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Waw I just threw demon out


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On ‎2‎/‎22‎/‎2017 at 2:21 PM, enoob57 said:

I would say you have an obedience to God here

Luke 10:17 (KJV)

[17] And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name.

[18] And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

[19] Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

[20] Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

Love, Steven

I would say that HeavenUn doesn't have obedience to God here as this person is to obsessive about the names of demons. He also wrongly believes that mere mortals have the power to bind and cast away demons when we DONT.

 Its also wrong to say that there are demons called nicotine, alcohol, whatever, because there just ARENT. That is simply passing the buck, basically saying, the devil made me do it. No demon can make a person sin, you do that yourself. The devil can tempt you till the cows come home but if you give in to that sin that is your own doing.

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22 hours ago, Heavenunlimited said:

This is "just" the truth as its been experienced by me, and by many christians.  I know, there are like two camps, one scream the gifts ceased!! And one camp say no we experience it.  In the middle, we have Jesus, and what the word say and He say these are the signs.  I believe we might confuse the gifts and the signs?  Its clearly a split here and we MUST go to the WORD.

A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign.....The signs were NEVER meant to be permanent!

Why do you need signs and miracles? They only miracle we need is Christ's resurrection. Anything else is purely by His sovereign will, as HE alone sees fit to give.

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22 hours ago, Heavenunlimited said:

So, your judgments were off :)  Jesus never told me any names. Always ask, before.

Really....you said Pan and Bacchus. So you are contradicting yourself.

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13 hours ago, Cletus said:

You are right only Jesus can do that.  However the gift does still exist today.  it did not die with the apostolic age.  Jesus has spoken thru my mouth and they did tremble and leave.

Sorry that is just plain fantasy. And you are contradicting yourself here as well. WE cannot cast out demons as Jesus did. We cannot bind them ourselves and cast them away. WE have NO POWER over them. All you can do, and sorry to repeat myself here, is pray to God to cast them out.

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John 14- 12 Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do, he will do also; and greater works than these he will do; because I go to the Father.

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2 hours ago, TheMatrixHasU71 said:

First of all you need to work on your grammar as you are somewhat difficult to understand.

Secondly I am not prejudging I am speaking the truth.

I still speak the truth in that the way of casting out demons as is spoken of in the bible was ONLY done by Jesus, the apostles, and likely a few others. That too died out. We cant cast them out the way they did. We can only pray for people having problems with demons. God alone casts them out.

Tongues too is gone, so is prophecy, and raising the dead. Only God alone can raise the dead. All we can do is pray for it. It is otherwise by His sovereign well, not ours.

You say that many Christians including Malachi used the names of demons to cast them out. Quite frankly WHO CARES. Just because men did it doesn't make it right.

Jesus never did it, the apostles never did it. If it isn't in the bible, ignore it. God doesn't need to know the names of demons to tell them to get lost (of course God knows all their names without asking anyway but that isn't the point).

And the Catholic church is not a true Christian church it is a pagan idolatrous entity with a thin peeling veneer of Christianity slapped on it; and although you cannot say that no Catholic person is saved in Christ (there are many who are saved but are Catholic in name only and do not hold to the PAGAN teachings of the Whore of Babylon) the church as a whole is a demonic entity to be avoided.

Your John Todd as well is highly questionable.


And God is overbearing and not criticising..  Love one another, as I have loved you.


prove that the signs like healing, cast demons out tounges raise dead etc have ceased. From where do you  read its ceased?

jesus said to us to do so, and that these were the signs.  

Youre in your right to believe that there is this cessation, but I do not believe it, and thats my right,too. I believe in the Word. If HE say it, then, it IS. Its no longer than that. 

Prove it, prove its ended. 

If tounges, healings, deliverance, raising dead etc are gone, why are there millions of christians, that do experience it? 

God can do anything if thats His will. So, if its His will to use someone to raise dead or the other then He will... You cant say what God cant or can do. Same, you dont know all thes people, neither father malachi. So you cant know, if God works through them or not.  That is logic. And as you dont know, youre prejudging. Which we shall not.

what about all ministries, where God lets them know the name to get all out?

it doesnt say they dont use Gods name to deliver.  You dont know, as you dont know if its Gods will. But fact is there are hundreds of ministries, that do, and that say in Jesus name, and the people are set free. 

Im aware there are controversy around John Todd, but there are many christians as well that do believe he was the real deal, as not. But one fact remains, he knew things that noone could know. 


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Also, God works through single persons not churches. As it is with the wheat and tares. There are godly and not so godly in all churches. Thats what The Lord said. So, just because someone is a catholic, doesnt mean they dont follow Him. Its between them and God.  Yes I agree if its not based on the Word, youre not but, only God knows, if they do or not. So an institution doesnt necessarily have anything to do with the person, as all churches are wheat and tares. There is no single pure church today. Only The lord can judge who is or not. We should respect eachothers different beliefs as long the ground standards is there. Just because something is different doesnt mean its wrong. This cessation topic is been debated to death in all churches, to what use? No use at all.

Edited by Heavenunlimited
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3 hours ago, TheMatrixHasU71 said:

I still speak the truth in that the way of casting out demons as is spoken of in the bible was ONLY done by Jesus, the apostles, and likely a few others. That too died out. We cant cast them out the way they did. We can only pray for people having problems with demons. God alone casts them out.

Tongues too is gone

Mark 16:17 KJV And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues

This scripture tells us that born again believers can cast out demons and speak with new tongues in Christ name


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Well done worthy, hang in there, always close to the WORD and The lord.

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Its true though. He said THEY. Veryy obvious...

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