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Brokeback Mountain Review

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Guest AngelicBeliever

Getting back to the movie, I for one don't have any desire to see this movie. Waste of my time. I do agree that the bible states that a homosexual lifestyle is wrong. The scriptures are very clear on this and no amount of twisting the issue is going to make it right.

I'm also tired of gays forcing their lifestyle down my throat, but I'm told gays don't have to respect my lifestyle of following God's Holy Word which states that homosexual activity is a sin. This is my view from following the bible. I don't feel it is right for gays to come on a christian board and try to tell christians how we are to view scripture. That is wrong. I'm not on a gay discussion broad.

To say that a homosexual lifestyle between two adults doesn't hurt women and children is entirely false. Many married men hide behind their marriages and still carry-on a homosexual lifestyle. This does hurt the wives/children of these relationships, which this movie doesn't fully address according to many reviews that I've read.

I personally know of a pastor of a church who turned away from his wife and children and choose a gay life style. His children won't have anything to do with him now and his church got rid of him. I really can't blame the wife, children or the church. He was married to his wife for over 20 years. I don't feel that a person wakes up one day after being married for 20 years and decides they are gay. Your either gay or your not. If you choose to live a gay lifestyle then do it out in the open and don't harm an innocent women over it. Don't lead her astray, if a homosexual man has any feelings for her at all as a person, then don't marry her and walk away from the relationship. This is cruel in my opinion to involve a women in this activity and situation. The same can be said for women who are in gay relationships with other women. If your gay, then don't marry a man and try and hide it.

One of the medical issues not addressed in the above post is how many men living a bi-sexual lifestyle is harming the health of many women. I believe that the spread of aids is rampant in women today because of bi-sexual men after sleeping with men then go home to their wives and have sex with their wives, is very cruel and harmful for children being exposed to aids inside the womb out of relationships like this.

As a women I don't know how more violated I would feel on being raped, or finding out that my husband is gay. I can't imagine which scenerio would be worse. :):24:

If all of us were still living back in the OT days, gays would have been stoned to death. I think Jesus dying on the cross changed this. A real true bible believer wouldn't harm a gay person. Many people claim they are a christian when they are really a wolf in sheeps clothing.

I would also like to state that one of my best friends in high school announced to all of us that he was gay. I remember being sick in my heart over this, but I never voiced my view on how I really felt about this sin. He was a good childhood friend my whole life and I wasn't going to turn him away because he made this decision for his life. Another friend of ours had just recently married and moved to California. Our new gay friend was going to go visit, but her new husband wouldn't allow our gay friend to sleep over in their home. Her husband made sure he had reservations at a hotel near their home. So our gay friend cancelled his trip and never spoke to any of us ever again. I lost a childhood friend over this incident. I miss talking and laughing with him to this day. I was hurt deeply by his decision, but he was still my friend and I would give him a big hug even in front of his gay lover if I ever run into him again. I miss him being in my life. The rest of us have still managed to stay in contact with each other, but a member of our little click is missing. I still miss him being in my life after all of these years. Him and I went all the way to school together from grade school all the way to high school and beyond until this incident happened. At least he was honest about his life, he never harmed a women by placing her in this situation. My friend was honest about being gay back when it wasn't even accepted like it is now. He and I both were raised in the church and I never understood why he choose this life.

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I personally know of a pastor of a church who turned away from his wife and children and choose a gay life style.

Actually I think it would be more correct to say he turned away from God first, chose that lifestyle, and then walked away from his wife and children. That "pastor" choose to follow the flesh and live for himself, not for the Lord. He chose a sinful lifestyle over honoring the Lord and his family. Sin hurts us all.

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Guest AngelicBeliever

I personally know of a pastor of a church who turned away from his wife and children and choose a gay life style.

Actually I think it would be more correct to say he turned away from God first, chose that lifestyle, and then walked away from his wife and children. That "pastor" choose to follow the flesh and live for himself, not for the Lord. He chose a sinful lifestyle over honoring the Lord and his family. Sin hurts us all.

Yes, you're right this is what actually happened. I still have great difficulty accepting this. This happened over 30 years ago and I still have difficulty with this. This pastor choose the desires of the flesh and not the word of God. I was shocked then and I'm still shocked now over this. This isn't the only incident that I know about of a man leaving his wife for a gay lover. I know of several. I'm still shocked to this day over these situations. What I find so ironic is the fact that this pastor can't understand why is former wife and children and his former congregation won't have anything to do with him. Well, I imagine, they all feel betrayed.

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Well, it goes without saying, that the newcomer reeks of heterophobia, bibliophobia and, yes, moralphobia beyond all doubt. Sounds like his "home church" is the homosexual "Metropolitan

Organization." Maybe he has never spent time with http://www.narth.org Birds of a feather...


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Well, it goes without saying, that the newcomer reeks of heterophobia, bibliophobia and, yes, moralphobia beyond all doubt. Sounds like his "home church" is the homosexual "Metropolitan

Organization." Maybe he has never spent time with http://www.narth.org Birds of a feather...

If it "goes without saying", Arthur, then why did you have to say it? You seem to have trouble holding back your tongue from malice at times, speaking with a haughty spirit. We aren't here to sneer at people! You make it sound like you're better than he is. Shame on you. Your words are exactly what the Pharisee's would say. "Oh, thank you Lord, that I'm not like this man!"

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Many people claim they are a christian when they are really a wolf in sheeps clothing.

This is true. No offence meant, but the same could be said of people who advocate "If you choose to live a gay lifestyle then do it out in the open". Whether its in the open or behind closed doors, homosexuality is still a sin. I don't think we need to encourage homosexuals to be more open about it than they already are. So open, in fact, that they are perceived as "forcing their lifestyle down my throat".

So our gay friend cancelled his trip and never spoke to any of us ever again.

It's for the best I'm sure. Besides, aren't we told to turn away from sin? We may not be required to stone them but we surely are told to rebuke sin and turn away from it. No matter who the person is we should not accept those who "choose" to live a life contrary to the word. Though it is natural for us to sin we should not choose to make a habit of it.

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Guest truespirit

Wrestling, in the section that addresses the concerns of new members or visitors, you will find a post written by an exotic dancer. I would suggest that you read that one at great length. Look over all of the heartfelt responses the poster received by both senior and rookie members.

We all fall short of His glory, wrestling, everyone of us. The beautiful thing that we have to rely on is Jesus Christ as our personal Savior.

One of the things that might be causing a problem for you, wrestling, is that you're not taking into account the fact that you're speaking to fellow sinners. Look at some of the commentary around here on abortion, lust, etc. The same "Attacks" will be found elsewhere involving other sin. But the people here rarely call out anyone. Just look at the "Guest forum" once, wrestling. Can you honestly tell me that you can find anyone judging others there?

If I have lust in my heart for another woman, I'm not better off than that exotic dancer. According to the words of Christ, a greedy person that doesn't care about the poor isn't any better off either, certainly if there are hungry mouths to feed here and abroad.

Wrestling, a while back I spoke with an individual in a Christian chatroom that had been a homosexual throughout his lifetime. After years and years of prayer, by not giving up on his belief that God would come through for him, he eventually did overcome his urges. He no longer had urges that way.

Look at alcoholism. There are those with alcoholism in their bloodline that become alcoholics. They drink for ten, even twenty years, but one day they overcome it. They defeat it. Same thing with smoking. Pornography addiction, on and on.

Other families have little babies that are born with severe mental retardation. Some have kids that develop cancer. Some get diabetes. Many, if not most families today wind up with a major health problem at some point in their lifetime. All of these types of struggles are meant as tests of faith for us, wrestling, I honestly believe that.

We will always have our sinful nature as humans, and at other times we are given tests of faith. Satan will always be a nuisance for us during our time here on earth. But I do think that we have to make the effort to do the right thing if we can.

I'm certainly not free of sin myself, I know that much. There's an awful lot that a person would have to do right in order to "Be perfect." That's why we need Him.And He never gives up on us, wrestling. He always loves us, even when we sin.

The most important thing is to confess our sins to God so that we can be forgiven, and we must realize that this is only possible because of the ultimate gift He sent us in Jesus Christ. Through Him and the ultimate sacrifice that He made for us, our sins are forgiven.

In the meantime, we have an obligation to try to do what is right for Him, to try to live the way that He wants us to. That doesn't mean that we're going to be perfect, that doesn't mean that we won't fail from time to time. The important thing is to keep trying, you know, and certainly to keep our faith in Him.

After graduating from college, I was prepared to go into a lucrative venture with one of my own family members, one that would have certainly given me a big salary, etc. After I started to reach out to Christ, though, I just couldn't do it. I still don't know if the decision was right or wrong of me, but I have hard time considering any profession that would gain profit off the back of our poor.

Imagine that type of scenario-one where basically every goal that you ever had in life was changed. After dreaming about that gorgeous wife, the vacation property, etc, imagine having all of that stripped away, not even completely understanding why.

After you turn to God, it's like you sit back in shock a little bit. I think that I still am a little bit, honestly. Believe me, there were times that I wondered if I had fallen victim to a "Mind control" scheme or something. Eventually, however, God continued to reveal Himself to me, and there comes a point when you feel like you're in the passenger's seat of your own life. And that's the reality, too, for the Holy Spirit answers those that ask Him for guidance and direction.

The journey still isn't over for me. It never will be in this lifetime. When it comes to the original transformation, however, it can be overwhelmning. I have learned that you don't say a prayer one day and expect that your world will be a new place the following day. All of the changes that He makes in your life aren't always understood at first, and that might well be an understatement.

Today, however, a solid year or more into this, I really have changed in many ways. The Holy Spirit has revealed many things to me. I'm not perfect, and the meaning behind all of this for me is far from over, but it honestly feels like I've been given a new brain, an all new perspective when it comes to life.

The anger weakens, values and perspectives change altogether. New meanings are assigned to certain areas that didn't interest you as much before, while those that you used to value are no longer on the radar screen. You begin to see that you're taking part in an all new journey, that which is being directed and influenced by somebody far more powerful than yourself.

Now if "I" can do that, wrestling, if "I" can go from having desires for the spokesmodel wife and luxury lifestyle.... if it's possible for the human heart to suddenly become transfixed on the needs of the poor and no longer take part in the hate of politics, and give up all of the former desires that were once there.....

The power of the Holy Spirit has great authority over the weaknesses of satan, blessing. That's a wonderful thing to know, something we have to appreciate. It explains why some of our cancer patients continue to smile and bring others joy despite their illness. It explains for the beauty in those that have gone through tremendous turmoil in life (Whatever that challenge might be/have been) only to overcome the pitfalls they once had after they join Christ, a new life and beauty that never could have been imagined prior to the point when that person decided to put Jesus Christ in the driver's seat of his/her life.

The important thing for you to remember, wrestling, is that God and Jesus love you more than you or I could possibly begin to imagine. Would anyone here honestly sacrifice his/her own child for the rest of this world? This place? Just think about the complete nature of what God did for us by delivering Jesus Christ as our personal Savior. Imagine the kind of love and sacrifice that comes with that.

All that He asks us to do is to believe in His Son and obey Him, to obey His law, and this is a lot more simple than our minds can make it out to be sometimes. If you accept Jesus as your personal Savior, and you repent your sins to Him, the Scripture tells us that we earn salvation.

Wrestling, at some point the answer to your issues will have to come from within, by Him. They will come to you by the Holy Spirit if you keep strong with your faith.

No person here can judge your heart, wrestling. However, we are told that God hates sin. That said, if the Bible explicitly states that homosexuality is wrong, than you can't expect Christians to say that "It's ok."

But you have to be fair about it, wrestling. There should be no anger in your heart for others that say what they do, and there are reaons for that-

The first is pretty simple-Christians want you to be in Heaven with Him someday, just like God Himself wants that for you.

The second is that every Christian should realize that he/she is a sinner, and that we all fall short of His glory. Some of us have even tried to be perfect, yet we fail. To be perfect would mean that you would never feel lust, you would never bend the truth the least bit, you could never hold a single doubt, you would never feel anger or resentment over personal issues. You would never feel jealously, and you would never once put yourself ahead of the Trinity. The only way that we can be saved from our sin is through Jesus Christ.

While we all fall short of His glory, wrestling, we also cannot promote the sins that plague us individually, either. That's probably a big issue here, you know? If I was an alcoholic who's life was in shambles from the habbit, would it be right for me to say that everybody should be permitted to drink like me? If my struggle was with lust, what right would I have to publically endorse pornography? What good does that do for anybody? Same with greed, lying, etc.

Wrestling, if you own a Bible, you have to find your answer there. If you can't find the chapters that cover this area, ask some Christian friends to help you out. Read Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to start out with. That's what I was told a while ago when I was going through struggles with my faith. Learn about the true love of Jesus Christ.

The answer to your questions can only come from Him, wrestling. We are all sinners here. All that we can do is tell you what the Scripture says. But to be fair, for the others here, and yourself, I do think you want to try to embrace the entire message of Christ. Get to know Him. Put your faith in Him, and let Him take control of your life. The power of the Holy Spirit can overcome anything &everything in our lives; we are given that promise. Even those things that we believe are impossible to overcome.

You're reaching out to Him, wrestling. It's a very good day for you. He is there for you, and He will never leave you. He loves you dearly, more than any of your own family members do, even. Just don't ever give up on Him, don't cast aside your dearest friend. Let Him have control of your life.

Some take offense when they are told to repent of their sins, wrestling, but it's a requirement for all of us. If we have told a fib, felt lust, or haven't obeyed our parents on this or any day, we all stand in sin, and therefore are asked to repent.

But never, ever forget that He's there for you, with all of His love. Ask Him into your heart, wrestling, than stay on a keen look out for the types of answers that He brings you. Never put your focus on the hate of this world, wrestling. Rest your heart with Him, make Him #1 in your life.

Ultimately, wrestling, this is a personal opinion, of course, but I think that we are moreless asked to put Him first in our life, others second, "ourselves" third. How many people do you and I both know that assign a reverse order to that system in their own lives?

Since turning to Him, that's probably the one thing that's become most clear to me, wrestling, the way that I was living the opposite way. And I still haven't perfected it, not by any stretch of the imagination. But I'm trying, and that's where I want to get someday, wrestling.

Sometimes when you are given a major challenge in life, wrestling, it can be best to turn to Him and the Scripture first. I can't tell you how many times I've felt empty and lost. The words of others were of no help for me, either. But once I turned to Him and tried to be as I honest as I could be in prayer, He has His own way of rescuing you. And if the fears and concerns come back, or the problem in one's life continues, than you just keep turning back to Him. Each and every day we must do that. Without Him, afterall, there would be no purpose to any of this.

Christians have no other choice but to tell you what is written about Homosexuality in the Bible, wrestling. And they're right, because it's written write there. But I will also point out that something so simple as lust is said to be a sin, too. Greed and deception is as well.

None of us are perfect, wrestling. That's why we need Him. And we are given the promise that He will always help us with our problems when we do turn to Him.

Good luck, wrestling. I hope that everything works out for you.

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Guest truespirit

"I was hurt deeply by his decision, but he was still my friend and I would give him a big hug even in front of his gay lover if I ever run into him again."

I think this is a good example of how a national debate on a movie like this can be very frustrating for many. Again, I think that Christians have the clear duty to speak out against a film like this because we know that movies sometimes have a way of defining the values in a society. It's not a good day when any movie like this is released that promotes sin, and seems to tell its audience that it's ok, etc.

When a movie like this one surfaces, and a debate takes place, I think that there's a major catch 22 that can result from all of it. Personally, I feel that there's a big difference in the way that we treat those that are afflicted with this struggle but come looking for Biblical help/answers, compared to those that say, "Take that, Christians!"

That seems to be where the challenge probably is for Christians that have to deal with those situations. While the Truth must always be spoken, I also imagine that there are a lot of different opinions out there on how to actually deal with these types of problems.

Some of those in ministry are able to completely abstain from sex altogether, others are able to keep it to simple pro-creation measures, which is still the goal despite our failures.

I'm not a homosexual, but I have known of many others that have overcome satan's trickery by relying on the power of Christ. That said, if heterosexuals can completely abstain from sex or keep it to what it was meant to be, I have a difficult time believing that a homosexual "Can't help it."

What about those that have gambled for years and years but managed to overcome their sin by the help of Christ? Alcoholics, smokers, on and on.

Somewhere out there I'm certain that a two or three pack smoker a day quit succesfully because he/she turned to Christ and He answered them. Same thing for gamblers, cheaters, on and on.

I have an aunt that has had RA for 40 years. Over the past 15 years she has developed a host of other complications, too. She can no longer walk at all, really, has been bed ridden for 30 years or more (That said, I doubt very much that she and her husband have had sexual relations at all). She winds up in the hospital once a month, on average, I would say. Though she has some problems from time to time, they have both remained very positive throughout this struggle, that which led to a bankruptcy, lost years of vacationing, having any type of a normal life to speak of, really. Her family has been very strong in their Faith throughout, however, which is exactly why they've made it through a battle like that.

Somebody is always going through a struggle greater than our own, it seems. With an issue like this one, I think that it can be important to remember that sometimes. Despite the fact, any challenge can be overcome by the power of Christ. And while He doesn't always open all of the doors that we would like Him to sometimes, there is always a purpose and meaning behind our struggles, during which it is mandatory to keep our faith in Him and to rely on Him to help us through whatever satan might be tormenting us with.

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Truespirit, wonderful words.

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Clearly the curse of the "abomination" of homosexuality needs crystal-clear re-stating simply because many kind folk tend to soft-pedal this particular sin. HellyWeirdo wishes to impress upon America thru its productions like "BrokeBack" that homosexuality is A-OK with the intention of dissipating Judeo-Christian opposition to this particular sin, but the Holy Bible refutes it outright. God never made two men to pro-create. It needs to be repeated that homosexuality is not an option open to believing Christians. God's Holy Word, the Bible, repeatedly warns against it and unreservedly condemns it. God would never have created DISTINCT sexes (male & female) and underscored such in Matthew 19, designing reproduction in a very SPECIFIC manner which requires BOTH male & female to become united if they were not meant to be TOGETHER in Holy Matrimony as stated in unequivocal fashion in Matthew 19 by the very Head of the Christian Church, Jesus Christ. Why insist on tap-dancing 100 MPH around this particular issue? XLNT query.


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