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Biblical Dancer

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Everything posted by Biblical Dancer

  1. Interesting. There are a couple of areas where I definitely think in Hebrew. Others where I'm more Greek. I have some retraining to do, in order to truly think in the way that I need to reach His Jewish people.
  2. I love Jewish foods. Anyway, I don't have many recipes. Also, I don't have any of them with me right now. I'll have to bring some in and type them. Gotta run.
  3. Yod, you should try to do it more often. It's really a blessing, and wonderful way to worship.
  4. Okay, I read through everything. Definitely an interesting thought. Joseph makes some interesting points, which I can't remember at the moment, without looking at the article. Alright. Arafat. Terrorist. Taking him out? Hhmmm.... Doing this really have to be that difficult??!! My answer: take him out. Talk about a threat to world wide justice and peace. I agree with Shiloh and Yod: leaving him alive is like leaving Saddam Hussein and Osam in power. Or if we look back at biblical times; Egpyt, the Philistines, Haman, Babylon, Antioches IV, and the other enemies of Y'isra'el. (Yes, you can boo them all!!! ) Terrorists are the same. There is no telling good terr from bad terror. Yet, when it comes to Y'isra'el, the world tells this one nation, the one that G-d has completely sworn to protect, "You must give in to terror. You must accommodate it. Then, it will go away. You just have to give up your existence." Talk about meshuggannah!!! (Not sure I spelled that right.) (I guess you can tell that I'm writing this without looking back at the past quotes. Only get so much time on library computers, you know what I mean.) Just reread one of Shiloh's post. Self-defense. Yes, that's what this is about. Taking out Arafat is an act of self-defense. If Y'isra'el does not have right to do this, then we had no right to go after Hussein and Osama. It's that simple. The U.S. has the right to go after those terrorists. Y'isra'el has the right to go after terrorists on their own land. Would he become a martyr? Hey, if they're going to make him one anyway (and I pray that they don't), why not get it over and done with?! You know what I mean. Save us all from any future wondering. Not that it would be a surprise, really. By the way, Shiloh, I really like this:
  5. It's really sad that the Western media considers the Arab cause to be created and higher than the people that they have something in common with. I agree: the West has a lot to learn from Y'isra'el: how to deal with terror, which countries to be friends with, and the like. Gotta run.
  6. That's going to make things ugly. By the way, how many Conferences have you gone to?
  7. It's interesting that this piece was written shortly before Pesach. Anyway, I agree. The scriptures that you shared teach us a lot about this very important festival: one of the three pilgrimmage festivals. As it stands, the festival is coming up near the end of May, for this year. It should also be mentioned that Shavu'ot is the festival in Acts 2. It wasn't just some random thing, you know.
  8. Y'isra'el and the West Bank. Good topic. Okay, so I agree that it is Y'isra'el's. I also believe that there are a lot of other Palestenian states around Y'isra'el and in the world: all of the Arab states that currently exit. Do we need another one? NO!!!!! We already have too many. I've been doing some reading on the subject, as well as listening to Joseph Farah's message from the Messiah 2003 Conference. There is a lot of good stuff that he mentioned. He's an Arab Believer in Yeshua (Jesus). He loves Y'isra'el. Give him a listen and check out his website. I can't currently remember what it is, though. I'll write down here some other time.
  9. I actually remember some of those things in all of those lists, even though I'm only 24. I guess everything just recycles itself. Interesting.
  10. Amen. I have a strong love for Y'isra'el and the Jewish people. There is a passage in the book of Exodus (I can't remember where off the top of my head), that mentions the title deed given by G-d. Also, I have read story or two from Believers who have served in those wars. They have remarkable stories that reflect how G-d has been protecting His people and His land.
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