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Found 6 results

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzke1oqPWJQ
  2. 9/13/2013 Friday night God was putting the Lloyd center/Holladay park area heavy on our hearts. Before we got there we stopped by a group giving chili and lemonade on a street corner. They were feeding the people and sharing the love of Jesus. Got prayer from them and then got on the max to Lloyd center. At Holliday park, there was a bunch of kids hanging out partying. We’ve encountered a lot of these kids randomly as we’ve been hitting up this area a lot. I asked if anyone would like prayer and one guy stepped up and testified to the group about his hand being healed last week because Dem prayed over him. I prayed over a gut named Mike for peace. Then a girl named Audrey came up asking why we loved Jesus. She couldn’t figure out how we could love someone we couldn’t see. I shared with her my testimony and asked if she would like to experience God. I took her hand and prayed for Gods presence and she started experiencing him. She said that was weird cause she almost started to cry. Then the lord downloaded a lot of stuff about how amazing she is and how God sees her and how He has gifted her. She broke down crying. God loves that girl so much. After that, I started getting words over a girl named Alex. After that, Chris prayed over a guy named Chris who busted his hand in a fight and his hand was healed. Then Chris saw Danny and prayed over her and the Lord revealed to him what she was going through to show her His love. While that was going on, I went to the other benches and started talking to the group. I asked if one guy would like prayer and he said that he hails satan. So I challenged him. I said, how’s this, I’ll let you pray over me in satans name if I could pray over you in Jesus name and lets see what happens. I figured, if he touches me, Holy Spirit is going to get all over him, if I lay hands on him, Holy Spirit was going to get all over him. He said he just says that to offend religious people and was shocked at my response. I started to talk the some more of them. One kid asked if I could pray for his nose. It was hurting from snorting stuff. I prayed a few times, and nothing happened. There was a girl with a pink sweater and pink hair there and I asked if I could pray for her. She said she didn’t believe in God. I told her that she didn’t have to believe for me to bless her so she let me pray and experienced God’s joy and peace. She said she felt happy. The Lord started revealing that she never had religion pushed on her so she nothing against God, she just has never experienced Him, then I saw something’s about her character and her gift in art and she was amazed that God knows so much about her. I shared the Gospel with her and I told her that Jesus is amazing and if she wanted to know him, whenever she wants to invite him in her life. The guy sitting next to her, whose hand got healed last week, asked for prayer for rapping abilities because last week we prayed for endurance and the Lord answered. So I told him only if he wraps for Jesus. He agreed, so As I prayed I saw a white mist land on him and he testified he felt something happen. After that, Dem was talking to Anthony, a guy we kept running into. He skipped out on what he was doing because he knew God was calling him. Chris and I went and prayed over a guy named Cricket over chronic back pain and after a few times praying, the pain left. After that another guy starts walking through and he busted his hand in a fight. We had Alex pray for him so she laid hands on his wrist and prayed. Jesus healed him and he was tripping out. After that, A some other guys and girls showed up and I asked if they would like prayer. One guy said he wasn’t religious and the girl in the pink sweater from earlier said “I think I’m religious now.” One of the girls asked if we were priests or something. Mike came up and I showed him and her some footage we filmed. They both were blown away. Mike said that was proof. He had been praying for God to show Himself or prove that He was real for years, and seeing God’s healing power on a video camera was the proof he needed. He gave his life to the Lord and we prayed over him to be baptized in the Spirit. Right after that, I asked one guy if he had pain in his body and he said his rips. We had Mike pray for him and Jesus healed him through Mike. The guy said the pain left, and started doing sit ups. Then got up and even his friend testified he couldn’t get out of bed this morning because how bad it hurt. Mike started crying because of how good and amazing God is. We spent some time sharing the Word with him and one of his friends came up and asked, if he was going to quit drugs because he was a Christian. He said that he would. We gave him contact info, so he could get ahold of us. That guy is so amazing! After that, Joey came over and we prayed over him because he was going back to Afghanistan. Chris and I both saw the Lord protecting him with big angels. God loves that guy so much. After that, people started to think out and I was having a conversation about Jesus with a guy. Audrey asked if I was against homosexuals. I said, “do I believe it’s wrong, yes.” But made clear it’s not my job to judge according to the flesh but regardless. The group, there was like 4 of them left, started talking about it thinking it would offend us. We prayed for Audrey’s jaw and she kept saying it still hurt, but then had a hard time finding the pain after a few times praying. God is so amazing! He loves these kids so much. He is in pursuit for them. This was one of those nights where God rocked us by seeing His love manifest just as much as some of them got rocked. Thank You Jesus for letting me experience Your love for them, for letting me feel Your love for them. Your amazing Lord! Praise You, thank You Jesus, thank You for Your amazing love! You are worthy Lord, thank You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbydTWEKriY
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ALhdNKD0JQ Friday 6/21/2013, I was praying about where to go and I had a vision of Clackamas Town Center and a big wedding cake. So we headed out there to share God’s love and see what the Lord wanted to do. When we arrived I started feeling God’s presence really strong. We came across three guys and asked if they would like prayer. As I was praying I had a vision of soldiers doing a helicopter drop and it turns out they were both about ready to go into the military. We got some words over them that shocked and blessed them. One of them asked for prayer for his mom, she had brain cancer so we prayed with him about that. Next I felt led to go to the food courts and as soon as we got there, I heard in the Spirit to go outside. We went outside and saw a guy missing his leg. We talked to him a little bit and I asked if we could pray for him for anything and he said no but was touched we would ask him. Then I testified about seeing broken ankles healed and told him that I haven’t seen anyone’s leg grow back but I know God can do it. He let us pray and nothing happened to his leg, but something did happen to his heart. I gave him a hug and his eyes looked watery and he was happy. After that, a guy came up selling CDs. He was a rap and r&b artist. I asked him if he ever injured his ankle and he said he did a few months ago so he let me pray and he said it felt alright. He said he was a believer but his music wasn’t for the Lord. We prayed for the Lord to bless him with favor over his music and Dem and Chris both exhorted him to start using his talents to glorify God. After that, there was a group of about four teenagers to young adults standing around talking. We walked up and asked if anyone had any pain in their bodies. One guy said he dislocated his shoulder the night before and asked me how long it was going to take. I said about 15 seconds, and he said cool. We started filming, and after a quick prayer he started freaking out cussing up a storm. His shoulder was healed. I told him it was Jesus and his friend, testifying how bad it was, said he had to pop it back in place. Right after that, his friend, Billy had said he messed up his wrist and his girlfriend Jessica wanted prayer because she just lost her baby and was going through a rough time. We prayed and got words over the girl and encouraged her and then we prayed for Billy’s wrist and it was healed instantly. While I started filming Billy’s testimony about his wrist, Dem and Chris started praying over this guy walking by who could barely walk. He was in a lot of pain and had no cartilage in his knees. By the time I was done filming he was healed so I got his testimony on film. He started walking perfectly fine without his cane and even jumped in the back of a truck perfectly with no pain. Praise God! Chelsea and I started ministering to Jessica some more and right after that, Dem and Chris started talking to a guy named John and started praying over him to bless him. While they were talking to him a girl who was friends with Jessica walked up and said that she loved Jesus. I said that’s awesome and invited her to pray with us over the ligaments in John’s leg. We prayed and the Lord healed him. Right after that, there was a lady walking by with her son with a really bad limp. I asked her about it and she said she had an abscess on her foot. I asked if I could pray and she said that she prays over it all the time. I testified of what we just saw and then she let us pray. She walked away limping and then by the time she got about 20 feet away from us she started walking completely normal. She sat down and took off her shoe to see her foot and the abscess was gone except for a little mark. We got her testimony. About a bench away from her were two young kids, I’m guessing about an 8 and 6 year old. I asked if they would like prayer and the older one said he didn’t believe in God. He said his mom was a Christian but he wasn’t because he had recently lost his dad as he was serving our country. I recently lost a friend of mine so I was able to connect with him there and was able to share the gospel to him. We prayed over him and he said he felt peace. He had gotten shots that morning, and his shoulder was in a lot of pain. I had his younger brother pray and the Lord healed him. After that he was shocked and he invited Jesus in his heart. His brother was going to be baptized in a week he was already a believer. This was all in about 30 minute span. God is so amazing. We went inside and saw a guy who sprained his wrist praying baseball. We prayed and he was healed. This was in front of a guy working in a cellphone booth who said he was Buddhist. we prayed over him and blessed him. I got to share my testimony to him and Chris started prophesying over a Muslim girl. After that, I noticed a little girl that was bow legged. We prayed over her family and her, she didn’t speak English. As they started walking away the little girls legs straightened out. After that, I was by the bathrooms and came across a young couple. I showed them the video of the guys shoulder getting healed and testified of what the Lord was doing. I prayed over them and got words about their relationship that an x boyfriend has been trying to mess with them and that she was in a fight with her sister and the Lord wanted to reconcile that. I prayed for God’s presence over them and they got blasted by the Spirit. I asked how accurate that was and the girl was shocked, she said she had just got in a fight with her sister and her x boyfriend had been trying to mess up her relationship. As they left he was like, “I told you that stuff was real!” Amen. We prayed over two more guys then headed to the food court. We ran into the guy whose shoulder got healed earlier and he said he was going bowling. We had a chance to share the gospel with him and minister to him and his friend some more. Praise the Lord! God is so amazing! He is longing for His children to experience Him! Who is hungry? Let Him feed you the bread from heaven! Who is thirsty? Let him fill you with the wine from heaven! He wants us to feast on Him, to feast on His goodness. If you’re a believer, that means you’re a son! You have rights to access heaven and manifest it to this world. Lord, Father, thank You and praise You. Thank You for the lives you touch, thank You for moving through us. You are glorious God. I pray that these testimonies would be anointed to inspire others to be radical and sold out for You. It’s all about You Jesus. I pray and thank You for rising up more workers for the harvest, for rising up radical warriors, laid down lovers who will spend their lives to love the one in front of them. In Jesus name, thank You, amen.
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