several times.) I prayed with several people that night. I went to bed very spiritually aware. On Thursday the enemy came. We were separated into small groups. When the adult leader Billy asked how many people believed in demons, half the group raised their hands (including myself). We discussed God, angels, demons and Satan, and how the evil ones battle for souls. Later in the day, when our group met, we were discussing things and I found out that my new friend John had gone to Africa on a mission this summer, and had seen some evil ungodly things, like demons and wichcraft. We then started to read "The Screwtape Letters" by C.S. Lewis out loud. For those of you who don't know, it is a ficticious letter from a higher demon to a lower demon, telling him how to claim a specific man's soul and use certain tactics. Even though the letter was fictitious, it was very disturbing and real. During the reading John started twitching and freaking out. I asked him if he was okay and he didn't respond. Nobody noticed but me so I started praying over him silently. Billy then asked if he was okay, and I said no. Billy and our other adult leader came over and started to pray over him. I asked the rest of the group (who half didn't believe in demons and were freaking out more than those of us who did) to start praying and we all prayed together. John stopped twitching and after a five minute period of confusion (on the student's part) we all prayed together. After dinner I came to find out that this had been happening to several people. Things were just very weird for me. I went to service that night but was very distracted. After a little one act play put on by some students, our youth pastor did an alter call. But as he said it was no regular alter call, but rather what he called a "Gut Check." I remember him saying: "People usually remember friday nights on our retreat. But lets go ahead right now. Lets go for it. This is an alter call, but no regular alter call. We're not playing music and sending leaders up for prayer requests. This is a gut check. The enemy is here with us, and he is upset that we are gathered to worship God. He hates this retreat. I want you to come up if you are saying no to the enemy. Come and say you choose to fight him and fight with God. Come right now and bow down and tell God that you will fight if you choose too." About half the group started to go as he spoke. I felt that God wanted me to, so I went and bowed. About a minute after people came, with no noises but my pastor's voice in prayer, half the group was weeping. I was weeping, it was so powerful. I'm shaking a bit recalling it. Billy (who is also the worship leader for the youth) came up and did quiet worship with his accoustic guitar for about an hour. Throughout that time I was in such joy, that I had these laughing fits and weeping fits. People were having visions and some were shreiking in their visions which scared many people. I was down on the ground, and God was so powerful in me, that I couldn't stay still and refrain from twitching. People prayed with me and I'm pretty sure that I heard God's voice for the first time. The reason I say pretty sure is that it didn't sound exactly like it was from around me but rather from inside of me, but it was definintally audible. All he said was "Tyler, I love you," but it was enough to have me wrecked for the rest of the night. IT made me feel so loved and so significant, but yet I was incrediably humbled that night. I went to bed and as I was trying to fall asleep, I just started to feel sick to my stomach and like something was there. The best way I could explain it was that I felt an extreme hatred directed towards me. It scared me. I didn't notice right away, but the person sleeping across from me was twitching. He then suddenly prayed for God to protect him out loud. But it took another leaders prayer to stop the thing inside of him. He couldn't fall asleep because he was attacked. Okay I know this is very long, but let me tell you that from discussions I came to find out that at this point many attacks had already happened. From demons or whatever it was. I don't think that all of them were honestly real, but I know most of them were. Anyway, the next day I woke up feeling okay but slightly afraid. As I headed to worship that morning, I started thinking about the demons and what was going on, and I became extremely afraid. During worship I couldn't worship God at all, I was about to puke. I felt sick, wrong, shameful, and that extreme deep hatred towards me. I started breaking out in twitches I couldn't control. In small groups 20 minutes later I was still twitching and freaking out when Billy came and prayed with me. He prayed for God to reassure me that I was not worthless or stupid, and that He loved me the way I was. I stopped twitching and felt God there, and the rest of the day was fine. Later that day Billy prayed with me. He said to me during prayer "Tonight during worship you're going to have self-talk, and you'll be thinking about things that you shouldn't think about. Pray for God to protect you and keep you're mind set straight." That night, I went to worship and it was extremely powerful for many people but not to me. I felt doubt, but I told myself that I would not take these lies and that I would worship, whether or not I felt sick. I kept on praying that God would make me think about him and not how unworthy I was. I prayed that God would take whatever was telling me that I wasn't good enough or that He didn't love me, and get rid of it. I started worshiping and God came and started to overtake me. But I felt extreme hatred directed towards me from something else. I fell to the ground and weeped harder than I have in a long time. A good friend named Jason came and prayed with me and asked me what I was seeing, and I said I saw nothing. After he left I got up and went to sit down, because I felt I couldn't worship at all. I felt extremely sick. I stood up to move and my other friend Nick came up to me and said "I heard you've been having visions." I said I saw nothing, and immediatly without hesitation he said "Tyler, fall on your knees and worship him." I fell right away and started to cry. Nick started to pray over me, and that's when I saw something. I saw a red face, very vague, its features weren't distinctable. But it was bad. But I felt that it wanted to hurt me and kill me, and it hated me. I started shouting while I wept that it hated me. I was still concience to the outside world but I was absorbed in this thing. And I couldn't stay still, but then as Nick and Jason prayed over me I fell completely on my side and after a couple of minutes I stopped crying and I felt an extreme calm over me. I felt more peacful than I have in my entire life. Jason said "Tyler stay in the gift that God has given you," and he and Nick left. I knew as I lay there that whatever was in me was gone. God had taken it away from me. I also knew that God had taken all of my burdans, and he had freed me from my burdans and had taken them away. In my entire life, I have never felt this calm, and this rescued. God freed me from all of my burdans and from the evil that tried to bring me down. Today during worship, for the first time ever, I had no distractions. I was focused on God, and nothing was taking me in the other direction. I spent 30 minutes just praising God with one other friend, and I just feel so good right now. No matter what, I know now that God loves me and is with me, I have no doubt. I love Him and I ask that we praise Him. Hallelujah! Jesus you are so amazing and awesome lord! Thank you for reading and God Bless, Tyler
  7. Hey, Thank your for the advice and tips. I prayed about it a lot, and I didn't fast the entire day, but rather from waking up until about 5:00 PM (I did have a bagel when I woke up, but that was planned). I just felt that God had called me to do it, since he has been revealing himself to me so much lately. God Bless, Tyler
  8. Well, I'd like to apologize for what I said. I was somewhat upset about other things that day anyway. I'm sorry Loop if I came off as harsh, I just saw your other posts (aside from this thread) and you seemed to be making fun of Christians. At the time I was somewhat surprised. I could have used better words in the prayer, and again I aplogize. I do realize that fear was a bad word, and I did regret using it. I have no problem with you disagreeing with me Loop, and I don't mean to come off as harsh. In the other post that Robbie D made (I can't find it, it must have been deleted) people started praying for him and you seemed to be mocking them directly and Robbie D. You told RD that he was probably just imagining it and using it as an excuse for teenage depression or something like that. It hurt me that you would be so blunt, and then somebody asked you why you were here, and you said that you were here to cause chaos. http://www.worthyboards.com/forums/index.p...sult_type=posts Read through this to see what I mean. You do have some good points Loop, but you seem to be mocking us in many of your posts. These things angered me slightly, so I prayed to be forgiven for my anger. Fear was a bad word to use. I am in no way afraid or angry at nonbelievers. As a matter of fact I associate with more nonbelievers on a daily basis than I do believers, because of the environment at my school. I have only been a Christian for about 5 months, and I didn't give up any non believing friends. So forgive me guys, I'm sorry for being so blunt. Sorry, Loop!
  9. Well, I live in Colorado, and its not as cold as many people think. Right now it's in the 70s or so. I really think you'd like it, but Denver is the 5th largest unsaved city in the US, so maybe not. Anyway, NM isn't as good as people think. I've been there, and I wan't impressed. My reccomendation is actually Touscon, Az. It has some good churches, BEUTIFUL scenery, and LOTS of palm trees (seeing as your from Florida). The only bad thing is that in the summer it's EXTREMELY hot and dry, but it's probably not much better in NM. Also the crime rate is pretty bad, since it's so close to the border. But it's better than New Mexico in my opinion.
  10. Hey y'all. If any of you have read my posts, you should know that I'm sort of a new Christian (since August), and I'm not as familiar with things as some of you may be. Today at church I was praying with some people and God really convicted me and showed me some things I didn't realize. I want to spend more time devoted to God, and I feel that now (like within the next couple days) would be a good time to fast. But I'm wondering, is it as simple as just not eating or is there more to it? Your input is always appreciated! God Bless Tyler
  11. *Father God, Please do not let me give into anger, and let me glorify your name instead.* Your suggestion of going to a doctor is not bad, but there are better alternatives. Loop, I have been reading your posts, and I'm guessing that you don't know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Am I right? Have you accepted Him? If you haven't and don't want to, that is your choice, and I'm not going to start preaching, but if you don't know him and want to, then please say so. If you aren't a Christian, and you are not seeking information about being one, then why are you here? Are you here to simply annoy us (keep in mind that will be fairly hard for some of us)? I believe that God has brought you here for a reason, but if all you are going to do is criticize us, then you are wasting your time.
  12. UPDATE: Hey y'all, if any of u want to read this post. I'm now very active in my current Church (my parents allowed me to go) I'm trying out for the worship team and I'm on the AV (Sound) Team for youth. We have a retreat coming up, and I should be going. Just in case if any of you were wondering Thank you for your prayers, God heard them and helped me. God Bless Tyler
  13. God Bless You Erica Praise God, for he is using you and your ministry for his will!
  14. I think something we can do to help in this warfare is pray. Have you been praying about this? I'm sure you have, but if you haven't you need to. Get many Christians that you know to pray. It is very valuable. I will pray for you, you are in my heart. *praying* God Bless you brother. Please, put something in the prayer request forum. Satan may be opressing you. Satan hates it when we pray for you and when you pray, and the paranoia could be what he is using. Please brother, keep praying. Read your bible, just spend time with God. HE WILL DO AMAZING THINGS. God Bless Tyler
  15. Hello all, I need some advice. I've been born-again for awhile, which my parents think is nonsense. I'm 15 by the way. I want to go to a good evangelical Scripture preaching church, but they don't want me to be among what they call "holy rollers". What should I do?
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