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Why so much suffering?

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41 minutes ago, Ezra said:

If you think that is not scriptural, kindly dig a little deeper and you will discover those truths in the Bible for yourself. If God does not "allow"evil, He would have immediately consigned Satan and his evil angels to the Lake of Fire (which was prepared for them).

here is a question ? Ezra, for clarity ,is tribulation saints different from the church saints, today that believe and have the holy spirit, ?

and second ,having the holy spirit with in us as true believers exempt us from tribulation ? do you see that the people of Israel  the gentiles in America and the tribulation saints are all different in the eyes of God ?

 I ask this in sincerity , so I can understand what you believe on this questions,? thank you

 peace to you

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23 hours ago, spiderman1917 said:

Beings that since the age of 12 I have been in a lot of jails, psychiatric Wards, drug rehabilitation places, homeless, now I'm in a halfway house, and I can't blame anybody , but what I can say is I've mainly seen ugly things and suffering in this life.

It's hard to see when am I going to stop going from one place to another so that I can settle down, be responsible, get an education, have a family perhaps.

It's just I've had so much failure.   I see so much suffering and despair all around me it's very difficult to not defeat myself before I even get started.

It just seems for so many people ,especially outside of America, but even here  it seems that the majority of people suffer on a daily basis with very difficult marriages, jobs they hate, see their loved ones go through very awful things, experience bullying, all sorts of mental and physical problems, so much fear, so many bad habits, gluttony, obesity, depression and despair bombarding everyone.

I feel like I'm just going to have to suffer more so that my tolerance to suffering goes up, because I feel the suffering is going to get worse and worse, so I need to learn how to suffer more and grow in my ability to cope with suffering, because it is a daily thing (the cross), and in the end I'm going to suffer and die like all my ancestors did, so I might as well suffer more now so that my tolerance to it grows in the future.

So what are some positive ways you look at all of the suffering and misery in the world?

I understand how you feel. I made several mistakes in my life and have seen lots of the ugly things this world holds. In every situation I look for a lesson and that lesson teaches me something. It helps me realize what went wrong and how to fix it the next time I am approached with the same or similar situations. I can definitely say that surrounding yourself with the right people will help you. I have seen it happen  and I have seen the difference personally from the different people I hang out with. Don't be discouraged or give up searching for a better life or working to make your life better. Keep on reaching out to people and you will be surprised how much people will help you. Even if people are rude and don't help don't stop.  God's saving grace will help you. It is never too late to change the way you act and make better decissions. I'm not gonna try to  sugar coat the truth so I will be honest with people might not want to  hang out any more and may not accept that you have changed and if they don't want to support you that's on  them. Surround yourself with people that will support you and help you get on  your feet. If you want to  talk  further or need any more guidance or just some support please feel free to send me a private message. I hope you find the help you need. 

Your Sister,


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Hi Spiderman,

Well, from what you have written and testified to, I can see why you think life is full of suffering and that you think it is only going to get worse for you from here.  But, I promise you, put faith in God, Jesus, and yourself to make the changes in your life you want to make and life will get better.  It won't be an easy process, but you have to take it 1 day at a time.  Make 1 good decision every day and build on it.  Every day is an opportunity to grow and become a better person than you were the day before.  Start with something easy, like getting a little exercise.  You could go for a walk and get away from the things that cause you to relapse into old habits.  During your walk take time to appreciate the great things about this world, reflect on them and pray to God and give Him thanks for the things He has provided you.  It could be as simple as you being thankful you have survived after all your struggles. 

Life is full of trials, but taking time to be kind and loving towards one another will go a long way to making this world a better place.  And be kind to yourself and love yourself, you are one of God's creations, see it as a blessing.

To answer your question, I believe the reason there is so much suffering in this world is because people are not following the second part of the Greatest Commandment:  To love one another as you would love yourself.  Matthew Chapter 22, verses 36-40:  36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Maybe the reason people aren't loving each other like they should is because they do not love themselves like they should.  You have to be able to forgive yourself before you can forgive anyone else.  Find that right person that fills your spirit full of joy and happiness and pour all your love into her.  Life is going to be hard, but you don't have to go through it alone. 

Take care my brother, thank you for visiting us, I hope you stick around for awhile and welcome to the ministry.

Your brother,



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40 minutes ago, JustinM said:

Hi Spiderman,

Well, from what you have written and testified to, I can see why you think life is full of suffering and that you think it is only going to get worse for you from here.  But, I promise you, put faith in God, Jesus, and yourself to make the changes in your life you want to make and life will get better.  It won't be an easy process, but you have to take it 1 day at a time.  Make 1 good decision every day and build on it.  Every day is an opportunity to grow and become a better person than you were the day before.  Start with something easy, like getting a little exercise.  You could go for a walk and get away from the things that cause you to relapse into old habits.  During your walk take time to appreciate the great things about this world, reflect on them and pray to God and give Him thanks for the things He has provided you.  It could be as simple as you being thankful you have survived after all your struggles. 

Life is full of trials, but taking time to be kind and loving towards one another will go a long way to making this world a better place.  And be kind to yourself and love yourself, you are one of God's creations, see it as a blessing.

To answer your question, I believe the reason there is so much suffering in this world is because people are not following the second part of the Greatest Commandment:  To love one another as you would love yourself.  Matthew Chapter 22, verses 36-40:  36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”

37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[a] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Maybe the reason people aren't loving each other like they should is because they do not love themselves like they should.  You have to be able to forgive yourself before you can forgive anyone else.  Find that right person that fills your spirit full of joy and happiness and pour all your love into her.  Life is going to be hard, but you don't have to go through it alone. 

Take care my brother, thank you for visiting us, I hope you stick around for awhile and welcome to the ministry.

Your brother,



This is fantastic advice.  

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2 hours ago, SINNERSAVED said:

here is a question ? Ezra, for clarity ,is tribulation saints different from the church saints, today that believe and have the holy spirit, ?

and second ,having the holy spirit with in us as true believers exempt us from tribulation ? do you see that the people of Israel  the gentiles in America and the tribulation saints are all different in the eyes of God ?

 I ask this in sincerity , so I can understand what you believe on this questions,? thank you

 peace to you


Isiah 45:7  I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

God use evil to punish sin


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All the suffering of the world God will weave it for Good. A good example is his Son he ALLOWED HIS SON TO DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH. So he can give us a chance to eternal life. GOD will use the 70th week of Daniel (evil)  and weave that to purify Israel so they can accept their true king and for the lost remaining on earth to get saved (tribulation Saints) 

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On 3/20/2016 at 11:04 AM, spiderman1917 said:

Beings that since the age of 12 I have been in a lot of jails, psychiatric Wards, drug rehabilitation places, homeless, now I'm in a halfway house, and I can't blame anybody , but what I can say is I've mainly seen ugly things and suffering in this life.

It's hard to see when am I going to stop going from one place to another so that I can settle down, be responsible, get an education, have a family perhaps.

It's just I've had so much failure.   I see so much suffering and despair all around me it's very difficult to not defeat myself before I even get started.

It just seems for so many people ,especially outside of America, but even here  it seems that the majority of people suffer on a daily basis with very difficult marriages, jobs they hate, see their loved ones go through very awful things, experience bullying, all sorts of mental and physical problems, so much fear, so many bad habits, gluttony, obesity, depression and despair bombarding everyone.

I feel like I'm just going to have to suffer more so that my tolerance to suffering goes up, because I feel the suffering is going to get worse and worse, so I need to learn how to suffer more and grow in my ability to cope with suffering, because it is a daily thing (the cross), and in the end I'm going to suffer and die like all my ancestors did, so I might as well suffer more now so that my tolerance to it grows in the future.

So what are some positive ways you look at all of the suffering and misery in the world?

I can relate a lot to what your saying.  I remember when I had just left home, negative thoughts were really distracting me and I couldn't make sense of them.  Even if I thought about when this or that happened, it wasn't going to make sense or be resolved.  So, what I used to do was say thank you Lord out loud, all day long it seemed.  Saying it out loud was the only way to stop the competition in my mind. If I only tried to think of something to be grateful for, I don't know if that thought would win against the negatitivty.  Of course I still did this in private ;). But, it really helped me think more positively.  

But, sometimes thinking positively is not enough for me either.  For me, truly being positive comes from knowing how He feels about suffering.  I love that He hates injustice.  When He saw suffering, He did something about it.  This helps me when I consider suffering because a lot of suffering is the result of injustice or the unwillingness to act on the behalf of someone suffering.  I just still find it so exciting when I read about Him telling a prophet to tell the people to correct the injustice taking place.  I daydream about all the people this would help and I feel happy.  

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50 minutes ago, manuelf324 said:


Isiah 45:7  I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

God use evil to punish sin


I couldn't agree with you more.  Donald Trump does not display any of the humility, charity, or meekness that I would expect to see in Jesus Christ , but I would still vote for him because I believe he is annointed to be an instrument of God's Wrath.

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KJV Rom  13:1  Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.   
Every evil dictator or politicians power comes from God

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57 minutes ago, manuelf324 said:

KJV Rom  13:1  Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.   
Every evil dictator or politicians power comes from God

Yes, this is true...However, scripture still tells us that whether or not authority the comes from God, our response also comes from God towards that authority.  For example, Saul was rejected as king for sparing Agag.  The prophets responded to many disobedient leaders with an absence of support.  However, the people were told to, "seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the LORD for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper." (Jeremiah 29:7).  

Imagine how different things would be if these instructions were reversed, and the prophets prayed for the peace and prosperity of the leaders while the people did not show support for the leaders where they were taken captive.  What a mess things would be.  So, our response to authority requires discernment rather than general statements that we are instructed to support authority, even when that authority does not exhibit Christlike behavior because all authority is given by God for His purpose.  

Basically, I don't think Paul is saying that it is not okay to oppose the behavior of authority even if we are instructed to be peacemakers in the world (Matthew 5:9).  That would be like saying that we should take the mark of the beast because someone of a higher position required it (Revelation 13:17).

" Like a trampled spring and a polluted well Is a righteous man who gives way before the wicked," (Proverbs 25:26).  


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