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Gap Theory


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I used phenomonon and gave you the actual definition of the word in which it is used in science. Then I gave you the way in which you were looking at it. As I stated you are getting hung up over the word because you are applying it in the wrong manner.

I disagree. However, do share the phenon with evolution.

Due to the fact I was talking about your hangup over the word phenomonon I made that point. When we say things like "its just a theory, or we misunderstand or misapply the usage of a certian word, we have just thrown up a reason for a person in which this is a salvation issue to be defensive. Meaning it just got harder for us to give them Christ.

I disagree. If the misuse of the word theory or phenomonon is enough to reject christ, I think they are just looking for a reason not to believe and discredet Christianity as false, rather then looking for a reason to believe.

Also, Darwin did not come up with the concept of only the strong survive, it was Herbert Spencer. I also gave you a very good example of why this is also not true. You must be able to pass on your genes if you cant the strong dont survive.

Regardless who came up with it first, it is still used in support of macro-evolution. Your point is moot.

Lastly, as I said it is easy to dismiss the premise of man evolving from any type of animal.



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I should add a story here because my original post wasn't all my words and so I guess I should tell you where I heard it before. I was talking to a couple of young people about Darwins theory of evolution. They laughed and said they had this Science teacher in school who would go though each chapter in their text book in great detail.

When they came to the chapter on Darwins theory of evolution, the teacher said I'm suppose to tell you about Darwins theory of evolution..................well it is just that a theory, next chapter. :whistling:

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Due to the fact I was talking about your hangup over the word phenomonon I made that point. When we say things like "its just a theory, or we misunderstand or misapply the usage of a certian word, we have just thrown up a reason for a person in which this is a salvation issue to be defensive. Meaning it just got harder for us to give them Christ.

I disagree. If the misuse of the word theory or phenomonon is enough to reject christ, I think they are just looking for a reason not to believe and discredet Christianity as false, rather then looking for a reason to believe.


No its not the word itself. The fact is they are already rejecting Christ. I have come to understand that these things put up blocks.

So if they are already rejecting Christ, and are rejecting it even more because we do not know evolution inside and out, then what is the point? If some needed help and then question the manner in which they get that help, they really do not want any help, or perhaps any help from you. As a Christian I see and deal with the lost everyday, they need true help, and i throw the life line of Christ to them, but some would rather die before taking that life line. So be it, others well gladly take it, and its those who I will invest time in.


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Guest endtimenow
Well, we all know that there have been dinosaur fossils found. When did these beings live, where did they come from, and what killed them? I'm not interested in any answer that evolutionists have to offer, but rather what young Earth Christians ( of which I am one) have to say about it. And please don't attack me as if I am teaching some foreign theology as yall did in the beginning of this thread. BTW, I'm a 7 day creation guy.

Hi Parker,

Great question. I am also a young earth creationist and I am not a fan of the gap theory at all. The dinosaur question is easy to answer...

1) In several places the bible describes living dinosaurs so we know for certain they were here with humans.

2) During a time where humans lived to be hundreds of years old (969 years in one case), the reptiles, assuming they lived comparitively long lives, would certainly become huge since they never stop growing.

3) As for the extinction of dinosaurs, it is facinating that many dinosaurs had extremely small nostrils compared to their huge size. There is much evidence that the pre-flood atmosphere had much higher oxygen levels so this would not have been a problem.

For additional detailed information, I highly recommend Kent Hovind's seminar series at http://drdino.com/media-categories.php?c=seminars&v=10

Another amazing and FREE resource is "The Evolution Handbook" located here http://evolutionfacts.com/Handbook%20TOC.htm

Together, these two resources absolutely squash all remnants of evolutionairy theory from A-Z.



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Due to the fact I was talking about your hangup over the word phenomonon I made that point. When we say things like "its just a theory, or we misunderstand or misapply the usage of a certian word, we have just thrown up a reason for a person in which this is a salvation issue to be defensive. Meaning it just got harder for us to give them Christ.

I disagree. If the misuse of the word theory or phenomonon is enough to reject christ, I think they are just looking for a reason not to believe and discredet Christianity as false, rather then looking for a reason to believe.


No its not the word itself. The fact is they are already rejecting Christ. I have come to understand that these things put up blocks.

So if they are already rejecting Christ, and are rejecting it even more because we do not know evolution inside and out, then what is the point? If some needed help and then question the manner in which they get that help, they really do not want any help, or perhaps any help from you. As a Christian I see and deal with the lost everyday, they need true help, and i throw the life line of Christ to them, but some would rather die before taking that life line. So be it, others well gladly take it, and its those who I will invest time in.


Acutally that is not always the case. At times we are not giving them the Christ that they need. One may need Christ the Bread of Life, another may need Christ the Living Water. The fact is we need to be mindful of what we are giving people. You may thing that you are offering them a lifeline when infact you are not. You are actually not giving them what they actually need. Jesus was very mindful as to how He presented Himself to others. To some He was a healer, and this was enough for them. For others He was the Bread, for others this for others that. He was very mindful of giving a person what they needed, and that meant dealing with them on the ground they stood, so that he could usher them onto His ground.

I understand where you are coming from, however, my point was that once they know that you are offering them Christ, they reject your help. This is not the case all the time, but most who have a type of hate for God, will not accept any type of life line, if it all leads to Jesus. I know the gospel and I share it, I defend it, I show it by living it. Those who accept the Gospel, good for them, all I can do is be who I am in Christ and pray. The rest is up to God.


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Thank you Scott. :rolleyes:

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That question had been asked of Jack Kelly - Here is the question and the answer regarding the "was" and "became" wording of Gen. 1:1,2.

The Nephilim would be prior to Noah and the food during which the progeny of the fallen angels and the human women were killed. Could that be when the fallen angels toyed with the genes of the animals also and then were created dinosaurs etc? Possibly??

More On The Gap Theory (by Jack Kelly )

Q. Do you believe in the Gap Theory? If not, how do you explain dinosaurs and other fossils that are millions of years old. Also I believe in Jeremiah they talk about the earth being destroyed in a previous age. Isaiah talks about how Lucifer was God

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And there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face,

Deuteronomy 34:10


....And that is that the most literal translation of Genesis 1:2 is

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Joe, I love the way that you post. You know that. But on this one question, would you please state your position in a more clearer way? How do you personally feel about the topic? Thanks, Joe.

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It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever:

for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed. Exodus 31:17


.... How do you personally feel about the topic? Thanks....

It Is A Wonderful Topic!


But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. Exodus 20:10-11


A Bible Believer From My Early Childhood And For Thirty Years Also A Believer In The Evolution Mythos, I Personally And Finally Came To The Firm Conviction....

That If I And All Men Be Liars

God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Numbers 23:19

God Is

Do not err, my beloved brethren.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. James 1:16-17


Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. Psalms 119:160


Be Blessed Beloved Of The KING

Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant,

Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13:20-21

Love, Your Brother Joe

For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. Hebrews 4:4

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