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The "Race" of Faith!!


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In Hebrews chapter eleven the writer reviews some of the GREAT heroes/heroines of the faith.  Then in the first verses of chapter twelve he tells us how to apply the priciples of a faith that pleases our FATHER.  The first three verses of Hebrews twelve are the conclusion of chapter eleven.  Chapter and verse divisions WERE NOT added for more than a thousand years after CHRIST.  Scholars added them to enable readers to find a particular verse or passage.

The first word in chapter twelve is "therefore".  When we see this word in the Bible, we should ALWAYS ask, "What is it there for?"  It always CONNECTS and POINTS BACK to what has already been written, in this case chapter eleven.  To encourage us to live a life of faith that pleases our LORD, the author of Hebrews compares the life of faith to a race.  The scene is a giant stadium.  The event is a race and the runners are the original readers of this epistle and ALL of us who have since entered the race.  The word "race" translates a Greek word, AGON, from which we get our English word, "agony".  It refers to a long agonizing marathon race.  In my christian walk I've known some Christians who you might call sprinters, who fizzle BEFORE the race is over.  They have a crisis, hear a great sermon, and they're off and running in the Christian life.  BUT....in a month, a year or more they fizzle!  There is a saying that describes people like that; "A faith that fizzles BEFORE the finish had a flaw from the first."  True Believers who STAY in the race "continue" or hold to the teachings of our LORD/SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST.

I believe the event described in Hebrews chapter 12 IS NOT a 100-yard/meter dash or sprint, but a distance race.  It begins when we receive JESUS CHRIST as our SAVIOUR and ends when we walk through the Gates of Heaven.  Heck, it might be a 20, 40, 60, or 80-year event!!  But in order to win the race we must throw off EVERYTHING "that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles".  Think about it....in an Olympic race one person can get the gold, BUT in the race of faith, every one of us can get the "gold".  We do not compete against each other.  It's NOT a race of "works"; instead, it's a race of faith.  The "things" that hinder us and the sin that so easily entangles us is summed up in 1 John 2:16.

Look at it closely.  The word "world" refers to the evil world system.  You're in it, but NOT of it.  The cravings of sinful man (lust of the flesh) refers to ANYTHING that appeals to our desires or appetites.  GOD has given us certain desires that are good, such as thirst, rest, and sex.  But the evil world system tries to PERVERT these GOD-given desires and make us alcoholics, lazy, and sexually IMMORAL.  Now, we also run against what our FATHER's Word calls the lust of the eyes.  Sight is one of GOD's greatest gifts to us, but the evil world system tries to pervert it by influencing us to read or watch things that violate the teachings  of HIS holy Word.  This sin may also involve seeing a position or possession and wanting it so badly we will sin to get it.  Ever heard the phrase, "Feast YOUR eyes on this."??  Sure you have!!!

Want one more opponent?  How about BOASTING?!!  Boasting of what YOU have...what YOU can do.  The Word calls it "the Pride of life".  This occurs when our PRIDE causes us to do things simply TO IMPRESS other people.  I've seen this cause some of my best friends to become workaholics, and ignore their families and christian fellowship as they tried to continually impress others, including "keepin' up with the Joneses".  Sad...:(  But we're all guilty of this at one time or another while running the race.  Take a close look at Hebrews chapter eleven.  YOU and I face the very same hindrances and entanglements as did those listed there. King Solomon said that there is nothing new under the sun.  Truer words were never spoken.

But now let's come back into the stadium.  The spectators are "a great cloud of witnesses" that fill the stadium.  Who are they?  I believe they are the great runners of faith of the past, including people such as Abraham, Moses, Rahab, and others listed in Hebrews eleven.  They are in the stands of Heaven cheering us on and encouraging us through the readings of the Word.  I mean that sincerely.  Think about it...when YOU face family opposition in YOUR spiritual race, think of ABEL, who was killed by his brother.  When YOU have to leave family and friends, think of ABRAHAM, who left his home NOT EVEN KNOWING where he was going!  If someone hurts YOU, or treats YOU unfairly, remember JOSEPH, who was sold into slavery BY HIS OWN BROTHERS!!!  When facing a situation in which sticking to YOUR biblical convictions could be costly, REMEMBER MOSES, whose decision to run the race of faith cost him immense prestige, power, and possessions in Egypt.  They're all there in the Bible for a reason.  I believe our FATHER wanted to see that they, like us, were ordinary people who BECAUSE of their faith did the extraordinary.  Personally, I feel if they could win the race, then SO CAN WE!  Patience is the key.  The secret IS NOT speed, but stamina.  The Bible says, "let us run with perseverance the race...".  The word PERSEVERANCE means a continued, patient effort.  It means continuing in the race of faith when there are many things to hold us back and discourage us.  It means getting up off the ground, spiritually speaking, dusting yourself off, and continuing to run!  No "pity-parties" allowed!  We are to run "the race marked out for us."  The LORD has a specific plan for YOUR life, whether you're already saved through faith in HIM or not!  This is YOUR opportunity to meet HIM at the crossroad (Revelation 3:20).  HIS plan for YOU is different at least to some degree from ALL the other runners in the race of faith.  YOU have an assigned lane YOU must run in to be in GOD's will.  I can't run in YOUR lane, and neither can YOU in mine.

Speaking of that...in running, as in most sports, what you keep your eyes on is very important.  Looking down or at the runner behind you will cause you to lose stride and slow down.  That is why we are to "fix our eyes on JESUS, the AUTHOR and PERFECTER of our faith".  If we "fix our eyes" on anyone or anything else, we will be distracted and slow down in the race.  It happens to me many times, but the HOLY SPIRIT always gives me a "wake-up call".  To win the race we must ALWAYS consider HIM who endured...so we WILL NOT grow weary and lose heart (Hebrews 12:3).  The race is often discouraging and involves persecution.  How you say, are you persecuted?  Think of daily things.  It may be that no one wants you around during a break at work because you don't laugh at dirty jokes or join in the gossip and slander.  Perhaps you don't want to hear the details of a wild weekend of drunkedness and sexual immorality.

Maybe your husband/wife isn't a Christian, or has dropped out of the race.  They complain because you're late preparing or showing up on time concerning lunch/brunch/dinner because you've been to church.  Maybe you're a student.  You don't drink alcohol nor do drugs and you believe sex should be reserved for your marriage partner.  It doesn't make any difference to you if everyone is doing it.  As a result, your peers tease you and tell you your morals are "out-of-date".

GOD knows regardless of who we are or where we go during the week, it is TOUGH to live the Christian life.  Don't let anyone fool ya!  That's why HE gave us the Bible!!  When you start thinking it's too hard to run the race of faith, consider JESUS who "endured the Cross and the opposition from sinful men".  HE was brutally beaten, humiliated, tortured, and killed.  THAT will give YOU a supernatural burst of encouragement.  As I finish this thread the possibility looms large in my thoughts that maybe YOU, who has been reading it may have been "in the race", BUT you took your spiritual eyes off JESUS, stumbled, and dropped out because of discouragement or sin.  I've been there.  Let me assure you that there's good news for YOU!  

You can GET BACK "in the race".  Abraham stumbled and dropped out because he became discouraged waiting for his promised son, but he got back in the race.  King David stumbled and dropped out because of sin, but he got back in.  Peter stumbled and dropped out because of fear, BUT he too got back in the race.  I stumbled and backslid for five years because of sin, BUT I GOT BACK INTO THE RACE!!

No matter where YOU are don't ever think GOD can't meet you there and get you into or back into the race of faith, if you want to be there.  There are many who will greet us as we cross the "finish line" in Heaven.  Many who have gone on before us.  A joyous end awaits ALL of us who are willing to endure the pains and sufferings of this life's "race".  Whatever you do DON'T give up!  And most of all when you fall down DON'T stay down!  Get Up!  Continue to run!  And I promise you that together within the Body of CHRIST we'll make it to the other side to spend eternity together with the KING of Kings!

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I never feel like giving up the faith. I have come too far to quit now. Yes, everyone stumbles and falls every once in awhile. You just have the Lord pick you up, brush you off, and keep going.

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Absolutely, Bob!!

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Quote: from boblandis on 10:58 pm on April 7, 2002

I never feel like giving up the faith. I have come too far to quit now. Yes, everyone stumbles and falls every once in awhile. You just have the Lord pick you up, brush you off, and keep going.

Point well taken Bob.  There are many in the Body of CHRIST that do struggle more than once in awhile.  I've seen it in "older Christians" as well as younger ones.  and I'm not speaking in light of age.  We are fighting in a vicious daily war with an Enemy who hates our guts!  We represent everything he despises in Heaven and can never have.

He cannot touch the CREATOR, so he vents his anger at the CREATOR's "masterpieces".  One can be "falling down" for years just dealing with the Enemy's mindgames.  The filthy thought a man/woman have about one another.  The thoughts of hatred for another person.  Many times these silent actions have caused many Christians to stumble/fall.  Sometimes even in the mature Christian failures have caused many to either give up OR almost give up the faith.

Personally, I've found those moments to be test/trials I've been able to look back and gauge my Christian walk.  You never know how you're going to react until the sin overcomes you...that is if one is truly honest with themselves.  I'm not part of the "super-Christian" brigade.  We fall down many times during the day/week in subtle ways.  This is why it is imperative that we KEEP our eyes on JESUS in all things in which we endeavor.  We are fighting from victory, but you and I will never be without many, many trials/testings in this life.  I am so thankful for the HOLY SPIRIT for guidance after the "fall".  Otherwise, there would be a great multitude of "quitters" out here.  Your and my "Ambassadorship" gets sorely tested daily in more ways than we can imagine.  Thank GOD for HIS All-Knowing and All-Presence at ALL TIMES for HIS Children! :)

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Incidently...Hi kiwi!  I didn't mean to leave you out!! :)

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Guest GloryaRose

I did once feel like giving up on my faith...

After my husband died of cancer...despite prayers for healing.

When my church could only offer me the answer that my faith was somehow not strong enough ot he would have lived...I started questioning everything.

It took about four years for me to really get back to normal spiritually. And while I may not have made it through this experience with an award for faith...I learned that even when we give up on God and on ourselves...He does not relax his hold on us...in fact...he holds us all the more tightly. He loves us so much that he will keep on loving us when we quesiton, doubt, ar maybe even get angry at Him. I now have more faith than I ever did in my life...and I know that it is not because I am super-faith-woman...but because God has revealed his steadfast love and faithfulness to me...he has graced me with faith...I only have faith beause God gives it to me ....and that is what keeps me in the race...:angel:


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I never felt like giving up on God.

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Thank you very much.  Your post moved me deeply.  I mean this from the inner most portion of my spiritual heart.  I KNOW where you've been.

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Thanks Wisdom I really needed to hear that. I haven't considered giving up but the way has gotten up hill. I work for Muslims and with the ongoing war they have gotten down right mean with anyone who doesn't agree with them. I stopped speaking up for myself and my faith a few weeks ago because they were venting themselves by ridiculing it. I used to consider these people my friends and now we don't even speak. Not good morning, or see you tomorrow, nothing. The employees are not allowed to speak about the news, faith, or any thing that may be considered controversial to their beliefs. They say it is their house and only their opinion is allowed. There has also taken hold a constant talk of sex, by them to employees. I have asked them several times to keep it to themselves and of course I am ridiculed. I am engaged and they make remarks against what I believe to be proper behavior. They basically call me a liar because everyone has sex before marriage. Anyway you have given me something to think about in that oppressive environment tomorrow. And for that I thank you.

Love in Christ


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Thank our FATHER, not me.  T Mc....I have to depend on HIM so much daily because of the same things you're going through.  No, not with Muslims, but like you... my work environment.  All I can honestly tell you sis is this:  Keep your mind on the things of CHRIST.  I try to keep some type of Christian reading material in my office, and my car.  During lunch or breaks I always try to refresh my spirit with reading (away from everybody, even if it's in my car).

More advice:  DON'T allow the Enemy to steal your joy.  The filthy conversation you are hearing from your co-workers is a test/trial our FATHER has allowed you to go under in order that you place more dependance on HIM.  "Buttons" are being pushed on you, but GOD will not allow you to suffer anymore than you're capable of.  HE is working it out through you for you.  

I know its a pain to hear it being said to you and around you, but you are probably the only "Light" in the midst of the darkness there.  And I will promise you that someone is watching you and your reactions.  Stay strong sis.  I will pray for you and you for me, and through it all our FATHER will bring about strength and growth.  HE will receive the praise and honor.  HE has us right where HE needs us to be right now in our work places.  Trust me. ;)

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