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Everything posted by alex73

  1. alex73

    Jesus's Mum

    FROM a friend==> We overly diminish Mary
  2. alex73

    Jesus's Mum

    I heard on radio on Mothers day reference to the human & spiritual agony of Mary as she ''looked on'' over the life & death of Jesus. Many of the Church try not to elivate Mary above the status of an ''on looker''. What can we learn of her role or place in the bible ? Do suffering Mums have special comfort available through the Holy Spirit Can suffering Mums be waylaid in their walk to or with God by empathasising too closely with Mary?
  3. Have a look at one of their ideas==> http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00rgg31 & try not to laugh ( You only have 7 days to view it.) C.J.Mahaney says on one of his preaches '' People ran as fast & as far as they can from God''. They are fearful; perhaps from their history with ''the church'', of the impressions that ''Christians have given them of religion,of having to give up the personalityl.etc We don't find Him He finds us. mankind most often serve their ''Unknown god'' of one type or other. To create is not just thinking things into life. Man's environment is finly tuned to his survival, eg.change the H, the 2 or the O some degrees & we are kaput. We as humans usually have an innate sense of justice & what is right & what is wrong. eg. the understandable disgust, anger & embarassment we have with our government.
  4. Just caught up with you all. Need help here as to how to meet the needs of so many around us ??? From an
  5. i'll quote from what i just read.... Belief in the fourth dimension "Then God spoke to my heart, "Son, as the second dimension includes and controls the first dimension, and the third dimension includes and controls the second dimension, so the fourth dimension includes and controls the third dimension, producing a creation of order and beauty. The spirit is the fourth dimension. Every human being is a spiritual being as well as a physical being. They have the fourth dimension as well as the third dimension in their hearts." So men, by exploring their spiritual sphere of the fourth dimension through the development of concentrated visions and dreams in their imaginations, can brood over and incubate the third dimension, influencing and changing it. This is what the Holy Spirit taught me" (Cho, The Fourth Dimension 1979:p40). i would have to disagree with this whole statement. i've been involved with a few things that are not of God...and somehow, the statement above reminds me of a few things. i can't quite put my finger on it and i sure wish i could be more specific...but personally, i will stay away from that fourth dimension. as for others...i can not say anything about that...can only speak for me. ><> He does explain the forth dimention in his second book. I think purhaps he's coming from the angle of the far east & had I been of that area I would have got it first time round. I can live with brushig it aside to say I believe in the ''land'' ''Kingdome that is God's domain & not of this world.
  6. Since you fail to see the warnings others have brought to you, may I ask you to bring forth the teachings that you agree with so we can discuss them one at a time? Let's discuss the teachings and not the teacher ... I agree, it's hard to have a discussion when the OP does not input any of his teachings and only wants to talk about the teacher. ><> ><> O.A.P. over here is an Old Aged Pensioner ie.me.. What's an O.P.
  7. Blazearmstrong We find it so difficult to see ourselves as God sees us ''Dressed in white raiment as priests & Kings'' Oh boy if only we could we would be so much more bold & courageouse.
  8. in other words youre saying that he makes people suffer so they can turn to Him? i would rethink that. and I wouldnt take the posts on this topic to heart. Satan revolted and Satan's sentence is known. The battle has been over. "the end" is not dependant on Satan in any way shape or form. ><> ><> Not the the children but those who's hearts are touch by the childrens situations across the world. In answer to your query.-Surely thats what happened in the old testament?? ''-----may turn to Him'' Or is it that each of His created are treated equally.
  9. Having read the comments on this topic I now think that God allows the children of the world to be especially persecuted so that the rest of us may weep & seek Him for answers or be motivated to get their own act together. Surely it not to get them;the children to turn from their wicked ways & back to Him, as with the children of Israel.!!!!!
  10. Just a reminder ==> All the heroes of faith were flawed one way or another, Peter & Mark made mistakes. The writers of ''Christian'' books are likewise flawed as are those who ''Give'' out the Word. We all have our axe to grind, our opinion to give & we all come to sites such as this with baggage. Bias, prejudice, bad fellowship, Church 0r ministry experiences. Do try not to be overly biased it may keep you from a blessing. God has spoken through asses, & you & me at times hasn't he.
  11. Since you fail to see the warnings others have brought to you, may I ask you to bring forth the teachings that you agree with so we can discuss them one at a time? Let's discuss the teachings and not the teacher ... ><> ><> #1 What was the warning about especially. I don't note that I spoke about the writter but about what was written & that which I felt tied into the Word.
  12. ><> ><> So are??? those who empathise with various subjects or people are the one being effected or infective by his whiley ways?? Straight forward query, no axe to grind. I am not sure exactly what you are asking, but will try to answer anyway. Everyone is affected with what satan does, some more then other, some in different ways then another. We all find a place in life where we can empathize with those who are caught in satans tricks, unless there is no love and compassion in them. Now you might be suggesting that those who have love & compasion in there heart are demonstrating aspect of God ( as we should be.) Is this what you suggest.?
  13. ><> ><> So those who empathise with verious subjects or people are the one being effected or infective by his whiley ways?? Straight forward query, no axe to grind.
  14. Following on from ''SlumDogs'' etc (The children of Haiti, Mumbi, Mexico, Brazil etc etc We as a Church were told that the devil has really got the children of this world in his sights. 1.) Do you believe this is his priority.? 2.) Is he aiming at them in particular or has he others he wants to fall at the same time.?? 3.) If this is as I have pointed out, what could we be doing to safe guard the children.?
  15. Since you fail to see the warnings others have brought to you, may I ask you to bring forth the teachings that you agree with so we can discuss them one at a time? Let's discuss the teachings and not the teacher ... ><> ><> Just a reminder ==> All the heroes of faith were flawed one way or another, Peter & Mark made mistakes. The writers of ''Christian'' books are likewise flawed as are those who ''Give'' out the Word. We all have our axe to grind, our opinion to give & we all come to sites such as this with baggage. Bias, prejudice, bad fellowship, Church 0r ministry experiences. Yonggi Cho's 4th. Dimension. Vol.1. P age (P.) 2. para 1 = Use you faith efficiently. Have clear cut visions/goals of what that use will achieve. Declare your full confidence in God or the answer be it '' No'', ''Not yet'' or ''Yes'' will be vague. P.4 para 3. Your less likely to have answers to ill defined prayers to meet your full expectations & P.12,13,14. P.5 para 2. Faith can strengthen as you wait for answers. They mature as does wine. Hab. 2:3. Rom. 4:17. P. 7 para 2. The essence of your prayer needs to mature & clarify as faith, for the result to become envisioned reality. P.8. Your prayer words describe the reality of your vision which has been instilled by the Holy Spirit. As para 3 Page 4. P.17. Para 5. as Heb 11:1. P.20. Para 3,4,5. The Holy Spirit acts in unison & to an equal degree, to our acts of faith. Work out your queries in meditation in The Word & pray before seeking help from others. A Word that was put into my heart at this point in my reading was, ''Trust the self that Jesus sees you to be.'' lean not on your own view of yourself. Your spoken word; as a Holy Spirit filled Christian, will bear His imprint. P.21. We can, with faith (Trust in the Holy Spirit.) beyond our own basic human level command mountains to throw themselves into the sea. P. 23.Para 3. Christ in me the hope of Glory. ***I don't believe that the Holy Spirit follows ''After'' our act of obedience but with us as we move in faith. P.57. Para 1. There is a release of God's power as words of praise readings or ''Knowledge'' are spoken out (God breathed) But I can't see that that is dependent on us alone. Para 2. Don't beg or stew over your thoughts. Give out ''The Word'', to exhalt, motivate, refreash, & encourage. Para. 3,4. Don't miss the blessing & release of; as far as man can tell, the word you have been entrusted with. P.64. Para 5. We have the responsibility to release the Holy Spirit to meet spacific needs that God prompts us to fullfil. P.84 Para 4. A Rhema word is a ''Go'', action & prompting word to the individual. See Pet.3:1-4.
  16. Correction Whoops =============> Check=======> snopes.com/religion/center.asp
  17. Googled===>Colossians 1:26-27 Christ in you
  18. I have had a bible based motto such as '' Trust no 'man' , pointing at me first. But that isn't what God would say about those who have been infilled by His spirit. The subject of Speaking out the God Word that indwells us. I think may have led me to hear this. I've been reading, questioning & making notes from David Yogii Cho's ''The Forth Dimension''.Vol.1. sub:-'' Discovering a new world of answered prayer.'' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Yonggi_Cho I read it, went back over it underlining as I went. I have never been so refreshed or encouraged to press on with any other book but the bible. This book carries with it such depth of understanding & revelation. This is how I see it, it's not the writer but I believe he has the gift of conveying what is in him from experience, which glorifies God.
  19. Ps 118v8 & the middle of the bible.
  20. '' Trust the self God sees you to be'' Because He sees us in white raiments as Priests & Kings. Not through a glass darkly which is where we view things from. Don't let your view of yourself & failings be what you hold on to or walk out your daily life from. Don't beat yourself up, look up & see Him looking at you as He always has.
  21. Have a look at this but remember Gods' in charge ==> http://search.alot.com/web?pr=frnt&cam...mp;q=bilderburg or check ''Bilderberger Conference'' on Google. Before the war in Iraq we heared ''One world army'' & '' one world government. Whats new??????
  22. Parker1 & tyre7 I so agree with what you've both written. Can I quote from both of you on a Uk Christian site.that I'm on???
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