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Found 3 results

  1. Be a good and holy Christian for God the Father and Jesus Christ now. Human beings, animals, angels, demons, aliens, insects, and anything feelings should never exist. Reasons why minds and feelings should never exist is because they are bad things that are mentally ill, sick, sad, hurting, painful, miserable, angry, hatred, jealous, revengeful, selfish, evil, sociopathic, psychopathic, traumatized, embarrassed, humiliated, disgraced, annoyed, have problems, abused, suffering, tormented, and other bad things. Never have sex because it will cause minds and feelings to exist terribly. Abortion is a sin according to God the Father. Do not abort or sin. Suicide, abortion, murder, killing, hurting or wounding others, abuse, lying, selfishness, pornography, wickedness, video gaming addictions, video gaming, cartoons, bad animations, and other bad things are also a sin. Minds and feelings should never exist because of physical problems that are unfair, abuse, ugliness, wounds, harm, pain, hurting, sickness, deformities, surgeries, scoliosis, back problems, loss of limbs and body parts, and other problems. Minds and feelings should never exist because of mental and emotional problems that are unfair, hurting, pain, sociopathy, psychopathy, schizophrenia, abuse, and other problems. There are too many problems in this horrible world and horrible society. There are too many poor people and animals that are physically hurt, in pain, abused, suffering, deformed, and in torment. There are too many poor people and animals that are emotionally hurt, in pain, and abused. One of the many ways to fix these problems is to never have sex. Human society is too much based on clothing, entertainment, the way things look, the way people look, the way animals look, the way other things look, and food. Do not continue this society and do not continue any society. Do not have sex because sex creates more minds and feelings that are horrible. Also, notice it is horrible to clone or create minds and feelings. Minds and feelings should never exist. It is true that everyone including rich people are not okay. Poor people need more help and need a lot of help. Poor people are still suffering, abused, and are tormented too much. The way things are now humans, animals, insects, aliens, and other things feelings are evil monsters for creating each other, having sex, and living terrible lives. Everyone must be a good and holy Christian now. UPDATE: God the Father and Jesus Christ are important, but right now the best thing to do is to make sure souls, feelings, and minds do not exist. Do not have sex. Do not hurt or bother others emotionally or physically. UPDATE: Minds, feelings, and souls are actually disgusting.
  2. Hello all, both followers and non-followers of Christ. Firstly, I deeply appologise if this is not the section to discuss such a strong topic, and deeply appologise also for the strength of this topic. However, as you're all more than aware, online forums and social media is the place to meet and discuss. Some, such as this forum, is beneficial, whilst others (no need to mention them), not so. And it is in the latter where there's Christian prejudice. No supprise there. But, when there's prejudice against Muslims, this is Islamaphobic. Or against Judaism, anti-Semetic. Therefore, my question is, should a term be given for Christian prejudice? And, if so (if allowed), suggestions of this term. May the Almighty Lord bless you all
  3. Today’s society puts a big challenge on our faith. We might feel that our faith is threatened. This is the challenge we are to face on a daily basis. If built on a solid rock our relationship with Jesus will not break by any threat. Our faith depends on our relationship with Jesus. We are to be responsible to increase our relationship with Jesus so to strengthen our faith. We are to find the ways and means to nurture our faith. Deep in our heart, we know what we should do to nurture our faith, we know whom to seek, and where to go. Jesus has told us what to do. The question is, are we doing it? Are we letting society influencing our faith? Or, we are letting our faith influencing society? Nurturing our faith is each person responsibility and is possible when one seeks Jesus in a personal way. The love and peace that you receive from Jesus is a gift for you to give to others. Giving Jesus to others, is giving Jesus to society, is changing society. You are part of society, and have the responsibility to change society by giving Jesus! In Peace to all, George Calleja – Malta ps Kindly note that my website 'Peace and unity in our lives' with the address as:- https://sites.google...te/peaceinunity is being updated nearly on a daily basis. So visit the website often as there is always something new for you….to enrich your faith!
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