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No-Knock Searches Get People Killed

The Lorax

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That post demonstrates how easily people buy into propaganda and then perpetuate misinformation without ever knowing any of the facts. Why should the freedoms and privacy of 300,000,000 people be taken away/infringed upon because less than one tenth of one percent of the population is engaged in creating meth?

When was the last time you heard about a coke lab being busted? How about a heroin lab? How about an opium lab? How about an ecstasy lab? Can't remember eh?

Drug dealers don't generally sell to children. Find me an article where a drug dealer was busted selling to a child. Find me an article about a pre-teen caught smoking crack. :emot-highfive:

I got a real kick out of that one. Drug dealers will sell to anyone who has money, they don't care if it's kids or your grandmother. It's cash 'n carry. You've got money, you get drugs. What did they do, survey drug dealers and ask them if they sell to children? And of course, if they did, drug dealers being the fine, moral, upstanding members of of our society, gave an honest answer. I'm sure they live by their own special code of ethics. "He's only 12, don't sell to him."

Ever seen a drug dealer selling to a child? Got a link to any news item where a drug dealer sold drugs to a child? Drug dealers selling drugs to children is a specious argument and nothing more than propaganda in a war, not on drugs but on personal freedoms and protection of bloated bureaucracy and lobbyists for several MAJOR sectors. Wake up and stop believing everything the government tells you with out verifying.

Yes, many times. I regularly see 12 and 13 year old buying drugs. Guess who they are buying from 8, 9, 10, year olds. Why? The drug dealers recruit the juveniles to sell because they will not be incarcerated when caught. The typical M.O. for the street drug dealers in my precinct is to have one or two enforcers watching from about 100 feet away while kids sell the drugs at the street. It is a sick concept really. We have systems in place to combat it, but it is much more efficient than you would think.

A few months ago, we had a case that when all the lies settled turned out as follows. A guy ripped off the 7 year old kid selling crack. He took app. 1/4 oz of rock from him and drove off. The enforcers at the end of the block threw a concrete block through his windshield, drug him out, then busted the block over his head almost killing him. The victim of the assault spilled the beans in return for immunity.

What's really pathetic here is that people in the neighborhoods KNOW who these punks are. If there were any righteousness or courage left in this country, folks would swiftly dispatch these subhuman vermin to God, and let Him settle the matter of divine judgment with all haste!

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A drug addict who killed his baby son after feeding him methadone has been jailed.

Nathan Grain gave three-month-old Luke the heroin substitute to quieten him while baby-sitting alone at their Leicestershire home in January 2006.

After the little boy collapsed, Grain, 34, claimed the drugs had been transferred by mistake from his own mouth to his son's dummy. But tests found the amounts found in the baby's bloodstream were too high to be administered accidentally.

A post-mortem found 277 nanograms of methadone per millilitre of blood. Anything between 110 and 48 nanograms per millilitre is enough to kill a child, say experts.

Grain, from Shepshed, denied killing the infant but a jury threw out his claims to find him guilty of manslaughter.

Handing Grain a sentence of imprisonment for the public protection, Judge Michael Pert QC told him: "You showed a repeated and reckless indifference to the safety of your tiny baby."

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Quote from hr.jr: "A couple years ago I went to a home to serve an arrest warrant. In marked car, in patrol uniform. Knocked on door, went inside when invited by an 86 year old woman. Informed her grandson he was under arrest for a warrant. He tried to run. We began to fight. As I was cuffing him she stabbed me in the back (vest stopped it) with a butter knife. Instinctively I hit her so hard it broke ribs. I did not know who I was hitting, I just instinctively swung. I thought someone else had come into the room. So, to many it looked like that bad old 6ft 7 in 285 lb cop beat up that old woman. In reality, that old woman tried to kill me. If not for the fact the knife penetrated 2 layers of spectra, it would probably have looked real bad on me. He went to jail on a misd. probation warrant and she went to jail for Aggravated assault on a police officer. Do not let old women fool you. They will do a lot to protect their family.

Well, you poor thing, you got attacked by an 86 year old woman with a butter knife, but you sure "got back at her!".

Now she is in jail for Aggravated assault on a police officer. It is a good thing you put this dangerous old woman away where she can't harm anybody anymore. We can all sleep better at night knowing that there's people out there who are prepared to "teach these terrible old people a lesson" even if you had to break ribs to do it..

I don't think I'd be able to just stand by while someone was bullying (without a doubt, that's the way she would have seen it) my grandson either. But I don't think I would have used a butter knife.

So I guess you think she shouldn't have tried to "protect her family". Aren't we supposed to put the protection of our family a close second, after God.

Buck the system, you are an anarchist. I had an arrest warrant for him signed by a superior court judge. He began to flee, then fight. He and you have an indefensible position. The law is the law. Stabbing a police officer in the line of duty is not acceptable behavior for a sane person. This was not even a judgment call on my part. I had an arrest warrant signed by a judge "commanding all deputies, police, constables, or agent of the State to detain and arrest" this person.

Let me stab you in the back and see how you react. See how much time you take to assess the situation and see who did it. For what I knew the next blow could have come to the neck or head.

What justification does someone have to resist an arrest when the officer has a warrant in hand?

I think, as a famous talk show host says, you have been drinking too much Kool aid.

hr.jr that is really not the point I was trying to make. The point is that we owe a duty to our family to protect them. Do you suppose that somebody should have just stood by while their grandson was pushed around? And maybe they should have just said "fair cop, mate!

I wouldn't! And you wouldn't too, if you are honest. Our first obligation in life, after our duty to God of course, is to do all we can to help and protect our families. Are you saying "the government has an exemption from 'doing what is right' without accountability of course, and people should just accept it, because 'it is all for the good of the many' and these people are so much more knowledgable than we plebs"

And to add insult to unjury, money extorted from us is used to perpetrate these horrors and there is nothing we can do about it. If bureaucrats want to defend the actions of thugs that call themselves 'the police' they have a trough of taxpayers' money to dip into, while their 'victims' have only what they can scrape together. Now that's an inequity surely?

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bucks thats bull............I called the cops on my son, just because their family doesn't make their law breaking okay. I wouldn't pay for a lawyer and I didn't try to help him get out. He got exactly what he deserved for breaking the law. He served time, I did go to see him every Saturday for a long time.

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The neighborhood protects them. I can not understand it. I have tried and can not. I am now friends with a recently saved former black drug dealer. He is working with the police department to make changes within the black community. He was really high up in the drug trade. I actually busted him and he got saved in prison. He made trips to Mexico and moved serious weight. He tries to explain the "black mentality" (his words) to me. He said (again his words) "Niggers aint got much, but they got pride." (I personally do not use that word, but I also have no right to tell an African American they can not use it. If I am going to quote him, I have to quote him correctly.) I asked him what does that have to do with anything? He says that it is a point of pride to this particular community that they look out for each other. No matter what the activity is they protect it against "whitie." He says even though they hate drug dealing, their family ties and hate of police runs deeper than their hate of criminal activity. He says they would rather "live in a war zone than let the white man win."

Just as a side note, in this community the black officers are hated worse than the white officers. Why? They are "Uncle Toms." Traitors so to speak.

It is really a bad situation.

I am not making a generalization about races or communities in general. I am talking about this one community.

It's something sociologists need to examine and find a solution for. A lot of these communities fear and hatred of police is legitimate. Aside from current bad eggs finding their way onto the force, many in these communities grew up during the segregation period of America. During this time, many innocent black men and women were beat or thrown into prison simply because of their color. If this happens enough times, you begin to distrust the police.

I'm not saying it's good, just that is why this mentality has developed. I'm not sure what can be done to fix the mentality, except massive PR campaigns. Even then, the delusion is so deeply entrenched in many "ghetto" societies that even when someone is blatantly guilty of a crime, they still say the police framed him. Though this does occur at times, it is infrequent.

Overall, I don't know the solution.

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Exactly. So..... Do we want the 'nanny-state' protecting these stupid individuals from themselves, or do we allow nature to weed out the problem in its normal way? The police are quite ineffective in combating it in places where the people want it.

This is just why I said that there should not be police departments. In neighborhoods of good and righteous people, these evildoers would be eliminated by the good and righteous people of the neighborhood. The wicked can have the kinds of neighborhoods they want for themselves too.

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Exactly. So..... Do we want the 'nanny-state' protecting these stupid individuals from themselves, or do we allow nature to weed out the problem in its normal way? The police are quite ineffective in combating it in places where the people want it.

This is just why I said that there should not be police departments. In neighborhoods of good and righteous people, these evildoers would be eliminated by the good and righteous people of the neighborhood. The wicked can have the kinds of neighborhoods they want for themselves too.

Maybe in a Utopia or an idealistic society, but in real life this simply doesn't work. Man is fallen and therefore needs supervision and police officers.

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and just who is it that decideds who is " good and righteous" :emot-hug:

vigilanties :emot-hug:

judges and juries :emot-hug:

anyone who thinks just because you do not believe exactly what they believe that you are somehow less "good and righteous" :emot-hug:

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Overall, I don't know the solution.



For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.
1 Corinthians 2:2
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