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Good grief & hallelujah, what an egregious con-job by an adherent of the "Roman Catholic" church replete with a unscriptural "papacy; transubstantiation ala Mandrake; purgatory; prayers to saints; all saints are dead ones; beatification, canonization, cardinals, confessional boxes; bodily assumption of Mary; bones, beads, cross-nails & other relics unlimited" on into the Vatican night! On top of all that, our kind friend sets agenda rules including omission of all jaundiced tenets invented by Rome....lest she picks up her toys & goes home. One is about to break out in a tort-dance! Magna est veritas, et praevalebit indeed.


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Why has the Catholic Church worked hard to cover up mistakes, specifically the latest sex scandals, or to downplay its past mistakes?

Good question, ak! :emot-hug:

I just finished reading a good summary of the history of the abuses of the RCC by Karl Adam- "Roots of the Reformation".

The first chapter was a bit gut-wrenching in its brutally honest portrayal of the ugliness in the Church in the time leading up to the Protestant Reformation.

I said I would try to avoid personal opinion in this thread, and stick with facts. That's a little tricky here. My understanding, of the "why" after reading Adam, is that the Church has both wheat and tares. There are those leaders in the Church who are either mislead or plain stupid, or possibly have evil intent, who try to deny the reality of that ugliness that existed, and still exists today, even in the Church of Jesus Christ. They are afraid of the effect it will have both on the members and on the standing of the RCC in the world.

However, there are also those leaders in the RCC who fully acknowledge that we are a church of saints and sinners. Pope John Paul II took great strides in recognizing the abuses of the early Church and apologizing for wrongs done.

The pedophilia scandal frankly makes me sick. I hope we've learned our lesson that trying to cover-up evil doesn't work.

In all fairness though, I've read as many articles about rabbis, ministers, coaches, etc. abusing children---even in my own local paper. The RCC is just a bigger target. That is not to downplay the despicable nature of the sin. It is abhorrent in all its forms.

I think you will find today, a Church more willing to admit to past evils and repent before God, and our brothers and sisters then ever in the past.



PS. On a side note...Through 12 years of Catholic education and over 40 years of listening to Catholic sermons and lectures, I have never heard Martin Luther or any of the other Protestant reformers "demonized".

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Good thread.

I have a question about prayer and I still don't get it.

Can a Catholic pray to a dead person? I saw a Bishop on Ewtn saying he prayed to Pope John PaulII, and I didn't get it? Can a Catholic pray to the Virgin Mary?

What is intersession prayer?

An understanding of this hinges on 2 things:

1. the definition of the word "prayer"

2. the belief that saints who have died are alive in Christ and are interested in our lives here on earth

I realize that you may disagree; I only ask that you try to understand.

So, yes, we can "pray" to "dead people". :24:

1. In the Catholic mind, there are different meanings for the word "prayer"; just as in the dictionary.

When I "pray" to Mary, I am not worshipping her. I am simply asking her to pray for me to God. Just as I would ask you to pray for me.

2. I believe that Mary cares about me and will take my intentions to Jesus, just as she did for the bridegroom at the wedding in Cana. I believe that Mary is alive in the very presence of God.

To be honest, I probably engage in less of this type of prayer than some Catholics. Maybe I've been hanging around Protestants too much. :wub: But I do believe it is biblically acceptable.

(edited by mod)




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Good grief & hallelujah, what an egregious con-job by an adherent of the "Roman Catholic" church replete with a unscriptural "papacy; transubstantiation ala Mandrake; purgatory; prayers to saints; all saints are dead ones; beatification, canonization, cardinals, confessional boxes; bodily assumption of Mary; bones, beads, cross-nails & other relics unlimited" on into the Vatican night! On top of all that, our kind friend sets agenda rules including omission of all jaundiced tenets invented by Rome....lest she picks up her toys & goes home. One is about to break out in a tort-dance! Magna est veritas, et praevalebit indeed.


Hey there, Arthur. Did you have a question? If not, get your own thread. :emot-wave:

btw....where did you learn Latin?

Love ya, big guy,



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i'm not game. i have no need to ask for clarification on catholic beliefs. this tells me all i need to know:

A) catholics believe that mary was sinless.

B) catholics believe that mary never had sex with her husband.

if B is true, then it makes A a lie. because God commands a wife to be intimate with her husband. so if she never had sex and was the perpetual virgin, she was sinning against God, AND against her husband.

not that it matters because scripture is clear that A is false anyway.

C) catholics do not believe that the Bible is complete enough to stand on its own merit.

D) despite the denials from every catholic who has ever come on this board, they pray to mary and to the saints. they worship mary as a diety. it is idolatry.

i know that i'll get a flood of denials from all the catholics here, so i'm not going to stay in this thread. i'm just going to post evidence of what i just said and leave it at that.

from the catholic prayers:

'filled with confidence in your goodness and knowing well YOUR full power'. 'i entrust myself completely to YOU.' 'Mary, none of your devout servants has ever perished; may I, too, be saved' (o virgin imacculate, mother of God and my mother) (emphasis mine)

'and in THY intercession is all my hope', 'Thou, when called upon, dost immediately assist; nay, more, thou dost anticipate our prayers by thy favors; thou consolest us in our afflictions; thou dissipatest the storms by which we are tossed about; thou overcomest all enemies;', 'My Mother, what will become of me? If thou dost not help me,' 'My Lady, forgive my temerity; come thyself to comfort me with thy presence in that last struggle. This favor thou hast granted to many, grant it also to me.', 'For thy eternal glory, let it be said that thou hast snatched a wretched creature from hell, to which he was already condemned, and that thou hast led him to thy kingdom. Oh, yes, sweet Mother, I hope to have the consolation of remaining always at thy feet in heaven, thanking and blessing and loving thee eternally.' (O my most sweet Mother, how shall I die, poor sinner that I am?)

'SWEET HEART of Mary, be my salvation!' (Aspirations to Mary)

'We consecrate to thee our very being and our whole life; all that we have, all that we love, all that we are. To thee we give our bodies, our hearts and our souls;' (Consecrations to Mary)

'The price of salvation is offered to you. We shall be set free at once if you consent. ' (Mary's consent)

'Hail, holy Queen, Mother of mercy, hail, our life, our sweetness and our hope.' (Hail Holy Mary)

'We look to you, our life, our sweetness, and our hope.' (Prayer to Our Lady, Assumed into Heaven)

'We fly to your protection, most holy Mother of God; please listen to our petitions and needs, and deliver us from all dangers, ever glorious and blessed Virgin Mary.' (To our Blessed Mother)

this is but a few snippets from the idolatrous catholic prayer book. it spits in the face of our Heavenly Father.

I agree with you completely

It's sad to see that you are being reported for stating what you know, and what is the truth.

Not that I wish to engage in any argument with fiosh either. I just wanted to give you my show of support for posting this.

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reported it for what? i posted why i am not interested in debating the merits of catholicism, and i posted why, including quotes from the catholic prayer book.

there was nothing in my post that violates any rule of this board.

Because it goes against the expressed intent of the thread, which is to promote understanding and avoid argument.

I am more than willing to defend my Church---just not here.

You are free to express your opinion freely----simply start your own thread....and invite me over.

Thank you in advance for your courtesy.




You should be ready and willing to defend your faith, anytime, anywhere.

I saw nothing wrong with her post.

If what she stated is fact...why does it upset you? It is what your church believes, is it not?

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Good thread.

I have a question about prayer and I still don't get it.

Can a Catholic pray to a dead person? I saw a Bishop on Ewtn saying he prayed to Pope John PaulII, and I didn't get it? Can a Catholic pray to the Virgin Mary?

What is intersession prayer?

An understanding of this hinges on 2 things:

1. the definition of the word "prayer"

2. the belief that saints who have died are alive in Christ and are interested in our lives here on earth

I realize that you may disagree; I only ask that you try to understand.

So, yes, we can "pray" to "dead people". :emot-wave:

1. In the Catholic mind, there are different meanings for the word "prayer"; just as in the dictionary.

When I "pray" to Mary, I am not worshipping her. I am simply asking her to pray for me to God. Just as I would ask you to pray for me.

2. I believe that Mary cares about me and will take my intentions to Jesus, just as she did for the bridegroom at the wedding in Cana. I believe that Mary is alive in the very presence of God.

To be honest, I probably engage in less of this type of prayer than some Catholics. Maybe I've been hanging around Protestants too much. :74_74: But I do believe it is biblically acceptable.

(edited by mod)




Okay thanks.

What about holy water? What is the purpose of holy water? I see it in the entrance sometimes and don't really get it.

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Good thread.

I have a question about prayer and I still don't get it.

Can a Catholic pray to a dead person? I saw a Bishop on Ewtn saying he prayed to Pope John PaulII, and I didn't get it? Can a Catholic pray to the Virgin Mary?

What is intersession prayer?

An understanding of this hinges on 2 things:

1. the definition of the word "prayer"

2. the belief that saints who have died are alive in Christ and are interested in our lives here on earth

I realize that you may disagree; I only ask that you try to understand.

So, yes, we can "pray" to "dead people". :emot-wave:

1. In the Catholic mind, there are different meanings for the word "prayer"; just as in the dictionary.

When I "pray" to Mary, I am not worshipping her. I am simply asking her to pray for me to God. Just as I would ask you to pray for me.

2. I believe that Mary cares about me and will take my intentions to Jesus, just as she did for the bridegroom at the wedding in Cana. I believe that Mary is alive in the very presence of God.

To be honest, I probably engage in less of this type of prayer than some Catholics. Maybe I've been hanging around Protestants too much. :74_74: But I do believe it is biblically acceptable.

A cloud of witnesses

(edited by mod)




Okay thanks.

What about holy water? What is the purpose of holy water? I see it in the entrance sometimes and don't really get it.

Holy water is a reminder of the water of Baptism. When I enter the Church I dip my finger tips in the water and make the Sign of the Cross, touching my forehead, shoulders and chest, while saying, "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit". It is an affirmation of my Baptismal promises to renounce Satan and live as a child of God.

It is a public statement of my repentance for sin, and my faith in the forgiveness offered by the Cross.

(edited by mod)

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