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Everything posted by mdulin2004

  1. Your experience doesn't represent all of America. It is your job to inform yourself, check out the Hamouii family. You do the research. Or remain ignorant.
  2. You claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ? You do not represent him. You obviously represent your own selfish ambitions. I pray for you in Jesus' name.
  3. Then God is not just (ref. Old Testament and New Testament). Apparently WWII wasn't a just cause? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That was taken out of context. BTW, I did mention that the only just war would be god's war on the ungodly. Hello? This isn't personal. God bless!
  4. I'm talking about the system we live under. We violate human rights every day, why not the rights of suspected terrorists, who may very well be innocent? Whose only crime is being Arab or Muslim. I know of an innocent American Arab family who was unlawfully detained for 10 months and one of them was a teenage girl for heaven's sake, then released with no charges!!!! Be careful you don't align yourself with this beastly antichrist system, God is watching and no crime will go unpunished.
  5. Our wars are unjust. We have to realize that. There is no just war. The spirit of the beast and antichrist dominates all governments. It is the spirit of the world. We cannot support it. Our warfare is spiritual. The time is coming when the kingdoms of this world will gather together to do battle against the true King of Kings and that will be the only just war, where the kingdoms of this world will be destroyed for all their ungodly wars and crimes against humanity along with all those who support it.
  6. It happens everyday, have you ever been a black man in America??!!!
  7. AMEN. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!! Check out our Yahoo Group at www.prophecywatcher.com
  8. THANK YOU AND AMEN! Check out our Yahoo Group at www.prophecywatcher.com
  9. Thanks for the proposition but I am not interested. What I am interested in is the rights of Americans and regardless of the past, neither you or I would want to be in that situation. Would you?
  10. oh those poor little terrorists. How dare we? We should just cut off their heads so they don't have to suffer. Oh...and let's film it for worldwide television! An Israeli flag would be the nicest clothes they could wear. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't mean to be critical, but you are misinformed. The majority of prisoners at Guantanomo Bay that were arrested after 9/11, have not been charged with any crime, had a hearing or been allowed legal representation. Many of these detainees are American Citizens. We can't just go arresting people because they have a different faith, or are a certain race. What's wrong with you? I agree, those who are guilty of terrorist acts need to be taken to the full extent of the law, but not without due process. The same rights that we deserve as human beings and Americans are extended to all human beings!
  11. Prophecy Watcher Washingtonpost.com War Crimes Thursday, December 23, 2004; Page A22 THANKS TO a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union and other human rights groups, thousands of pages of government documents released this month have confirmed some of the painful truths about the abuse of foreign detainees by the U.S. military and the CIA -- truths the Bush administration implacably has refused to acknowledge. Since the publication of photographs of abuse at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison in the spring the administration's whitewashers -- led by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld -- have contended that the crimes were carried out by a few low-ranking reservists, that they were limited to the night shift during a few chaotic months at Abu Ghraib in 2003, that they were unrelated to the interrogation of prisoners and that no torture occurred at the Guantanamo Bay prison where hundreds of terrorism suspects are held. The new documents establish beyond any doubt that every part of this cover story is false. Though they represent only part of the record that lies in government files, the documents show that the abuse of prisoners was already occurring at Guantanamo in 2002 and continued in Iraq even after the outcry over the Abu Ghraib photographs. FBI agents reported in internal e-mails and memos about systematic abuses by military interrogators at the base in Cuba, including beatings, chokings, prolonged sleep deprivation and humiliations such as being wrapped in an Israeli flag. "On a couple of occasions I entered interview rooms to find a detainee chained hand and foot in a fetal position to the floor, with no chair, food or water," an unidentified FBI agent wrote on Aug. 2, 2004. "Most times they had urinated or defecated on themselves, and had been left there for 18 to 24 hours or more." Two defense intelligence officials reported seeing prisoners severely beaten in Baghdad by members of a special operations unit, Task Force 6-26, in June. When they protested they were threatened and pictures they took were confiscated. Other documents detail abuses by Marines in Iraq, including mock executions and the torture of detainees by burning and electric shock. Several dozen detainees have died in U.S. custody. In many cases, Army investigations of these crimes were shockingly shoddy: Officials lost records, failed to conduct autopsies after suspicious deaths and allowed evidence to be contaminated. Soldiers found to have committed war crimes were excused with noncriminal punishments. The summary of one suspicious death of a detainee at the Abu Ghraib prison reads: "No crime scene exam was conducted, no autopsy conducted, no copy of medical file obtained for investigation because copy machine broken in medical office." Some of the abuses can be attributed to lack of discipline in some military units -- though the broad extent of the problem suggests, at best, that senior commanders made little effort to prevent or control wrongdoing. But the documents also confirm that interrogators at Guantanamo believed they were following orders from Mr. Rumsfeld. One FBI agent reported on May 10 about a conversation he had with Guantanamo's commander, Maj. Gen. Geoffrey D. Miller, who defended the use of interrogation techniques the FBI regarded as illegal on the grounds that the military "has their marching orders from the Sec Def." Gen. Miller has testified under oath that dogs were never used to intimidate prisoners at Guantanamo, as authorized by Mr. Rumsfeld in December 2002; the FBI papers show otherwise. The Bush administration refused to release these records to the human rights groups under the Freedom of Information Act until it was ordered to do so by a judge. Now it has responded to their publication with bland promises by spokesmen that any wrongdoing will be investigated. The record of the past few months suggests that the administration will neither hold any senior official accountable nor change the policies that have produced this shameful record. Congress, too, has abdicated its responsibility under its Republican leadership: It has been nearly four months since the last hearing on prisoner abuse. Perhaps intervention by the courts will eventually stem the violations of human rights that appear to be ongoing in Guantanamo, Iraq and Afghanistan. For now the appalling truth is that there has been no remedy for the documented torture and killing of foreign prisoners by this American government. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A20986-2004Dec22 For more information regarding these offenses see the video: Unconstitutional, the War on Our Civil Liberties available at Hollywood Video or go to Unconstitutionalthemovie.com
  12. INTERESTING ARTICLE ON PAUL CROUCH Friday, December 31, 2004 Subject: Paul Crouch of TBN preaching mammon gospel Time: 6:26:00 PM EST Author: hurricaneeddy I just finished watching a Bible Study by Paul Crouch on TBN. Guess what the study was about? If you guessed about how to become wealthy and prosperous, then you're right (the title probably helped). Mr. Crouch did a quick study (10 minutes) on King Hezekiah. You can do a complete study on him here: http://www.geocities.com/thekingsofisrael/...y_Hezekiah.html Mr. Crouch started this study by talking about how King Hezekiah reformed the religion and Temple (he failed to mention that the wickedness of the previous king caused great trouble for all of Israel). Mr. Crouch then went on and on about all the sacrifices that King Hezekiah and the people of Isreal made. He emphasized the sacrifice was important and given to the Levites (priests, or Paul Crouch). He then went on to talk about King Hezekiah's battle for freedom. Instead of emphasizing that God was with Israel and delivered them because of obedience, Mr. Crouch emphasized the sacrifice made by the King and the people. He then talks about how God delivers people out of trouble who give HIM sacrifices (money in today's generation). Then, Mr. Crouch points out that God saved King Hezekiah from death because of his sacrifices that he made to the Temple and priests of God. He then reads 2 Chronicles 32:27-30 about how Hezekiah prospered in all his works, leaving out the part about Hezekiah becoming full of pride and the wrath of God coming upon him causing him to humble himself. Everything Mr. Crouch said was true. It was all in the Bible, the Word of God. But Mr. Crouch did not tell everything about King Hezekiah. Mr. Crouch did not mention how Hezekiah had to humble himself before the Lord. He did not mention that obedience is more important than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22 and many, many other places in the Bible). He did not mention how the riches and success of King Hezekiah caused him to become full of pride after he was healed of his disease. Mr. Crouch was only focused on King Hezekiah's sacrifices, earthly riches, and honor. If anyone watching that Bible Study did not know all the details about King Hezekiah, they would believe that God blessed the King greatly because he gave sacrifices tothe Temple and priests. They would then conclude that sacrifice is how to become successful in the world. Then, they would send some money to Paul Crouch, who talked about donating a small amount of his own money to help the people in Asia. That small amount was $100,000. What does he consider a lot of his own money, if 100,000 dollars is a small amount? The whole point of Paul Crouch's message was to get people to sacrifice their own money to today's Temple priests (Paul Crouch). He then preached on how sacrificing leads to blessings with riches and honor. This lukewarm Christian teaching makes me sick. According to Revelation 3:15-22; it makes YAHSHUA (Jesus Christ) sick too, so sick that HE will "throw up" the Christians envolved in this mammon gospel. What does Jesus Christ say for people envolved in this lukewarm faith to do? REPENT (Revelation 3:19) What is the entire Gospel of Jesus Christ about? Repentance! (Matthew 4:17) What did the prophets of the Old Testament preach? Repentance! What did John the Baptist preach? Repentance! (Matthew 3:2) What did the Apostles preach? Repentance! (Acts 2:38) Moses, the prophets, John the Baptist, the Apostles, and YAHSHUA (Jesus Christ) also preached obedience is better than sacrifice. If you love God, then you will obey HIM (John 14:15). Also the whole point of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is that we can be reunited with God for eternity. It's not about how to think positive and make money with honor. Our teasures are in Heaven, not things of the earth that will pass away. I wrote about a week ago about a false prophecy that said sacrifice was the way into Heaven. Well, sacrifice is not the way into Heaven, nor is it the way to prosper on the earth. Faith in YAHSHUA (Jesus Christ) is the way into Heaven, and those who love HIM will obey HIM (John 14:15). Preaching a half truth like Mr. Crouch did tonight is just as bad as preaching a lie. If he really wanted to talk about King Hezekiah, then he should have given himself more time to go into all the details, not just the ones that are about sacrifice, riches, and honor. Nevertheless, I am thankful for the work Paul Crouch has done. I enjoy some of the TBN movies, and some of the preachers on there. I'm just disappointed that he is not using his powerto preach a message that needs to be heard, and that message is "Repent: Jesus Christ is Coming this Generation!" The singing, dancing, sacrificing for God, praising, and worshipping God is all great, but if that becomes the main topics in church, then where is the meat of God's Word going to come from? God desires that our hearts be humble and repentant first. Written by hurricaneeddy Jesus is Coming in this Generation!
  13. Not that I think it is too strong, because I don't. We should have strong feelings about such things and I thank God for your faithfulness. Yes, it is hard to believe that these deceivers can actually be doing these things intentionally, but the bible tells us that their God is their belly and they are enemies of the Cross of Christ. These so called believers, despise SUFFERING. Christ was our perfect example, and the bible says that as Christ suffered, we should arm ourselves likewise. As followers of Jesus, we should expect suffering and shame, not wealth and fame. May God have mercy on his people. God bless! Thanks again!
  14. Link Deleted I agree, despise is a strong word, as well am I. I use the word "vexed" by what I see on Christian Broadcasting. I am very disheartened when I am not able to avail myself to so called "ministry" material, because I cannot afford to buy every book and tape marketed by the so called "church". I have called broadcasters and asked for materials for free. I have not received free materials from the more popular ministries but have from some lesser knowns. Yes, it is very disheartening and vexing. I have literally got down on my knees and cried out to God after watching these so called christian broadcasts. Because what their saying sounds so close to the truth that it is seducing but I can hear God crying out in my spirit, they are lyars! Don't follow them! Follow me! Thank you for your response. God bless!
  15. Beware of Fading Fools and False Prophets "Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!" (Ezekiel 13:3) Interestingly enough, the word translated as "foolish" in the verse above is the Hebrew word nabal once again, which, as you can see, is being associated to "prophets". The connection between "fading-fools" and "false prophets" is also strengthened by Isaiah 32:6, where the Lord declares that these fools are workers of iniquity, which points to Matthew chapter 7, where the Lord first speaks about "false prophets" (Matthew 7:15-20) and then speaks about "workers of iniquity" (Matthew 7:21-23). Let us now turn to Matthew 7:15-23. Exactly who are these fools, then? They are false prophets, and, as we shared in a previous article, false prophets are very common throughout the Body of Christ, and are well-respected by most "mainstream" Christians. As we shared in that previous article, false prophets promote mental peace and emotional peace with God, but do not see the importance of having "peace of wills" (or "peace of the hearts") with God. Preachers of temporality According to our "retranslation" of Isaiah 32:6 shown above, these fools do two things: 1. They declare fading-foolishness 2. Their hearts fashion iniquity To understand item number one above, we have to go to a passage in Scripture where the Hebrew word 'nabal', which we translated as "fading-fool", is used: "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings. As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool." (Jeremiah 17:9-11) [The word "fool" at the end of this passage is translated from nabal in Hebrew. Notice also how this passage speaks of "fruits", which corresponds to Matthew 7:18 quoted in the previous section] According to this passage, a nabal, or "fading-fool", is a person who works to accumulate things and cannot stick around to enjoy them, as a partridge who sits on eggs and doesn't get to see those eggs hatch. This points to another passage in Scripture which speaks of "fools": "And one of the company said unto him, Master, speak to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me. And he said unto him, Man, who made me a judge or a divider over you? And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. And he spake a parable unto them, saying, The ground of a certain rich man brought forth plentifully: And he thought within himself, saying, What shall I do, because I have no room where to bestow my fruits? And he said, This will I do: I will pull down my barns, and build greater; and there will I bestow all my fruits and my goods. And I will say to my soul, Soul, thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God." (Luke 12:13-21) This passage implies that a fool is a person who focuses on accumulating earthly things and does not accumulate heavenly things that transcend this life. A fool focuses on building up and enjoying an earthly inheritance and has no notion of the spiritual inheritance that he or she is called to possess. A fool, therefore, is "rich" in a natural sense, but poor in the eyes of God. When reading the phrase "accumulating earthly things", most believers think of people who are obsessed with having more and more material possessions. Unfortunately, most believers don't seem to realize that the concept of "earthly things" includes "material possessions" but is not limited to it. The phrase "accumulating earthly things" can also refer to people who are focused on living a quiet and comfortable life devoid of sickness, difficulties, and trials, and where one can enjoy the pleasant company of family and friends, grow old in health, and eventually "kick the bucket" and go to a pleasant retirement home they call "Heaven" and continue enjoying a pleasant existence for eternity. Such people do not believe that there is a spiritual inheritance to be won or lost. As long as they know that their ticket into Heaven is secure, all they care about is making their remaining years on Earth as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. They don't believe in paying a price, in pursuing a prophetic purpose that may involve suffering and heartache, in presenting themselves as living sacrifices before Almighty God so that God's eternal purposes may be fulfilled on Earth through their lives. Nabal fools are focused on obtaining physical and emotional blessings that do not transcend into eternal harvest. They are focused on temporary things that pass away, and this is the reason why the Hebrew word nabal is related to the word nabel, which means, "to fade away". According to Isaiah 32:6, the first thing that fading-fools do is "to declare fading-foolishness". This means, therefore, that fading-fools preach a message that gets others to focus on temporary blessings and satisfactions. They actively promote this message, and even "base" it on passages of Scripture to convince the minds of their hearers into thinking that their message is "Scriptural". Their battle cry is "Jesus doesn't want you to suffer; He paid the price so that you might no longer have to suffer; trust Jesus, and you will enjoy a wonderful, pain-free existence". Even though, these words sound true, they strongly contradict Scripture: "Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem: And here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name. But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: For I will shew him how great things he must suffer for my name's sake." (Acts 9:13-16) [Notice that God did not offer Paul a life of comfort and pleasure] "Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works." (Matthew 16:24-27) [When Jesus told us to "take up our crosses and follow Him", did He mean that He wanted us to take the cross out for a walk? Weren't crosses designed to torture and kill people? By telling us to take up our crosses and follow Him, He is calling us to suffer and die. Notice that Jesus never ever offered the disciples a life of comfort and pleasure. That was man's invention, not God's.] When the passage above speaks of "losing one's soul" (v26), most believers associate it with the concept of "hell". Even though this is correct at a literal level, the phrase "to lose one's soul" goes much deeper than that, and refers to the loss of one's spiritual inheritance. Why? Because the next verse speaks of the Father "rewarding every man according to his works". Notice that it does not say, and the Father "will allow into Heaven all those who said the sinner's prayer". Please don't misunderstand me. I believe in the "sinner's prayer" and I know that a person can be born-again and be Heaven-bound through a "simple" but sincere prayer of repentance and surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why the phrase "lose his own soul" in verse 26 cannot be taken to be referring to going to hell. Otherwise, the next verse would have spoken of a prayer of conversion. Instead, it speaks of "works" and the spiritual rewards based on "works". These "works", obviously, do not refer to "hours of service at your local church" or to acts of "religious piety". These "works" must be works in faith, not works based on flesh-strength, and are works that are the fruits of a heart yielded to God. As you yield your will to Him, these "works" will flow naturally from you, the way that a branch "automatically" produces fruits as long as it stays "properly attached" to the vine. If you decide to do your own will, the sap from the vine will automatically stop flowing through you, and you will no longer produce these "works" which yield an accumulation of eternal reward. Not doing your own will is what the Lord refers to as "denying yourself" in verse 24 above. Fading-fools use passages of Scripture taken out of their spiritual context to build up a doctrine that is intended to convince the minds of other believers that it is Scripturally demanded by God that you pursue a life of temporary blessings, thereby ignoring that there is a spiritual inheritance that we are called to fight for in the Spirit: "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses." (1 Timothy 6:12) If "eternal life" is automatic when we are born-again, why does Paul tell Timothy to fight the good fight of faith and to lay hold on eternal life? It is sad to see how most believers in the Church seem to be unaware of this "eternal life" we are so clearly called to reach for throughout the Scriptures, and this is due to the fact that we have bought into the doctrine preached by fools throughout the Church who focus on temporality, on material and emotional blessings (i.e.- mental and emotional peace) and who ignore God's eternal purposes for us, which can only be reached through a heart that is yielded to Him (i.e.- peace between God's Heart and ours). Let us now turn to Hebrews 10:30-39. Fading-fools preach that "judgments" became a thing of the past once we entered "the New Testament era of grace and mercy". Notice, however, that verse 30 above says that "the Lord shall judge His people", referring specifically to believers, not unbelievers. Fading-fools also preach that the God that deserves fear and reverence died with the Old Testament and that the God of the New Testament is like a kind, long-bearded Santa Claus waiting to give away "goodies" to all believers. Notice, however, that verse 31 above says that it is a "fearful thing" to fall into the hands of the living God, and the author of Hebrews is saying this to believers, not to unbelievers!!! Obviously, the Bible declares that our God is a loving and giving God, but His love and His giving never deviates from His truth and purpose. God is interested in having you share in His Eternal Glory, more than in you having a nice house or car. Sharing in His Eternal Glory is more important than all the gold in the world. Notice also how verses 32 through 37 speak of believers suffering in order to receive an enduring, eternal reward. Notice also who verse 38 speaks of the "just living by faith", which is said in the context of suffering for God's sake; fading-fool preachers, however, take these words out of context and apply them to having faith so that God may bless believers in their business, in their personal relationships, in their physical health, etc. The "gospel" of these fading-fools rotates around man's desires, not God's desires; it rotates around the question, "What can I get from God this time? Woe be unto you, fading-fool pastors, for your "gospel of blessings" is soon to fade away! God has prophesied that He will bring judgments against you, and free His Church from the grips of your hands! Cursed are those who twist the Gospel to their own likings and interests! And cursed are those who stubbornly follow these men and women, because they prefer their temporary comfort over the truth! links deleted
  16. Just wanted to invite anyone interested to join our prophecy fellowship group prophecy_watcher@yahoo.com via www.prophecywatcher.com. Click on Join Yahoo Groups. We are Holy Ghost filled and believe in the gifts of the Spirit through prophecy, divine healing and gifts of the Spirit including dreams and visions. We are full of the love of the Lord and support one another with encouraging words, loving acknolwedgement and prayer. It has been a blessing to all involved thus far. We are not into debate, criticisms or ridicule. We are respectful of one another, loving, patient and kind. We stay up to date with the latest in bible prophecy and current events as well as current prophetical dreams and visions. Come check us out. God bless!
  17. My spirit does not bare witness with the Elijah list prophets although I have remained open. When Kim Clement's prophesy didn't come to pass, I figured as much but I wasn't totally doubtful. I checked out some other prophesies on the site and they just didn't ring true with the lateness of the hour. There is a element of truth but the drift seems to be going in the other direction of what I am sensing in the spirit. However, I have had strong impressions concerning George Bush and an assassination attempt against him. So much so that I put a warning on my page. Since that time I also had a dream of President Bush including gunshots and an explosion. Since that time, I have ran across someone elses dream of an assassination that included the same. So when I heard Kim Clement's prophesy, I was expecting something could happen. Date setting is never good unless you know that you know that you have heard from God and even then I would ask for many confirmations.
  18. mdulin2004

    Words In My Head

    I don't agree that you should not be concerned because you are not going to be here. And I am not interested in going into a long doctrinal dissertation. There is plenty of information available online for both sides. The important thing is like everyone is saying, hold on to the word of God. It will weather you through any storm. Remember the foolish man who built his house on the sand, he didn't stand firm on the foundation of God's word and his house was torn apart. Memorizing the word is great advice. I'm going through some memorization techniques right now that are helping me alot. When your heart and mind is full of God's word you will not have fear, worry or doubt. Stay encouraged and stay in the word. God bless!
  19. mdulin2004

    spiritual gifts

    I have spiritual gifts also and have learned a little bit about them. I'm getting two scriptures for you: The first is: 1 Corinthians 12:31 - But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way Have a strong desire for spiritual gifts. Secondly: Philippians 2:13 - For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. God will give you the desire for the particular gift. Pray over it and trust God for what is in your heart. Step out on faith and begin operating in that gift. God wants to use you. Let the Son Shine In!
  20. I don't understand how Christians can say the message that Wormwood is Coming is wrong because it instills fear. Wormwood is in the bible. And God told me it is coming. Do you think God would put something in the bible for us to ignore? Its there for a reason. Do you think something as serious as Wormwood would be on its way and God wouldn't show us. After these series of events happened, my husband and I prayed for God to confirm what he was telling me in a dream. That night my husband and I both dreamed that wormwood was coming. Now if that is not a confirmation, I do not know what is. Its funny how God tries to talk to his children and show them things to come, like he said he would do by the power of his holy spirit and then its rejected by the church. If God is speaking to me, how can someone justifiably say that he is not. That is dangerous territory.
  21. Blessings, As some of you already know in 1997 the Lord gave me a vision of two UFOs and told me Aliens are Demons, They are Coming and They are not Nice. Recently I've been praying for more dreams and visions concerning the end times and last night I dreamed of this. I know this dream is from the Lord. It had the characteristics of a vision exactly like I had before. It was extremely vivid and I was more of an observer of the events than an actual participant although I did experience intense emotion as a reaction to the things I saw. I dreamed that Brandon and I were camping and we were looking out of our tent at the sky. Brandon said look, and he pointed at the sky. There was a bright neon blue light that was moving very quickly across the sky. It was somewhat transparent and it looked like the moon except it was blue. As it moved closer to the trees it transformed into vehicle appearance similar to what a flying saucer or space ship might look like. It still looked like it was made out of neon blue light. As it dissappeared behind the trees, suddenly a helicopter flew right near it and hovered over the trees. The helicopter had USA on the side of it along with some other words. Suddenly we looked ahead of us and we saw an alien lurched on top of a car. He was in a catlike position as if he was about to pounce. There was an officer standing in front of him with a flashlight. The alien looked exactly like the ones many claim to have seen. Skinny, large head and big black eyes. Brandon and I began to rebuke the devil and take the authority of Jesus. Then we put on sneakers and prepared to run. (end of dream) At this point, I believe the Lord keeps showing me these things because he wants his people to be aware that these manifestations are happening and they are about to become a reality to everyone. Sightings, abductions and crop circles are real. They are called phenomenons but they are very explainable and have been confirmed by many as demonic activity. SEE PICTURE OF BLUE ORB IDENTICAL TO ONE IN MY DREAM: Vision of the Blue Orb This is a very dramatic deception that is occuring in our generation and is preparing to deceive all mankind. These are signs in the heavens (UFO's) and signs in the earth (crop circles) and angels of light (demonic beings/aliens). Be aware that these things are happening and God's word is true. There is one true God and creator of mankind, one mediator between God and man, Jesus Christ. Besides Him there is no other. Things are going to begin to become very unbelievable in our generation. Take heed to God's word and beware of lying signs and wonders whose intent is to deceive. Pray that God deliver you from the hour of temptation that is about to try the entire world and that He give you strength to endure until the end. He that endures unto the end, shall be saved. Michelle Dulin Denver, CO End of The World Ministries
  22. End of the World Ministries www.geocities.com/starrgerl/index.htm I Dreamed of the Great Tribulation By Ken Peters (From Editor: taken from The Prophecy Club) I Saw The Tribulation Dream given to Ken Peters, August 1981, I had this dream almost twenty years ago but I am only now allowed to release it. I was baffled, and at times extremely frightened. I was NOT a born-again, spirit-filled Christian at the time of the dream, nor was I a biblical scholar, but I know the dream was from God! At the time of this dream I was a sinner, rebellious of Gods ways with no desire to serve or follow any Christian doctrine. I was a semi-practicing Roman Catholic, but did so out of obligation to family traditions. Being Irish and Portuguese, I was obligated to follow family beliefs or be disowned by all loved ones. Let me remind the reader at no time did I ask for, or seek any dream. I was just living my life. I went to sleep as any other night. I began to dream in vivid color. At times these events seemed chronological, at other times seemed to be more panoramic. The dream began with an extremely loud noise. I saw the dead in Christ rise from their graves. [1TH 4:16] I saw people instantly come out of their graves. They were dressed in glimmering, glowing white clothing. Then they instantly vanished. I did NOT see them go in the air, I don't know where they went. I did NOT see anyone ALIVE that REMAINED taken anywhere! I did NOT see a rapture, only the resurrection of the dead! This created mass hysteria, pandemonium, despair and chaos permeating all society. I could supernaturally see many regions of the earth and this chaos filled the whole planet. [Ordo Ab Chao] Everyone wanted to know what happened and where did the people go that came out of the graves? Absolute hopelessness was in every heart, people were totally perplexed. The whole world was in absolute disarray. Television and radio communications were completely shut down for several weeks. [EMP Nuclear attack?] I walked the streets in shock. Everywhere there was absolute fear and lawlessness. Looting and murdering everywhere. After several weeks, television and radio communications began to slowly come back on line; however, all radio and television broadcasts were the same man promoting a "New Government and Leadership". This new man, whom I believe was the Antichrist, was emerging to lead us. This man, with olive skin and dark hair, spoke with great eloquence and charisma. He was soothing and promised answers to all the problems. This man was smooth and extremely convincing
  23. WORMWOOD IS COMING. I have been getting constant messages from the Lord that we are about to experience a nuclear catastrophe in America. The Lord was dealing with me about Wormwood yesterday and I had to miraculous occurrences. First as I was doing my research, some gold flakes came out of my ear. I did some more research and I found that the manifestation of gold flakes on the body were occuring in prophetic circles. Then that night, I had a vision that one of the prophecies from my web page was highlighted and placed inside my belly. The vision ended. As I lay in my belly became very bitter, I had diarrhea. I went to the bathroom and it came pouring out. As I sat there, I remembered Ezekiel 3, how he ate the roll. I thought to myself Wormwood is coming. I know this sounds gross, but I believe it is a sign from God. This thing is following me daily. Prepare to meet thy God. Judgment is coming, tribulation is coming! End of the World Ministries www.geocities.com/starrgerl/index.htm
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