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Question about Babylon


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16 minutes ago, Revelation Man said:

WRONG......I cited it, it not even debatable, God calls them Babylon the Great in Rev. 16:19, the very verse you used. 

So, WHO ARE KLLED in Rev. 16:19? Ty King of the WHOLE WORLD. Anything that doesn't fit your preconceived learning you can not grasp sir. 

That CITY in Rev. 17:18 was referring to the Real Babylon that False Religion (The Harlot) was associated with. But the End Time Babylon can't be THAT CITY because Babylon will never again  be inhabit, Gid says so, did you not know that? 

Isaiah 13:19 And Babylon, the jewel of the kingdoms, the glory of the pride of the Chaldeans, will be overthrown by God like Sodom and Gomorrah. 

20 She will never be inhabited or settled from generation to generation; no nomad will pitch his tent there, no shepherd will rest his flock there.

What about this is not plan brother? God uses Babylon as a STAND IN for the whole Wicked World under Satan !! 

Again, instead of links, why not give your own interpretation, then you would have to walk through it yourself, and thus come to your own conclusions via God, instead you are heeding other men's ideas. 

Those KINGS in Rev. 17:16 are the 10 Kings (Europe) who give power unto the Beast, they stamp out ALL RELIGIONS, thus they will kill of The Harlot (all False Religion) by wiping Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism off the face of the earth, at least in the E.U. and the Mediterranean Sea Region. Not understanding WHO the Harlot is puts you behind the 8 ball sir.

The Kings of the WHOLE WORLD who battle against God are not the 10 Kings of Rev. 17 only PER SE, these are the Whole World (Babylon) not just the 10 Kings. 

Rev. 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.

See why I am hip on everything? I actually do the grunt world brother, I don't read someone else's opinion. If you do your own analysis God would give you the answers instead you are linking to men's opinions. Come on brother.

You biggest problem sir is following others ideas. 

God Bless.

You didn't site anything. 


This is what John saw. The word of God says

The woman you saw is that great city that reigns over the kings of the earth. 


And the word of God is 100 %correct. It's such a shame you can't understand something so simple. It's like you are confounded. 

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4 hours ago, Last Daze said:

Babylon, in it's most general sense, is the kingdom of Satan's influence on the human race.  The end time manifestation of Babylon is made up of apostate Jews.  Where are they headquartered? Where is their base of influence?  That's the literal city that gets destroyed. My guess is NYC but time will tell.  I've heard good arguments for DC, London, and Vatican.

Yes, the kingdom of Satan's influence on the human race is Babylon!

There are apostate Jews in there, and also Apostate Christians.  If we read the letters to the 7 churches, we see they will also receive of the plagues. 

Satan not only wants to rule over all the kingdoms of the earth, but over all the Christians.  He uses Babylon to deceive and rob the Christians of their treasures, by spreading lies and false doctrines.  He tempts them also with material things, and this is his main goal...to never release them from his captivity, or to draw them back to him.

If we read the OT prophesies, God also warns the Shepherds, and the flocks that their pastures will be destroyed (churches), and there will be a great howling.  Their rivers will be dried up (their beliefs) because the Christian land is also desolate.  Many will be standing naked because they are not covered in truth, but in error because they refuse to depart from Babylon and love the world.

Overall it comes down to good verses evil.  God allows the evil to exist through who-ever so that we can taste it, see the fruits, and come out of that darkness and into his glorious light.

The Jews are antichrist so perfect for Satan to use them in getting the world to such a state, and then he discards them.  Same for the Christian churches that have corrupted the truth with lies and false doctrines.  They were not set up in truth, hence all the warnings.

So I have observed that many like to blame the Jews for every foul thing, but what about the part we all played in our everyday lives?  Didn't we all enjoy the nice things of Babylon, and thought we were happy but God said we were still in darkness?

A great saying  'the world is our oyster', describes Babylon very well.  Take whatever you want from her, she has everything, and anything but the truth.

And if a Christian doesn't understand who and what Babylon is, then he is still in her.  If he doesn't understand who Zion is, then he cannot claim the holy spirit.  Many have demanded the holy spirit to come, but it's not ours to give.  Only Christ can give it, and teach us not candy covered truth, but real truth with real eyes to see and ears to hear.

And we can see by their fruits who have not come out of Babylon by the way that they speak.  No different from the war mongering kingdoms. Some are still learning and heading out, but others wish to remain in her because their heart is not right.  Something they are doing is not acceptable to the Lord.  We only have ourselves to blame in the end, not the Jews, or anyone else.

Babylon is ruled from the sides of the north spiritually

Psalms 48:2   Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King. (Jesus)

  Isaiah 14:13   For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: (Satan is saying this)

I hope you can see the depths of Satan,... that this not a physical place, but a spiritual place he has taken over, even the congregation of the Lord. He's defiled every table.

But he needs a host, and men to do all the heavy lifting, so where-ever all the action is, that's where he is, and we know all the action will be taking place in Jerusalem, where he will set up this throne, but he's everywhere at the same time.

New York is also serving Babylon, he's there as well, but New York is not the headquarters of his temple where he will set up camp if we are looking for a physical place.

So Babylon is not Jerusalem, not New York, not any place, but these are of Babylon, and we can come out of her where-ever we live in the world by following that straight path Jesus set out for us.






Edited by Sister
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17 minutes ago, Revelation Man said:

:th_frusty: The USA will be wiped out by an Asteroid (Rev. 8).

I see you havnt been paying attention to prophecy. Maybe you just don't understand what has already taken place. 

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4 hours ago, Shilohsfoal said:

The way of the kings of the east might be prepared is not the same as needing it to dry up to cross. 

If you understood alittle about Islam prophecy you would understand. 

And God does not physically dry up the euphrates. God has given power to some people in this world to be able to stop the heavens so it doesn't rain. Some militaries have gotten quite good at it including the US military. The two witnesses in this case cause it not to rain for 3 1/2 years in the middle east causing the euphrates river to dry up. This 3 year drought is a sign for Muslims to attack the army of the Dajjal. Please understand how important the euphrates is to the countries east of Israel. It is a life support for many Muslims. They will not be pleased with the economical warfare upon them by the military stationed in Jerusalem. They will be convinced the military occupying Jerusalem is the army of Dajjal. 

I believe it's possible there will be no rain for 3.5 yrs, not just in the Middle east but throughout the whole world.  God is making it happen regardless of who he uses.  A third of the trees and all grass will be burn't not from physical fire, but from lack of moisture and a dry heat.

God is preparing the way of the Mede's to ambush Jerusalem.  These he calls the kings of the East, because they are gathered there to come from the East, from Iran mainly, Iraq, and all those Muslem places about.  It is also possible for them to even come from Russia or China to meet and gather with them?  who knows?  God has prepared a way for them to come quickly, and not all use only jets to fight.

Fact is they are standing up to the King of the North which is the FP, the king of the North.  They have a grudge against his kingdom, whomever it is made up of.

Islam has always had different fractions, but they will come together for this purpose of tearing down the gates of Babylon.  They will even have non muslim allies who also hate the FP that will join them.  Together they become the kings of the South....coming from the East.  From here on brother will go against brother during the fight, and a great big chaotic mess resulting in lots of death.  The citizens of Israel are in the crossfire, and because they have become the property of the FP, anger will be aimed at his whole kingdom, even those in the west.


Islam also believe they will have 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven.  Doesn't mean it's so.  We go by what God says, and not what they believe, or what we believe they believe.

And God says he will dry up the Euphrates river so that the Medes can be prepared...to cross over on dry land and attack.  Why can't anyone see that this will be much easier than coming over by boats when you will have such a large army coming?  What was the number?  two hundred million?




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2 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

WRONG.......You just will never grasp the Symbolism of the book of Revelation. 

Mr Revelation Man

It's ok to not agree with me.

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It's good to have peaceful discussions and not act like a war-mongerer like they do in Babylon.  Some of you scare people off from joining discussions, and many leave the sites.  Fresh perspective is good because I noticed it's always the same ones arguing all the time and we always just get to hear their views.  If one doesn't agree with them they will try to crush you with insults.  Christians should not speak to one another like this, and if you do try to intimidate then you are still in Babylon where there is no holy spirit, just assumptions.

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3 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

You do not understand the 1335, 1290 and 1260 Sister. Not many do tbf.

The Beast and the FP will reign for 1290 days (3.5 yrs)  When the FP's temple is completed (set up) with him sitting on his throne, just after he has killed the two witnesses, he will 'show himself as God', because he's the only one that could kill them right?

Blessed are they that wait until the 1335 day.  Wait only 45 days longer from when the 1290 days are completed(3.5yrs) until the Lord comes.

What is happening during these 45 days?


That war that is cut short leading up to Armageddon is only 45 days.

All must be fulfilled before Jesus returns.

The 1260 days are the number of days that the two witnesses will testify against all in Babylon.  Then they will be killed.

The FP's reign ends when the Mede's come in to attack.  He's lost control and power during this time because chaos every where.  He will tell one last lie at the end when the 3 froglike spirits come out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast, and the FP gathering them to war the Lamb.

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4 hours ago, Revelation Man said:

No he is not. The False Prophet is a Jewish High Priest who betrays his Jewish brothers. The Anti-Christ/Little Horn is an E.U. President who rules over Europe via an Election (the 10 E.U. Freely give their power unto him) and the Mediterranean Sea Region via conquering them.

We are definately on different frequencies here. 

There is no mention of an antichrist, but the spirit of antichrist.

The churches call the Son of Perdition/False prophet the antichrist, but this is not accurate.

The little horn is this man - whom you call the antichrist, and I call the False Prophet. He is the one with the big mouth performing miracles and causes not just the Jews, but the whole world to receive the mark of the beast.  He looks like a lamb with two horns because his role is a spiritual leader and also a secular leader.

You are bringing the EU into the scriptures? Whatever you think of the EU would be a punt?  I think think that NATO is the king of the North, the end time beast, but that is just a punt, my guess.  Guesses can go wrong.

There is only one Son of Perdition, and that is Satan's chosen son, the FP.  He will build his temple in Jerusalem.

So you have the 1st beast, the last ruling end time kingdom who is given authority to make new laws and change times, and you have the 2nd beast, that man with the big mouth, the FP.  The two are working together.  There is no third person.


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 Daniel 7:8   I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

Revelation 13:11   And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

2 Thessalonians 2:9   Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,


 Daniel 7:21   I beheld, and the same horn made war with the saints, and prevailed against them;

Daniel 7:25   And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

 Same guy, the False Prophet....

Revelation 19:20   And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.


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5 hours ago, Sister said:

I believe it's possible there will be no rain for 3.5 yrs, not just in the Middle east but throughout the whole world.  God is making it happen regardless of who he uses.  A third of the trees and all grass will be burn't not from physical fire, but from lack of moisture and a dry heat.

God is preparing the way of the Mede's to ambush Jerusalem.  These he calls the kings of the East, because they are gathered there to come from the East, from Iran mainly, Iraq, and all those Muslem places about.  It is also possible for them to even come from Russia or China to meet and gather with them?  who knows?  God has prepared a way for them to come quickly, and not all use only jets to fight.

Fact is they are standing up to the King of the North which is the FP, the king of the North.  They have a grudge against his kingdom, whomever it is made up of.

Islam has always had different fractions, but they will come together for this purpose of tearing down the gates of Babylon.  They will even have non muslim allies who also hate the FP that will join them.  Together they become the kings of the South....coming from the East.  From here on brother will go against brother during the fight, and a great big chaotic mess resulting in lots of death.  The citizens of Israel are in the crossfire, and because they have become the property of the FP, anger will be aimed at his whole kingdom, even those in the west.


Islam also believe they will have 72 virgins waiting for them in heaven.  Doesn't mean it's so.  We go by what God says, and not what they believe, or what we believe they believe.

And God says he will dry up the Euphrates river so that the Medes can be prepared...to cross over on dry land and attack.  Why can't anyone see that this will be much easier than coming over by boats when you will have such a large army coming?  What was the number?  two hundred million?




The Israelis do not become the property of the king of the north. They become the property of the Israeli goverment which they have chosen to rule over them. 

The king of the north does not enter israel by force. They are allies. The king of the north gives Israel military as the king of the north has in other countries. The king of the norths armed forces are located in many countries throughout the world. They are located at bases. The king of the north already has a base in Israel today but only 100 servicemen occupy it. That number increases when the daily sacrifice is abolished. 

Edited by Shilohsfoal
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